Final Contact Checkride

  1. rotation speed?
    speed which permits attaining obstacle speed at the 50 foot obstacle height above the runway
  2. obstacle speed?
    target speed at which the aircraft crosses the 50ft obstacle height while accelerating to 140kts at a 15o pitch attitude
  3. Maximum Braking Speed (VB)
    Max speed at which an aircraft can be brought to a stop without exceeding the max design energy absorbtion capability of the brakes (3.96 million ft/lbs)
  4. Maximum Abort Speed
    • max speed at which an abort may be started and the aircraft stopped within the remaining runway length.
    • 3 sec reaction time at Max abort to select idle power
    • 3 sec to apply brakes after idle power selected
    • allows for 20kts increase in speed after abort started
    • when abort speed > Rot speed than ROT = Abort speed
  5. Land as Soon as Possible
    emergency declared an da landing accomplished at the nearest suitable landing area considering the severity of the emergency, WX conditions, field facilities, ambient lighting, and command guidance
  6. Land as Soon as Practical
    Emergency conditions are less urgent and, although the mission is to be terminated, the degree of the emergency is such that an immediate landing may not be necessary
  7. Suitable Landing Area
    • Hard surface runway, taxiway, or under/overrun
    • landing on unprepared surface or ditching is not recommended
    • Battery: don't attempt a battery powered ground start if voltage is below 23.5V
    • don't connect external power below 22V
    • Starter: Duty cycle limited to FOUR 20 second cycles followed by cooling periods (1st- 30sec, 2nd-2min, 3rd- 5min, 4th-30min)
    • Generator: Inflight: +50 to -2 Amps
    • Ground/Inflight Voltage: 28.0V to 28.5V
    • Normal Voltage reading: 22.0-29.5 volts
    • If Generator is continuously below 25V available battery power is degraded and aircrews should land as soon as practical (should supply at least 25V to charge the battery)
  9. Time limitations for zero-G and inverted flight. Tolerance?
    • Intentional zero-G: 5 seconds
    • Inverted Flight: 15 seconds
    • Due to gauge tolerance, the a/c may be at zero-g with gauge reading from +.25 to -.25G
  10. Speed limitations. Turbulent vs. Thunderstorms/Gear and Flaps/Maneuvering/Operating
    • Max Operating Speed (VMO): up 316kts up to and including 18,769MSL
    • Max Mach number (MMO): 0.67
    • Turbulent (VG): Max 195kts. Recommended 180kts
    • Max Gear (VLE) and Max Flaps(VFE): 150kts
    • Maneuvering(Vo): the speed above which full or abrupt control inputs could resutl in structural damage to the airplane - 227kts. Full rudder deflection above 150kts will exceed the limits for the rudder system
  11. Prohibited Maneuvers
    • inverted spins
    • inverted stalls
    • aggravated spins past two turns
    • spins with the PCL above idle
    • spins with the landing gear, flaps or speed brake extended
    • spins with the PMU off
    • spins below 10,000 feet pressure altitude
    • spins above 22,000 feet pressure altitude
    • abrupt cross-controlled (snap) maneuvers
    • Aerobatic maneuvers, spins or stalls with greater than 50 pound fuel imbalance
    • Tail slides
  12. Acceleration Limitations: assymetrical and symmetrical
    • Assymetrical:
    • a. clean: +4.7 to -1.0
    • b. Gear/flaps +2.0 to 0.0

    • Symmetrical
    • a. clean: +7.0 to -3.5
    • b. Gear/Flaps +2.5 to 0.0
  13. Dual only maneuvers
    • Stalls
    • Stab Demo
    • NH/NL Recoveries
    • NTA ops
    • OCF recoveries
    • ELP’s or simulated Engine-out maneuver
    • NF patterns or landings
    • Straight-in
    • Slow flight
    • Rolling takeoffs
    • Low closed
    • AOA pattern
  14. Allowable Fuel Types: fuel system limitations
    • 1. JP-4, JP-5, JP8, JP8+100, JET A, JET A-1, JET B
    • 2. Aerobatics operation is prohibited with indicated fuel less than 150lbs per side
    • 3. max lateral fuel imbalance 50 lbs
    • 4. Max engine operation with only the high pressure fuel pump is 10 hrs
  15. Wind limitations: T/O, Touch and Go, Canopy, Tail wind
    • Takeoff (T/O or UP): 25kts
    • Touch and Go (T/O or UP): 25knots (20knots)
    • Wet Runway: 10 knots
    • Icy Runway: 5 knots
    • Tailwind: 10 knots
    • LDG flaps should not be used for takeoff in high x-wind: 10kts
    • Max wind to open canopy: 40 kts
  16. Checks prior to spins/stalls
    CLEFT: "clearing, loose items stowed, Engine check, Fuel Check (balance w/in 50lbs), Trim (elevator set mid-range)
  17. NTA OPS:
    max allowable aircraft in pattern?
    what type of patterns can be flown?
    Max airspeed?
    at an NTA?
    • Max aircraft: 2
    • day only, no-formation, winds in limits for rwy of intended use, low approach only, must make all traffic advisory calls and position reports
    • Max airspeed: 150kts indicated a/s at or below 2500'AGL within 4 NM of NTA
    • Type of pattern: instrument approach, rectangular patterns and ELPs may be flown (left hand traffic). No overhead patterns
  18. how is Max Abort speed/TOR/LRby RCR, GRADIENT (up/down), WIND, Weight, PA, TEMP, Runway Remaining?
  19. How will electrical failure affect landing configuration and TP stalls?
    • - no signals to hydraulic selector manifold, therefore nothing will get done
    • - Required to use EMERGENCY system (doesn't req electricity)
    • - no electricity at all = cannot confirm flap/ldg gear positions
    • - normal flap ops is not available when BAT BUS has failed, or AUX BAT is only source of electrical power
  20. how will hydraulic failure affect landing configuration?
    • - Ldg Gr doors are electrically sequence and hydraulically actuated
    • - lose hydraulic fluid = no be able to move ldg gear and doors
    • - EMER hydraulic system must be used to lower gear (gear door do not retract)
  21. how will battery bus failure affect landing configuration and TP stalls?
    • -Flaps will still work (powered off hot battery bus only after EMER LDG GR HANDLE is pulled)
    • - normal operations not available for flaps and gear
    • - landing gear door will not retract (bc must use emergency system)
  22. Post-stall gyrations?
    • motions of the A/C about one or more axis following a stall, but before a spin
    • controls ineffective
    • near stalled AOA
    • erratic A/S indications
    • random turn needle deflections
  23. Incipient Spins?
    • Spin like motions with unsteady yaw rates
    • unsteady movement in all axis
    • fully deflected turn needle
    • stalled AOA
    • accelerating or decelerating airspeed
  24. Steady State (Erect) Spins?
    • OCF
    • sustained yaw rate
    • 60o NL
    • 2-3 turns/sec
    • 400-500' loss of alt/per turn
    • AOA = 18+
    • Airspeed = 120-135kts
    • turn needle fully deflected
    • VSI pegged at 6000fpm
  25. Inverted Spins?
    • AOA = 0
    • turn needle fully deflected
    • Approx 30o NL
    • Accelerometer = -1.5 Gs
    • Airspeed = 40 kts
  26. Pattern Priorities
    • Emergency
    • Min Fuel
    • Formation
    • Radar Entry
    • Established in Pattern
    • VFR Entry
    If outer probe fail?
    if middle probe fail?
    if inner probe fail?
    what powers fuel low annunciators?
    • Fuel quantity will always show quantity from the most outboard functioning probe so:
    • outer probe fails: it will read 445 +- 50# (fuel levels below that will be displayed accurately)
    • middle probe fails: will read 308+- 50# (fuel levels below that will be displayed accurately)
    • inner probe fails: normal indications until fuel drops to inner probe level, than show half the collector tank quantity of 20#

    • * auto balancing is inop
    • *fuel low annunciators (<110#) are powered by optical sensors and are separate from fuel probes; so they will indicate correctly when fuel drops below 110# for either wing.
    • *do not attempt to manual fuel balance w/ FP fail on AEDD.
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Final Contact Checkride
final contact checkride notecards