Cause and characteristics of marasmus
- severe calorie malnutrition
- cachexia/loss of subQ fat
- hypothermia, bradycardia, hypotension
causes/characteristics of kwashiorkor
- protein malnutrition (sometimes with calorie malnutrition)
- soft pitting edema in BLE, may progress to BUE and face
- brittle, depigmented hair (flag sign if intermittent periods of aduquate nutrition)
- enlarged fatty liver
- T-cell and cell mediated immunity are altered --> immunodeficiency
causes/characteristics of scurvy
- VitC (ascorbic acid) deficiency
- impaired collagen and chondriotin-SO4 formation
- follicular hyperkeritosis and corkscrew-coiled hair
- gingival bleeding (due to fragile capillaries)
- brittle bones especially at metaphyseal zone of tubular bones and at sternal-rib junctions