drugs for wk of 8:9:10

  1. Methotrexate C
    Antineoplamic Agent
  2. What is a side effect of methotrexate?
  3. Darvocet C & T
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Darvon
  4. Adderall C
    ADHD Amphetamine
  5. What is the C & T for Tramadol?
    • Analgesic
    • Ultram
  6. What is the C & T of Oxycontin?
    • Opiod Analgesic
    • Oxycodone
  7. What narcotic has the highest potential for abuse?
  8. What does the fact that a narc is schedule IV mean?
    • Low potential for abuse
    • Has currently accepted medical use
    • Causes limited addiction
  9. What is the C & T of Inderal?
    • Beta Blocker
    • Propranolol
  10. What is the C & T of metformin?
    • Antihyperglycemic
    • Glucophage
  11. What is the C & T of prednisone?
    • Steroid
    • Deltasone
  12. What is the C & T or Enalapril?
    • ACE inhibitor
    • Vasotec
  13. What is the C of vicodin & what TV show made it famous?
    • Opiod Analgesic
    • House
  14. What is depakote indicated for?
    • anti-psychotic
    • Epileptic Agent
  15. What C is methadone?
    Opiod agonist
  16. What is the C & T of Amoxicillin?
    • Antibiotic PCN
    • Augmentin
  17. What is the C & T of Cephalexin?
    • Antibiotic
    • Keflex
  18. What is zetia indicated for?
    Lipid lowering agent
  19. What is the C of skelaxin?
    Skeletal muscle relaxant
  20. Mobic is classed as an ____?
  21. Digoxin (aka ____) is classed as a ____ ____?
    • Lanoxin
    • Cardiac Glycoside
  22. What can we use to reverse digoxin toxicity?
  23. Dilantin (aka____) is a ____?
    • Phenytoin
    • antiepileptic
  24. Premarin is the hormone _____?
  25. Zyprexa is a ____?
  26. Hydroxyzine (aka___) is a ____.
    • Vistaril
    • Sedative
  27. Lotrel is a HTN med that acts as an ____ ____?
    ACE inhibitor
  28. Avandia is an _____ ____.
    Antidiabetic Agent
  29. Ritalin is classed as a _____?
  30. Vasopressin C & T
    • Hormone/Vasopressor
    • Pitressin
  31. Vasopressin Description
    Hormone w/ strong vasopressive & antidiuretic properties but that may precipitate angina or AMI
  32. Indications for vasopressin (2)
    • ^ peripheral resistance in arrest
    • Esophageal Varices
  33. Contraindications for Vasopressin
    • PVCs
    • 1st stage of labor
  34. Vasopressin precautions (8)
    • Epilepsy
    • Migraine
    • Heart failure
    • Angina
    • Vascular Disease
    • Hepatic impairment
    • Elderly
    • Children
  35. Vasopressin Dosage
    • Arrest-- 40 units IV
    • Varices-- 0.2-0.4 units/min drip
  36. What is a distonic reaction?
    The abrupt side effect fr restarting psychotropic drugs.
  37. To combat a distonic reaction I would give ____ in the dosage of _____?
    • Benadryl
    • 50-100 mg IV/IM
  38. Why does benadryl work for dystonic reactions?
    Because of it anticholinergic properties.
  39. Fentanyl C & T
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Sublimaze
  40. Fentanyl Description
    • Synthetic Narcotic Analgesic
    • Rapid onset, short acting
  41. Fentanyl Indication (1)
    Sedation for intubation
  42. Fentanyl Contraindication (2)
    • MAO inhibitors
    • Myasthenia Gravis
  43. Fentanyl Precautions (6)
    • ^ ICP
    • Elderly
    • Debilitated pts
    • COPD
    • Resp Probs
    • Hepatic & Renal Insufficiency
  44. Fentanyl Dosages
    25-100 mcg over 2-3 mins IV
  45. Diazepam Description
    Sedative, skeletal muscle relaxant
  46. Diazepam Indications (5)
    • Motor Seizures
    • Status Epilepticus
    • Premed for painful procedures
    • Muscle tremors fr inj
    • Acute anxiety
  47. Diazepam Contraindications (6)
    • Shock
    • Coma
    • Acute Alcoholism
    • Depressed vital signs
    • OB pts
    • Neonates
  48. Diazepam Precautions (4)
    • Psychosis
    • Depression
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Short Half life causing seizure to return
  49. Diazepam Dosages
    • Seizure-- 5-10 mg IV/IM
    • Anxiety-- 2-5 mg IV/IM
    • Premed-- 5-15 mg IV
  50. What is the trade & generic name of prototype benzo?
    • Lorazepam
    • Ativan
  51. Furosemide C & T
    • Diuretic
    • Lasix
  52. Furosemide Description
    • Rapid acting potent diuretic & antihypertensive
    • Inhibits Na reabsorption by kidneys
    • Reduces venous return & cardiac workload
  53. Furosemide Indications (2)
    • CHF
    • Pulmonary Edema
  54. Furosemide Contraindications (3)
    • Fluid & electrolyte depleted states
    • Hepatic coma
    • Pregnancy
  55. Furosemide Precautions (8)
    • Infants
    • Elderly
    • Hepatic Impairment
    • Nephrotic Syndrome
    • Cardiogenic Shock assoc w/ MI
    • Gout
    • Pts receiving digitalis
    • K depleting steroids
  56. Furosemide Dosage
    40-120 mg slow IV
  57. How does Lasix work?
    It reduces Na reabsorption in the loop of henle
  58. What is the immediate action of lasix in HTN?
    Lasix causes vasodilation lowering BP
  59. Metoclopromide C & T
    • Antiemetic
    • Reglan
  60. Metoclopromide Description
    • Dopamine antagonist similar to procainamide but w/ few antidysrhythmic or anesthetic props
    • Antiemetic props fr gastric emptying & desensitization of vomiting reflex
  61. Metoclopromide Indications (2)
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
  62. Metoclopromide Contraindications (6)
    • Allergy to sulfite agents
    • Seizure Disorders
    • Pheochromocytoma
    • Mechanical GI obstruction
    • Breast Cancer
  63. Metoclopromide Precautions (5)
    • CHF
    • Hypokalemia
    • Renel Impairment
    • GI hemorrhage
    • Intermittent porphyria
  64. Metoclopromide Dosage
    10-20 mg IM; 10 mg slow IV (over 1-2 mins)
  65. Why are we precautioned in using Reglan in my CHF pt?
    B/c it is a dopamine antagonist & we would not want to block dopamine when the heart is already failing
  66. Why dont we give Zofran to our botulism pt?
    B/c he/she will die
  67. Vecuronium C & T
    • Nondepolarizing Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
    • Norcuron
  68. Vecuronium Description
    Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular blocker w/ minimal cardiovascular effects
  69. Vecuronium Indications
    ET intubation
  70. Vecuronium Contraindications
  71. Vecuronium Precautions (2)
    • Severe obesity
    • Myasthenia Gravis
  72. Vecuronium Dosages
    0.08-0.1 mg/kg IV
  73. What does nondepolarizing mean?
    These drugs do not depolarize the motor end plate but instead they block Ach receptors
  74. Amiodarone C & T
    • Antidysrhythmic
    • Cordarone, Pacerone
  75. Amiodarone Description
    • Prolongs duration or action potential & refractory periods
    • Relaxes smooth muscles
    • Reduces peripheral vascular resistence
    • Increases coronary blood flow
  76. Amiodarone Indications
    • Life threatening ventricular & superventricular dysrhythmias
    • Frequently A-Fib
  77. Amiodarone Contraindications (3)
    • Cardiogenic Shock
    • Severe sinus bradycardia
    • Advanced heart block
  78. Amiodarone Precautions
  79. Amiodarone Dosage
    150-300 mg IV over 10 mins then 1 mg/min for 6 hrs
  80. Chlordiazepoxide C & T
    • Sedative/ Hypnotic
    • Librium
  81. Chlordiazepoxide Description
    BENZO DERIVATIVE producing mild sedation & anticonvulsant, skeletal muscle relaxant, prolonged hypnotic effects
  82. Chlordiazepoxide Indications (2)
    • Severe anxiety & tension
    • Acute alcohol WD symptoms (DTs)
  83. Chlordiazepoxide Contraindications (2)
    • Pregnant & nursing Mothers
    • Children under 6
  84. Chlordiazepoxide Precautions
    • Primary depressive disorders or pyschosis
    • Acute alcohol intox
  85. Chlordiazepoxide Dosage
    50-100 mg IV/IM
  86. What are Dts?
    Delirium tremens cause by alcohol withdrawl
Card Set
drugs for wk of 8:9:10
Drugs for wk of 8/9/10