patho Multiple choice

  1. a patient with morning stiffness, sacroilitis, kyphotic deformity, restricted AROM/PROM, and + plain films most likely has:

    C) ankylosing spondylitis
  2. A patient with intermittent pain referring to bilat LE's with walking and extension, decreased sx's with flex and rest, + bicycle test, and + stoop test most likely has:

    C) spinal stenosis
  3. A lateral curvature of the spine with unknown etiology. Can be reversible (non-structural) or irreversible (structural) Dx'd with films, postural analysis, and + fwd flex test.

    B) scoliosis
  4. A degenerative joint disease that causes decreased mobility, pain, and possible impingement. Dx'd with + lumbar quadrant test , + neurotension test, and increased sx's with overpressure.

    C) Facet syndrome
  5. A disorder common in the lumbar spine due to structural deficiencies. Characterized by decreased strength, radicular pain, and paresthesia.

    A) HNP
  6. A patient with hypertrophy of subchondral bone, + plain films, - rheumatoid factor, normal sed rate and is taking NSAIDs most likely has:

    A) DJD
  7. A patient with a genetic, metabolic disorder with severe jt pain at night affecting mostly thier feet, increased serum uric acid levels, and + plain films most likely has:

    B) Gout
  8. A patient with a chronic systemic disorder with a bilateral symmetrical pattern, increased WBC and sed rate, + anemia, and + rheumatoid factor most likely has:

    B) RA
  9. A rheumatoid like disorder with dryness of the mucous membranes, jt. inflammation, and anemia. Dx'd by mild arthritis without jt destruction.

    C) Sjorgen's syndrome
  10. A chronic systemic, rheumatic, inflammatory disorder of CT with unknown etiology. Dx'd by malaise, overwhelming fatigue, arthralgia, fever, arthritis, anemia, skin rash, photosensitivity, and skin manifestations.

    C) SLE

    also known as systemic lupus erythematosus
  11. A chronic disorder with fibrotic changes of the skin and organs with polyarthralgia, raynaud's phenomenon, heart burn, and dyspnea. Dx'd by + rheumatoid factor and multiple system problems.

    C) scleroderma
  12. A hereditary hemorrhagic disorder.characterized by hemarthrosis, muscle bleeds, and peripheral neuropathies. Dx'd by + prolonged bleeding tests

    A) hemophilia
  13. An immune disorder of unknown etiology. characterized by pain, stiffness, and tender points with bilateral involvement. Dx'd by widespread pain in 11/18 tender points, nonrheumatic sx's, sleep deprivation, and ruling out of other systemic diseases.

    C) fibromyalgia
  14. An abnormal sympathetic reflex resulting in pain, edema, decreased circulation and proprioception, dryness, atrophy. Dx'd by + trophic changes in skin, bones, and jt's.

    A) CRPS
  15. A metabolic disease that depletes bone mineral density and mass, can be due to decreased estrogen or genetics, + bone density scan most likely:

    C) osteoporosis
  16. decalcification of bones secondary to vitamin D deficiency, patient with severe pain, fx, weakness, and deformities, + plain films, + bone scan, + lab tests most likely:

    B) osteomalacia
  17. An inflammatory response within bone secondary to infection, + labs for staph aureus, more common in children most likely:

    A) osteomyelitis
  18. A separation of articular cartilage from underlying bone, + CT bone scan most likely:

    A) osteochondritis desicans
  19. A genetic disorder of abnormal collagen sythesis with fx and deformity of wt bearing bones, thinning of bones, + bone scan, + plain films most likely:

    A) osteogenesis imperfecta
  20. A slow progressive metabolic bone disease with abnormal osteoclast and osteoblast activity that leads to spinal stenosis, facet arthropathy, and spinal fx's, + plain films, + serum alkaline phosphatase, + urinary hydroxyproline, bone fx's easily and heals slowly most likely:

    C) osteitis deformans (Paget's Disease)
  21. An abnormal calcification of muscle belly caused by trauma, early mobilization, and stretching with aggressive PT, + imaging most likely:

    C) myositis ossificans
  22. A non-progressive, non-genetic, congenital disorder that causes rigid jts of the extremities, sausage like limbs, and weak muscles, rule out genetic disorders and other jt rigidity diseases.

    B) arthrogryposis
  23. An overuse injury common in runners causing irritation. Dx'd by + Ober test, excess hip IR in Stance, and pain with palpation over insertion.

    A) ITB syndrome
  24. Improper tracking of the patella with instability at 30 degrees flex and pain with stairs, jumping, and prolonged sitting. Dx'd by Q angle > 18, + patellar grind test, and abnormal tracking of patella.

    A) PFS

    also known as patellofemoral syndrome
  25. Three possible patellar positions are normal, alta, and baja. which is less efficient at exerting forces for knee extension?

    A) alta
  26. Pronator Teres syndrome involves entrapment of this nerve in the pronator teres muscle:

    A) median
  27. Torticollis is the continuous contraction of the SCM. It can be congential or aquired. The physical exam wil show:

    C) ipsilateral lateral bending with contralateral rotation of the chin
  28. Which of the following is not a precaution for a posterolateral THR?

    B) no hip ER

    restricted ER is for anterolateral approach, restricted IR for posterolateral approach.
  29. A wrist fx due to FOOS with dorsal displacement with radial shift.

    C) colle's fx
  30. A wrist fx with volar displacement due to FOOS

    B) smith's fx
  31. Most common fx'd carpal bone due to FOOS

    C) scaphoid fx
  32. inflammation of extensor pollicus brevis and abductor pollicus longus due to repetitive microtrauma
    + pain in snuff box
    decreased grip and pinch
    DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
Card Set
patho Multiple choice
Review of Pathologies in MC for