Idioms - Set 1

  1. Bad workers always blame their tools
    """A bad worker always blames their tools"" - If somebody does a job badly or loses in a game and claims that they were let down by their equipment you can use this to imply that this was not the case."
  2. Hard by
    """Hard by"" means mean ""close to"" or ""near""."
  3. That is the way the cookie crumbles
    """That's the way the cookie crumbles"" means that things don't always turn out the way we want."
  4. The Mountie always gets his man
    (Canada) The Mounties are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and they have a reputation for catching criminals they are after.
  5. Abject lesson
    (India) An abject lesson serves as a warning to others. (In some varieties of English 'object lesson' is used.)
  6. Do the needful
    (India) If you do the needful you do what is necessary.
  7. Please revert
    (India) Please respond to me if the solution provided is incorrect or insufficient.
  8. Even the dogs in the street know
    (Irish) This idiom is used frequently in Ireland and means something is so obvious that even the dogs in the street know it.
  9. Given the day that's in it
    (Irish) This idiom is used when something is obvious because of the day that it occurs: traffic for example would be busy around a football stadium on game day given the day that's in it. On any other day the traffic would be unexplainable but because its game day its obvious why there is traffic.
  10. Across the ditch
    (NZ) This idiom means on the other side of the Tasman Sea used to refer to Australia or New Zealand depending on the speaker's location.
  11. Cat's lick
    (Scot) A cat's lick is a very quick wash.
  12. Turn the crack
    (Scot) If you turn the crack you change the subject of a conversation.
  13. Baby boomer
    (USA) A baby boomer is someone born in the years after the end of the Second World War a period when the population was growing very fast.
  14. Country mile
    (USA) A country mile is used to describe a long distance.
  15. Dog and pony show
    (USA) A dog and pony show is a presentation or some marketing that has lots of style but no real content.
  16. Drop in the bucket
    (USA) A drop in the bucket is something so small that it won't make any noticeable difference.
  17. Fifth wheel
    (USA) A fifth wheel is something unnecessary or useless.
  18. Hot button
    (USA) A hot button is a topic or issue that people feel very strongly about.
  19. Hot ticket
    (USA) A hot ticket is something that is very much in demand at the moment.
  20. Mom and pop
    (USA) A mom and pop business is a small business especially if it is run by members of a family. It can used in a wider sense to mean that something is small scale.
  21. Monday morning quarterback
    (USA) A Monday morning quarterback is someone who with the benefit of hindsight knows what should have been done in a situation.
  22. Stool pigeon
    (USA) A stool pigeon is a police informer.
  23. Tough row to hoe
    (USA) A tough row to hoe is a situation that is difficult to handle. ('A hard row to hoe' is an alternative form.)
  24. Like nailing jello to the wall
    (USA) Describes a task that is very difficult because the parameters keep changing or because someone is being evasive.
  25. Put some mustard on it!
    (USA) I think its used to encourage someone to throw a ball like a baseball hard or fast.
  26. Under the wire
    (USA) If a person does something under the wire they do it at the last possible moment.
  27. All bets are off
    (USA) If all bets are off then agreements that have been made no longer apply.
  28. Fair shake of the whip
    (USA) If everybody has a fair shake of the whip they all have equal opportunities to do something.
  29. Make bets in a burning house
    (USA) If people are making bets in a burning house they are engaged in futile activity while serious problems around them are getting worse.
  30. Blow smoke
    (USA) If people blow smoke they exaggerate or say things that are not true usually to make themselves look better.
  31. Forest for the trees
    (USA) If someone can't see the forest for the trees they get so caught up in small details that they fail to understand the bigger picture.
  32. Not know beans about
    (USA) If someone doesn't know beans about something they know nothing about it.
  33. Give away the store
    (USA) If someone gives away the store they say or do something that makes their position in negotiations debates etc much weaker.
  34. Nickel tour
    (USA) If someone gives you a nickel tour they show you around a place. ('Fifty-cent tour' is also used.)
  35. Fall off the turnip truck
    (USA) If someone has just fallen off the turnip truck they are uninformed naive and gullible. (Often used in the negative)
  36. Mad as a hornet
    (USA) If someone is as mad as a hornet they are very angry indeed.
  37. Sharp as a tack
    (USA) If someone is as sharp as a tack they are very clever indeed.
  38. Ugly as a stick
    (USA) If someone is as ugly as a stick they are very ugly indeed.
  39. At the bottom of the totem pole
    (USA) If someone is at the bottom of the totem pole they are unimportant. Opposite is at the top of the totem pole.
  40. Caught with your hand in the cookie jar
    (USA) If someone is caught with his or her hand in the cookie jar he or she is caught doing something wrong.
  41. Make out like a bandit
    (USA) If someone is extremely successful in a venture they make out like a bandit.
  42. From Missouri
    (USA) If someone is from Missouri then they require clear proof before they will believe something.
  43. In the catbird seat
    (USA) If someone is in the catbird seat they are in an advantageous or superior position.
  44. Hold the bag
    (USA) If someone is responsible for something they are holding the bag.
  45. Beating a dead horse
    (USA) If someone is trying to convince people to do or feel something without any hope of succeeding they're beating a dead horse. This is used when someone is trying to raise interest in an issue that no-one supports anymore; beating a dead horse will not make it do any more work.
  46. Whistling Dixie
    (USA) If someone is whistling Dixie they talk about things in a more positive way than the reality.
  47. Whistling past the graveyard
    (USA) If someone is whistling past the graveyard they are trying to remain cheerful in difficult circumstances. ('Whistling past the cemetery' is also used.)
  48. Lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut
    (USA) If someone or something is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut they are of low moral standing because a snake's belly is low and if the snake is in a wagon rut it is really low.
  49. Paint yourself into a corner
    (USA) If someone paints themselves into a corner they get themselves into a mess.
  50. Pull your chain
    (USA) If someone pulls your chain they take advantage of you in an unfair way or do something to annoy you.
  51. Wrench in the works
    (USA) If someone puts or throws a wrench or monkey wrench in the works they ruin a plan. In British English 'spanner' is used instead of 'wrench'.
  52. Raise Cain
    (USA) If someone raises Cain they make a big fuss publicly causing a disturbance.
  53. Sharpen your pencil
    (USA) If someone says this when negotiating they want the other person to make a better offer a lower price.
  54. Talk a blue streak
    (USA) If someone talks a blue streak they speak quickly and at length. ('Talk up a blue streak' is also used.)
  55. At a drop of a dime
    (USA) If someone will do something at the drop of a dime they will do it instantly without hesitation.
  56. Out of the left field
    (USA) If something comes out of the left field it is beside the point and has nothing to do with the matter being discussed.
  57. Down to the wire
    (USA) If something goes down to the wire like a competition then it goes to the very last moment before it is clear who has won.
  58. Go over like a lead balloon
    (USA) If something goes over like a lead balloon it will not work well or go over well.
  59. From the get-go
    (USA) If something happens from the get-go it happens from the very beginning.
  60. New York minute
    (USA) If something happens in a New York minute it happens very fast.
  61. Water over the dam
    (USA) If something has happened and cannot be changed it is water over the dam.
  62. Curve ball
    (USA) If something is a curve ball it is deceptive.
  63. A day late and a dollar short
    (USA) If something is a day late and a dollar short it is too little too late.
  64. Dime a dozen
    (USA) If something is a dime a dozen it is extremely common possibly too common.
  65. Horse of a different color
    (USA) If something is a horse of a different color it's a different matter or separate issue altogether.
  66. Cute as a bug
    (USA) If something is as cute as a bug it is sweet and endearing.
  67. (USA) If something is dollars for doughnuts it is a sure bet or certainty.
  68. In high gear
    (USA) If something is in high gear it is in a quick-paced mode. If someone is in high gear they are feverishly on the fast track.
  69. Like taking candy from a baby
    (USA) If something is like taking candy from a baby it is very easy to do.
  70. Not worth a red cent
    (USA) If something is not worth a red cent it has no value.
  71. All over the map
    (USA) If something like a discussion is all over the map it doesn't stick to the main topic and goes off on tangents.
  72. Pull numbers out of your ass
    (USA) If sopmeone pulls numbers out of their ass they give unreliable or unsubstantiated figures to back their argument.
  73. Rest is gravy
    (USA) If the rest is gravy it is easy and straightforward once you have reached that stage.
  74. At the end of your rope
    (USA) If you are at the end of your rope you are at the limit of your patience or endurance.
  75. Close but no cigar
    (USA) If you are close but no cigar you are close to success but have not got there.
  76. Beat someone to the draw
    (USA) If you beat someone to the draw you do something before they do.
  77. Blow off steam
    (USA) If you blow off steam you express your anger or frustration.
  78. Bet your bottom dollar
    (USA) If you can bet your bottom dollar on something you can be absolutely sure about it.
  79. Circle the wagons
    (USA) If you circle the wagons you stop communicating with people who don't think the same way as you to avoid their ideas.? It can also mean to bring everyone together to defend a group against an attack.
  80. Take the fifth
    (USA) If you do not want to answer a question you can take the fifth meaning you are choosing not to answer.? ('Plead the fifth' is also used.)
  81. Balls to the walls
    (USA) If you do something balls to the wall you apply full acceleration or exertion.
  82. Drop a dime
    (USA) If you drop a dime you inform the police about someone's illegal activities.
  83. Eat crow
    (USA) If you eat crow you have to admit that you were wrong about something.
  84. All over Hell's half acre
    (USA) If you have been all over Hell's half acre you have been traveling and visiting many more places than originally intended usually because you were unsuccessful in finding what you were looking for. It can also be used to mean everywhere.
  85. Ducks in a row
    (USA) If you have your ducks in a row you are well-organized.
  86. Kick up your heels
    (USA) If you kick up your heels you go to parties or celebrate something.
  87. Paddle your own canoe
    (USA) If you paddle your own canoe you do things for yourself without outside help.
  88. Pull out of the fire
    (USA) If you pull something out of the fire you save or rescue it.
  89. Rake someone over the coals
    (USA) If you rake someone over the coals you criticize or scold them severely.
  90. Run around the bush
    (USA) If you run around the bush it means that you're taking a long time to get to the point.
  91. Say uncle
    (USA) If you say uncle you admit defeat. ('Cry uncle' is an alternative form.)
  92. Tell them where the dog died
    (USA) If you tell them where the dog died you strongly and sharply correct someone.
  93. Throw a monkey wrench into the works
    (USA) If you throw a monkey wrench into the works you ensure that something fails.
  94. Throw a curve
    (USA) If you throw someone a curve you surprise them with something they find difficult to deal with. ('Throw' a curveball' is also used.)?
  95. Wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole
    (USA) If you wouldn't touch something with a ten-foot pole you would not consider being involved under any circumstances. (In British English people say they wouldn't touch it with a bargepole)
  96. Wedge politics
    (USA) In wedge politics one party uses an issue that they hope will divide members of a different party to create conflict and weaken it.
  97. Root hog or die poor
    (USA) It's a expression used in the Southern USA that means that you must look out for yourself as no one's going to do it for you.? (It can be shortened to 'root hog'.? A hog is a pig.)
  98. John Q Public
    (USA) John Q Public is the typical average person.
  99. Crepe hanger
    (USA) One who always looks at the bad side of things and is morbid or gloomy. In olden days crepe was hung on the door of a deceased person's home.
  100. You've got rocks in your head
    (USA) Someone who has acted with a lack of intelligence has rocks in their head.
  101. Polish the apples
    (USA) Someone who polishes the apples with someone tries to get into that person's favor.
  102. Belt and suspenders
    (USA) Someone who wears belt and suspenders is very cautious and takes no risks.
  103. Green thumb
    (USA) Someone with a talent for gardening has a green thumb.
  104. Cat's pajamas
    (USA) Something that is the cat's pajamas is excellent.
  105. Penny ante
    (USA) Something that is very unimportant is penny ante.
  106. Drunker than a peach orchard boar
    (USA) Southern US expression - Very drunk as when a boar would eat fermented peaches that have fallen from the tree.
  107. Big Apple
    (USA) The Big Apple is New York.
  108. Big Easy
    (USA) The Big Easy is New Orleans Louisiana
  109. Who wears the pants?
    (USA) The person who wears the pants in a relationship is the dominant person who controls things.
  110. Whole ball of wax
    (USA) The whole ball of wax is everything.
  111. Don't take any wooden nickels
    (USA) This idiom is used to advise people not to be cheated or ripped off.
  112. That's all she wrote
    (USA) This idiom is used to show that something has ended and there is nothing more to say about something.
  113. Fish or cut bait
    (USA) This idiom is used when you want to tell someone that it is time to take action.
  114. Different ropes for different folks
    (USA) This idiom means that different people do things in different ways that suit them.
  115. Different strokes for different folks
    (USA) This idiom means that different people do things in different ways that suit them.
  116. Mind your own beeswax
    (USA) This idiom means that people should mind their own business and not interfere in other people's affairs.
  117. You can't have cake and the topping- too
    (USA) This idiom means that you can't have everything the way you want it especially if your desires are contradictory.
  118. Watch your six
    (USA) This idiom means that you should look behind you for dangers coming that you can't see.
  119. How do you like them apples
    (USA) This idiomatic expression is used to express surprise or shock at something that has happened. It can also be used to boast about something you have done.
  120. Slap leather
    (USA) This is used as an instruction to tell people when to draw their guns.
  121. That and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee
    "(USA) This is used to describe something that is deemed worthless. ""He's got a Ph.D. in Philosophy."" ""So? That and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee."""
  122. Don't sweat the small stuff
    (USA) This is used to tell people not to worry about trivial or unimportant issues.
  123. Go fly a kite
    (USA) This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
  124. Go fry an egg
    (USA) This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
  125. Little pitchers have big ears
    (USA) This means that children hear more and understand the world around them better than many adults realize.
  126. What can you expect from a hog but a grunt?
    (USA) This means that you can't expect people to behave in a way that is not in their character- a 'hog' is a 'pig' so an unrefined person can't be expected to behave in a refined way.
  127. Ragged blue line
    (USA) This term was used to signify the Union forces (who wore blue uniforms) in the American Civil war .
  128. Be out in left field
    (USA) To be out in left field is not to know what's going on. Taken from baseball when youngsters assign less capable players to the outfield where the ball is less likely to be hit by a young player. In business one might say 'Don't ask the new manager; he's out in left field and doesn't know any answers yet.'
  129. Bells on
    (USA) To be somewhere with bells on means to arrive there happy and delighted to attend.
  130. Slower than molasses going uphill in January
    (USA) To move extremely slowly. Molasses drips slowly anyway but add January cold and gravity dripping uphill would be an impossibility thereby making the molasses move very slowly indeed!
  131. Put more green into something
    (USA) To put more green into something is to spend more or to increase investment in it.
  132. Uncle Sam
    (USA) Uncle Sam is the government of the USA.
  133. That dog won't hunt
    (USA) Very common Southern US expression meaning: What you say makes no sense.
  134. Cat fur and kitty britches
    (USA) When I used to ask my grandma what was for dinner she would say 'cat fur and kitty britches'. This was her Ozark way of telling me that I would get what she cooked. (Ozark is a region in the center of the United States)
  135. Squeaky wheel gets the grease
    (USA) When people say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease they mean that the person who complains or protests the loudest attracts attention and service.
  136. Squeeze blood out of a turnip
    (USA) When people say that you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip it means that you cannot get something from a person especially money that they don't have.
  137. Decorate the mahogany
    (USA) When someone buys a round a pub or bar they decorate the mahogany; putting cash on the bar.
  138. My dogs are barking
    (USA) When someone says this they mean that their feet are hurting.
  139. All hat- no cattle
    (USA) When someone talks big but cannot back it up they are all hat no cattle.('Big hat no cattle' is also used.)
  140. If I had a nickel for every time
    (USA) When someone uses this expression they mean that the specific thing happens a lot. It is an abbreviation of the statement 'If I had a nickel for every time that happened I would be rich'
  141. Can't dance and it's too wet to plow
    (USA) When you can't dance and it's too wet to plow you may as well do something because you can't or don't have the opportunity to do anything else.
  142. Where the rubber meets the road
    (USA) Where the rubber meets the road is the most important point for something the moment of truth. An athlete can train all day but the race is where the rubber meets the road and they'll know how good they really are.
  143. Babe in arms
    A babe in arms is a very young child or a person who is very young to be holding a position.
  144. Backseat driver
    A backseat driver is an annoying person who is fond of giving advice to the person performing a task or doing something especially when the advice is either wrong or unwelcome.
  145. White as a sheet
    A bad shock can make somebody go as white as a sheet.
  146. Baker's dozen
    A Baker's dozen is 13 rather than 12.
  147. Ballpark figure
    A ballpark figure is a rough or approximate number (guesstimate) to give a general idea of something like a rough estimate for a cost etc.
  148. Baptism of fire
    A baptism of fire was a soldier's first experience of shooting. Any unpleasant experience undergone usually where it is also a learning experience is a baptism of fire.
  149. Battle of nerves
    A battle of nerves is a situation where neither side in a conflict or dispute is willing to back down and is waiting for the other side to weaken. ('A war of nerves' is an alternative form.)
  150. Bean counter
    A bean counter is an accountant.
  151. Bear market
    A bear market is a period when investors are pessimistic and expect financial losses so are more likely to sell than to buy shares.
  152. Believe in the hereafter
    A belief in the hereafter is a belief in the afterlife or life after death. It is therefore associated with religions and the soul's journey to heaven or to hell whichever way being just deserts for the person based on how they led their life.
  153. Big fish in a small pond
    A big fish in a small pond is an important person in a small place or organisation.
  154. Big hitter
    A big hitter is someone who commands a lot of respect and is very important in their field.
  155. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' is a proverb meaning that it is better to have something that is certain than take a risk to get more where you might lose everything.
  156. Bit player
    A bit player has a small or unimportant role in something.
  157. Bitter pill to swallow
    A bitter pill to swallow is something that is hard to accept.
  158. Bleeding heart
    A bleeding heart is a person who is excessively sympathetic towards other people.
  159. Blow by blow
    A blow-by-blow description gives every detail in sequence.
  160. Bull market
    A bull market is a period when investors are optimistic and there are expectations?that good financial results will continue.
  161. Bur under my saddle
    A bur under your saddle is something that annoys you or spurs you into action.('Burr' is an alternative spelling.)
  162. Burning question
    A burning question is something we all want to know about.
  163. Busman's holiday
    A busman's holiday is when you spend your free time doing the same sort of work as you do in your job.
  164. Calf lick
    A calf lick is the weird parting in your fringe where your hair grows in a different direction usually to one side.
  165. Calm before the storm
    A calm time immediately before period of violent activity or argument is the calm before the storm.
  166. Carpetbagger
    A carpetbagger is an opportunist without any scruples or ethics or a politican who wants to represent a place they have no connection with.
  167. See you later
    A casual way of saying to friends I'll see you again sometime (without a definite date or time having been set) - this is often abbreviated to 'Later' or 'Laters' as an alternative way of saying goodbye.
  168. Cat burglar
    A cat burglar is a skillful thief who breaks into places without disturbing people or setting off alarms.
  169. Cheap shot
    A cheap shot is an unprincipled criticism.
  170. Nip and tuck
    A close contest where neither opponent seems to be gaining the advantage.
  171. Tidy desk- tidy mind
    A cluttered or disorganised environment will affect your clarity of thought. Organised surroundings and affairs will allow for clearer thought organisation.
  172. Cock and bull story
    A cock and bull story is a lie someone tells that is completely unbelievable.
  173. Cold fish
    A cold fish is a person who doesn't show how they feel.
  174. Jack the Lad
    A confident and not very serious young man who behaves as he wants to without thinking about other people is a Jack the Lad.
  175. Short horse soon curried
    A convenient and superficial explanation that is normally unconvincing is a short horse soon curried.
  176. Couch potato
    A couch potato is an extremely idle or lazy person who chooses to spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food.
  177. Cry-baby
    A cry-baby is a person who gets emotional and cries too easily.
  178. Dead man walking
    A dead man walking is someone who is in great trouble and will certainly get punished lose their job or position etc soon.
  179. Diamond in the rough
    A diamond in the rough is someone or something that has great potential but isn't not refined and polished.
  180. Behind the eight ball
    A difficult position from which it is unlikely one can escape.
  181. Dinosaur
    A dinosaur is a person who is thought to be too old for their position.
  182. Dirty dog
    A dirty dog is an untrustworthy person.
  183. Double whammy
    A double whammy is when something causes two problems at the same time or when two setbacks occur at the same time.
  184. Doubting Thomas
    A Doubting Thomas is someone who only believes what they see themselves not what they are told.
  185. Drop in the ocean
    A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant.
  186. Dry run
    A dry run is a full rehearsal or trial exercise of something to see how it will work before it is launched.
  187. Dutch uncle
    A Dutch uncle is a person who gives unwelcome advice.
  188. Dutch wife
    A Dutch wife is a long pillow or a hot water bottle.
  189. Fairweather friend
    A fairweather friend is the type who is always there when times are good but forgets about you when things get difficult or problems crop up.
  190. Fat cat
    A fat cat is a person who makes a lot of money and enjoys a privileged position in society.
  191. Fat head
    A fat head is a dull stupid person.
  192. Five o'clock shadow
    A five o'clock shadow is the facial hair that a man gets if he doesn't shave for a day or two.
  193. Fly in the ointment
    A fly in the ointment is something that spoils or prevents complete enjoyment of something.
  194. Free-for-all
    A free-for-all is a fight or contest in which everyone gets involved and rules are not respected.
  195. Game plan
    A game plan is a strategy.
  196. Garbage fee
    A garbage fee is a charge that has no value and doesn't provide any real service.
  197. Girl Friday
    A girl Friday is a female employee who assists someone without any specific duties.
  198. Glory hound
    A glory hound is a person?seeking?popularity fame and glory.
  199. Golden handshake
    A golden handshake is a payment made to someone to get them to leave their job.
  200. See you on the big drum
    A good night phrase to children.
  201. Cream rises to the top
    A good person or idea cannot go unnoticed for long just as cream poured in coffee or tea eventually rises to the top.
  202. Good Samaritan
    A good Samaritan is a persoon wh helps others in need.
  203. Goody two-shoes
    A goody two-shoes is a self-righteous person who makes a great deal of their virtue.
  204. Go-to guy
    A go-to guy is a person whose knowledge of something is considerable so everyone wants to go to him or her for information or results.
  205. Grass widow
    A grass widow is a woman whose husband is often away on work leaving her on her own.
  206. Grease monkey
    A grease monkey is an idiomatic term for a mechanic.
  207. Greenhorn
    A greenhorn or someone who is described simply as green lacks the relevant experience and knowledge for their job or task
  208. Grey area
    A grey/gray area is one where there is no clear right or wrong.
  209. Body politic
    A group of people organised under a single government or authority (national or regional) is a body politic.
  210. Half-baked
    A half-baked idea or scheme hasn't not been thought through or planned very well.
  211. Hangdog expression
    A hangdog expression is one where the person's showing their emotions very clearly maybe a little too clearly for your liking. It's that mixture of misery and self-pity that is similar to a dog when it's trying to get something it wants but daren't take without permission.
  212. Headstrong
    A headstrong person is obstinate and does not take other people's advice readily.
  213. Heart-to-heart
    A heart-to-heart is a frank and honest conversation with someone where you talk honestly and plainly about issues no matter how painful.
  214. High-wire act
    A high-wire act is a dangerous or risky strategy plan task etc.
  215. Himalayan blunder
    A Himalayan blunder is a very serious mistake or error.
  216. Hive of worker bees
    A hive of worker bees is a group of people working actively and cooperatively. Example: The classroom was a hive of worker bees.
  217. Hobson's choice
    A Hobson's choice is something that appears to be a free choice but is really no choice as there is no genuine alternative.
  218. Hollow victory
    A hollow victory is where someone wins something in name but are seen not to have gained anything by winning.
  219. Hornets' nest
    A hornets' nest is a violent situation or one with a lot of dispute. (If you create the problem you 'stir up a hornets' nest'.)
  220. Hot-headed
    A hot-headed person gets angry very easily. (The noun 'hothead' can also be used.)
  221. Jack-of-all-trades
    A jack-of-all-trades is someone that can do many different jobs.
  222. Johnny-come-lately
    A Johnny-come-lately is someone who has recently joined something or arrived somewhere especially when they want to make changes that are not welcome.
  223. Kindred spirit
    A kindred spirit is someone who feels and thinks the way you do.
  224. Kissing cousin
    A kissing cousin is someone you are related to but not closely.
  225. Knee slapper
    A knee slapper is something that is considered funny though it is often used sarcastically.
  226. Knee-jerk reaction
    A knee-jerk reaction is an instant instinctive response to a situation.
  227. Knight in shining armour
    A knight in shining armour is someone who saves you when you are in great trouble or danger.
  228. Labor of love
    A labor of love is a project or task undertaking for the interest or pleasure in doing it rather than the reward financial or otherwise.
  229. Labour of love
    A labour of love is a project or task undertaking for the interest or pleasure in doing it rather than the reward financial or otherwise.
  230. Landslide victory
    A landslide victory is a victory in an election by a very large margin.
  231. Lap dog
    A lap dog is a person who is eager to please another at the expense of his or her own needs in order to maintain a position of privilege or favor.
  232. One for the road
    A last drink before leaving a pub or bar is one for the road.
  233. Last-ditch
    A last-ditch attempt is a desperate attempt that will probably fail anyway.
  234. Ambulance chaser
    A lawyer who encourages people who have been in accidents or become ill to sue for compensation is an ambulance chaser.
  235. Left-handed compliment
    A left-handed compliment is one that sounds like praise but has an insulting meaning. ('Backhanded compliment' is an alternative form.)
  236. Dear John letter
    A letter written by a partner explaining why they are ending the relationship is a Dear John letter.
  237. Light bulb moment
    A light bulb moment is when you have a sudden realisation about something like the light bulbs used to indicate an idea in cartoons.
  238. Loan shark
    A loan shark lends money at very high rates of interest.
  239. A lost ball in the high weeds
    A lost ball in the high weeds is someone who does not know what they are doing where they are or how to do something.
  240. Every man and his dog
    A lot of people - as in sending out invitations to a large number of people
  241. Make or break
    A make or break decision stage etc is a crucial one that will determine the success or failure of the whole venture.
  242. Man of means
    A man or woman of means is wealthy.
  243. Man of his word
    A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises.
  244. Man of letters
    A man of letters is someone who is an expert in the arts and literature and often a writer too.
  245. Man of parts
    A man of parts is a person who is talented in a number of different areas or ways.
  246. Man of the cloth
    A man of the cloth is a priest.
  247. Cock of the walk
    A man who is excessively confident and thinks he's better than other people is the cock of the walk.
  248. Mummy's boy
    A man who is still very dependent on his mother is a mummy's boy.
  249. Man's man
    A man's man is a man who does things enjoyed by men and is respected by other men.
  250. Marked man
    A marked man is a person who is being targeted by people who want to do them harm or cause them trouble.
  251. Mealy-mouthed
    A mealy-mouthed person doesn't say what they mean clearly.
  252. Melting pot
    A melting pot is a place where people from many ethnicities and nationalities live together.
  253. Millstone round your neck
    A millstone around your neck is a problem that prevents you from doing what you want to do.
  254. Misery guts
    A misery guts is a person who's always unhappy and tries to make others feel negative.
  255. Miss is as good as a mile
    A miss is as good as a mile means that if you fail even by the smallest margin it is still a failure.
  256. Nail in the coffin
    A nail in someone or something's coffin is a problem or event that is a clear step towards an inevitable failure.
  257. New brush sweeps clean
    A new brush sweeps clean' means that someone with a new perspective can make great changes. However the full version is 'a new brush sweeps clean but an old brush knows the corners' which warns that experience is also a valuable thing. Sometimes 'broom' is used instead of 'brush'.
  258. New kid on the block
    A new kid on the block is a person who has recently joined a company organisation team etc and does not know how things work yet.
  259. Night owl
    A night owl is someone who goes to bed very late.
  260. Number cruncher
    A number cruncher is an accountant or someone who is very good at dealing with numbers and calculations.
  261. One-off
    A one-off event only happens once and will not be repeated.
  262. One-trick pony
    A one-trick pony is someone who does one thing well but has limited skills in other areas.
  263. Painted Jezebel
    A painted Jezebel is a scheming woman.
  264. Paper tiger
    A paper tiger is a person country institution etc that looks powerful but is actually weak.
  265. That ship has sailed
    A particular opportunity has passed you by when that ship has sailed.
  266. Peeping Tom
    A peeping Tom is someone who tries to look through other people's windows without being seen in order to spy on people in their homes.
  267. Penny pincher
    A penny pincher is a mean person or who is very frugal.
  268. After your own heart
    A person after your own heart thinks the same way as you.
  269. Slippery customer
    A person from whom it is difficult to get anything definite or fixed is a slippery customer.
  270. Pull rank
    A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank he or she exercises his/her authority generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people's views.
  271. Bring home the bacon
    A person who brings home the bacon earns the money that a family live on.
  272. Call a spade a spade
    A person who calls a spade a spade is one speaks frankly and makes little or no attempt to conceal their opinions or to spare the feelings of their audience.
  273. Good egg
    A person who can be relied on is a good egg. Bad egg is the opposite.
  274. Safe pair of hands
    A person who can be trusted to do something without causing any trouble is a safe pair of hands.
  275. Bad egg
    A person who cannot be trusted is a bad egg. Good egg is the opposite.
  276. Go against the grain
    A person who does things in an unconventional manner especially if their methods are not generally approved of is said to go against the grain. Such an individual can be called a maverick.
  277. Doormat
    A person who doesn't stand up for themselves and gets treated badly is a doormat.
  278. Irons in the fire
    A person who has a few irons in the fire has a number of things working to their advantage at the same time.
  279. More than one string to their bow
    A person who has more than one string to their bow has different talents or skills to fall back on.
  280. Skin in the game
    A person who has skin in the game has invested in the company they are running.
  281. Mover and shaker
    A person who is a mover and shaker is a highly respected key figure in their particular area with a lot of influence and importance.
  282. Johnny on the spot
    A person who is always available; ready willing and able to do what needs to be done.('Johnny-on-the-spot' is also used.)
  283. Bright as a button
    A person who is as bright as a button is very intelligent or smart.
  284. Hard as nails
    A person who is as hard as nails is either physically tough or has little or no respect for other people's feelings.
  285. Bad Apple
    A person who is bad and makes other bad is a bad apple.
  286. Bald as a coot
    A person who is completely bald is as bald as a coot.
  287. Talk the hind legs off a donkey
    A person who is excessively or extremely talkative can talk the hind legs off a donkey.
  288. Eager beaver
    A person who is extremely keen is an eager beaver.
  289. Give a dog a bad name
    A person who is generally known to have been guilty of some offence will always be suspected to be the author of all similar types of offence. Once someone has gained a bad reputation it is very difficult to lose it.
  290. Smart as a whip
    A person who is smart as a whip is very clever.
  291. True blue
    A person who is true blue is loyal and dependable someone who can be relied on in all circumstances.
  292. Live wire
    A person who is very active both mentally and physically is a live wire.
  293. Loose cannon
    A person who is very difficult to control and unpredictable is a loose cannon.
  294. Know your place
    A person who knows their place doesn't try to impose themselves on others.
  295. Pick up the tab
    A person who pays for everyone picks up the tab.
  296. Snake oil salesperson
    A person who promotes something that doesn't work is selling snake oil.
  297. Suck hind teat
    A person who sucks hind teat is at a disadvantage or considered worse or less important that others.
  298. Tilt at windmills
    A person who tilts at windmills tries to do things that will never work in practice.
  299. Four-eyes
    A person who wears glasses
  300. Walking time-bomb
    A person whose behaviour is erratic and totally unpredictable is a walking time-bomb.
  301. Cast iron stomach
    A person with a cast iron stomach can eat or drink anything without any ill effects.
  302. Two left feet
    A person with two left feet can't dance.
  303. Swansong
    A person's swansong is their final achievement or public appearance.
  304. Achilles' heel
    A person's weak spot is their Achilles' heel.
  305. Pet peeve
    A pet peeve is something that irritates an individual greatly.
  306. Photo finish
    A photo finish is when two contestants (usually in a race) finish at almost exactly the same time making it difficult to determine the winner. (The saying stems from the practice of taking a photograph when the winners cross the finish line to determine who was ahead at the time.)
  307. In the tall cotton
    A phrase that expresses good times or times of plenty and wealth as tall cotton means a good crop.
  308. A picture is worth a thousand words
    A picture can often get a message across much better than the best verbal description.
  309. Hatchet job
    A piece of criticism that destroys someone's reputation is a hatchet job.
  310. Pipe dream
    A pipe dream is an unrealistic impractical idea or scheme.
  311. Plain Jane
    A plain Jane is a woman who isn't particularly attractive.
  312. Poison pill
    A poison pill is a strategy designed to prevent a company from being take over.
  313. Feet on the ground
    A practical and realistic person has their feet on the ground.
  314. Practical joke
    A practical joke is a trick played on someone that is meant to be funny for people watching though normally embarrassing for the person being tricked.
  315. Kettle of fish
    A pretty or fine kettle of fish is a difficult problem or situation.
  316. Prince charming
    A prince charming is the perfect man in a woman's life.
  317. Hot potato
    A problem or issue that is very controversial and no one wants to deal with is a hot potato.
  318. Prodigal son
    A prodigal son is a young man who wastes a lot on money on a lavish lifestyle. If the prodigal son returns they return to a better way of living.
  319. Cash cow
    A product business etc that generates a continuous flow of money or a high proportion of overall profits is a cash cow.
  320. Safe bet
    A proposition that is a safe bet doesn't have any risks attached.
  321. Old wive's tale
    A proverb or piece of advice that is commonly accepted as truth and is handed down the generations but is normally false.
  322. Punching bag
    A punching bag (or punch bag) is a person who gets a lot of unfair criticism.
  323. Pup's chance
    A pup's chance is no chance.
  324. Purple patch
    A purple patch is a period of time when someone or something is successful and doing well.
  325. Pyrrhic victory
    A Pyrrhic victory is one that causes the victor to suffer so much to achieve it that it isn't worth winning.
  326. Quick fix
    A quick fix is an easy solution especially one that will not last.
  327. Thin as a rake
    A rake is a garden tool with a long thin wooden handle so someone very thin is thin as a rake.
  328. Real plum
    A real plum is a good opportunity.
  329. Real trouper
    A real trouper is someone who will fight for what they believe in and doesn't give up easily. (People often use 'Real trooper' as the two words sound the same.)
  330. Recipe for disaster
    A recipe for disaster is a mixture of people and events that could only possibly result in trouble.
  331. Red letter day
    A red letter day is a one of good luck when something special happens to you.
  332. Renaissance man
    A Renaissance man is a person who is talented in a number of different areas especially when their talents include both the sciences and the arts.
  333. Rice missionary
    A rice missionary gives food to hungry people as a way of converting them to Christianity.
  334. Rich man's family
    A rich man's family consists of one son and one daughter.
  335. Rough diamond
    A rough diamond is a person who might be a bit rude but who is good underneath it all.
  336. Salty dog
    A salty dog is an experienced sailor.
  337. Searching question
    A searching question goes straight to the heart of the subject matter possibly requiring an answer with a degree of honesty that the other person finds uncomfortable.
  338. Shaggy dog story
    A shaggy dog story is a joke which is a long story with a silly end.
  339. Shot across the bow
    A shot across the bow is a warning to tell someone to stop doing something or face very serious consequences.
  340. Shotgun marriage
    A shotgun marriage or shotgun wedding is one that is forced because of pregnancy. It is also used idiomatically for a compromise agreement or arrangement that is forced upon groups or people by necessity.
  341. Shrinking violet
    A shrinking violet is a shy person who doesn't express their views and opinions.
  342. Silver bullet
    A silver bullet is a complete solution to a large problem a solution that seems magical.
  343. Silver surfer
    A silver surfer is an elderly person who uses the internet.
  344. Sitting duck
    A sitting duck is something or someone that is easy to criticise or target.
  345. Slim chance
    A slim chance is a very small chance.
  346. Slippery slope
    A slippery slope is where a measure would lead to further worse measures.
  347. A little learning is a dangerous thing
    A small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really he said he'd done a course on home electrics but when he tried to mend my table lamp he fused all the lights! I think a little learning is a dangerous thing
  348. Smart Alec
    A smart Alec is a conceited person who likes to show off how clever and knowledgeable they are.
  349. Smarty pants
    A smarty pants is someone who displays the intelligence in an annoying way.
  350. Smoking gun
    A smoking gun is definitive proof of someone's guilt.
  351. That makes two of us
    "A speaker says ""that makes two of us"" to indicate agreement with what another speaker just said. For example I can say ""I wish I would win the lottery."" A listener who says ""That makes two of us"" is indicating the he or she wants to win the lottery too."
  352. Good spell
    A spell can mean a fairly or relatively short period of time; you'll hear weather forecasts predict a dry spell. Sports commentators will say that a sportsperson is going through a good spell when they're performing consistently better than they normally do.
  353. Sputnik moment
    A Sputnik moment is a point where people realise that they are threatened of challenged and have to redouble their efforts to catch up. It comes from the time when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite the Sputnik 1 and beat the USA into space.
  354. Square meal
    A square meal is a substantial or filling meal.
  355. Stalking horse
    A stalking horse is a strategy or something used to conceal your intentions.? It is often used where someone put themselves forwards as a candidate to divide opponents or to hide the real candidate.
  356. Sticking point
    A sticking point is a controversial issue that blocks progress in negotiations etc where compromise is unlikely or impossible.
  357. Stick-in-the-mud
    A stick-in-the-mud is someone who doesn't like change and wants things to stay the same.
  358. Stiff-necked
    A stiff-necked person is rather formal and finds it hard to relax in company.
  359. Stitch in time saves nine
    A stitch in time saves nine means that if a job needs doing it is better to do it now because it will only get worse like a hole in clothes that requires stitching.
  360. Straw man
    A straw man is a weak argument that is easily defeated. It can also be a person who is used as to give an illegal or inappropriate activity an appearance of respectability.
  361. Straw poll
    A straw poll is a small unofficial survey or ballot to find out what people think about an issue.
  362. Feather in your cap
    A success or achievement that may help you in the future is a feather in your cap.
  363. Notch on your belt
    A success or achievement that might help you in the future is a notch on your belt.
  364. Going concern
    A successful and active business is a going concern.
  365. Sunday driver
    A Sunday driver drives very slowly and makes unexpected manoeuvres.
  366. Tall story
    A tall story is one that is untrue and unbelievable.
  367. Tar baby
    A tar baby is a problem that gets worse when people try to sort it out.
  368. By cracky
    A term used by rural folks in years past to emphasize a matter of importance or urgency. An example: 'By cracky you need to get out there in the field with that mule and plow and finish the sod-busting before dark.'
  369. Thorn in your side
    A thorn in your side is someone or something that causes trouble or makes life difficult for you.
  370. Hour of need
    A time when someone really needs something almost a last chance is their hour of need.
  371. Time-honoured practice
    A time-honoured practice is a traditional way of doing something that has become almost universally accepted as the most appropriate or suitable way.
  372. Tough cookie
    A tough cookie is a person who will do everything necessary to achieve what they want.
  373. Train of thought
    A train of thought is a sequence of thoughts especially when you are talking to someone and you forget what you were going to say.
  374. In your blood
    A trait or liking that is deeply ingrained in someone's personality and unlikely to change is in their blood.? A similar idiom is 'in his DNA.'
  375. Trump card
    A trump card is a resource or strategy that is held back for use at a crucial time when it will beat rivals or opponents.
  376. Turn-up for the books
    A turn-up for the books is an unexpected or surprising event.
  377. Walking encyclopedia
    A very knowledgeable person is a walking encyclopedia.
  378. Many moons ago
    A very long time ago.
  379. Vicious circle
    A vicious circle is a sequence of events that make each other worse- someone drinks because they are unhappy at work then loses their job... 'Vicious cycle' is also used.
  380. Wake-up call
    A wake-up call is a warning of a threat or a challenge especially when it means that people will have to change their behaviour to meet it.
  381. War chest
    A war chest is a fund that can be used to finance a campaign like and election or for use in emergencies or unexpected times of difficulty.
  382. War of words
    A war of words is a bitter argument between people or organisations etc.
  383. Man of straw
    A weak person that can easily be beaten of changed is a man of straw.
  384. Wet blanket
    A wet blanket is someone who tries to spoil other people's fun.
  385. Whistle-stop tour
    A whistle-stop tour is when someone visits a number of places quickly not stopping for long.
  386. Wild goose chase
    A wild goose chase is a waste of time- time spent trying to do something unsuccessfully.
  387. Wolf in sheep's clothing
    A wolf in sheep's clothing is something dangerous that looks quite safe and innocent.
  388. Queen of Hearts
    A woman who is pre-eminent in her area is a Queen of Hearts.
  389. Worm's eye view
    A worm's eye view of something is the view from below either physically or socially.
  390. Yellow-bellied
    A yellow-bellied person is a coward.
  391. Young Turk
    A Young Turk is a young person who is rebellious and difficult to control in a company team or organisation.
  392. Collateral damage
    Accidental or unintended damage or casualties are collateral damage.
  393. No pain- no gain
    Achievements require some sort of sacrifice.
  394. Climb the greasy pole
    Advance within an organisation - especially in politics.
  395. Snake oil
    Advice or medicine which is of no use.
  396. Hindsight is twenty-twenty
    After something has gone wrong it is easy to look back and make criticisms.
  397. If you are given lemons make lemonade
    Always try and make the best out of a bad situation. With some ingenuity you can make a bad situation useful.
  398. Ace in the hole
    An ace in the hole is something other people are not aware of that can be used to your advantage when the time is right.
  399. Acid test
    An acid test is something that proves whether something is good effective etc or not.
  400. Act of God
    An act of God is something like an earthquake or floods that human beings cannot prevent or control.
  401. Act of war
    An act of war is a action that is either intended to start a war or that is interpreted as being sufficient cause for a war.
  402. Agony aunt
    An agony aunt is a newspaper columnist who gives advice to people having problems especially personal ones.
  403. Albatross around your neck
    An albatross around or round your neck is a problem resulting from something you did that stops you from being successful.
  404. Alter ego
    An alter ego is a very close and intimate friend. It is a Latin phrase that literally means 'other self'.
  405. Apples for apples
    An apples for apples comparison is a comparison between related or simialr things. ('Apples to apples' is also used.)
  406. Bandit territory
    An area or an industry profession etc where rules and laws are ignored or flouted is bandit territory.
  407. Armchair critic
    An armchair critic is someone who offers advice but never shows that they could actually do any better.
  408. Smoke and mirrors
    An attempt to conceal something is smoke and mirrors.
  409. Average Joe
    An average Joe is an ordinary person without anything exceptional about them.
  410. Elephant in the room
    An elephant in the room is a problem that everyone knows very well but no one talks about because it is taboo embarrassing etc.
  411. Memory like an elephant
    An elephant never forgets' is a saying so if a person has a memory like an elephant he or she has a very good memory indeed.
  412. Blood and thunder
    An emotional speech or performance is full of blood and thunder.
  413. Great Scott
    An exclamation of surprise.
  414. Lord love a duck
    An exclamation used when nothing else will fit. Often fitting when one is stunned or dismayed.
  415. Jumping Judas!
    An expression of surprise or shock.
  416. Oh- my goodness!
    An expression of surprise.
  417. Oops a daisy
    An expression used to indicate surprise.
  418. Big fish
    An important person in a company or an organisation is a big fish.
  419. When hell freezes over
    An impossible or very unlikely situation or event
  420. Indian giver
    An Indian giver gives something then tries to take it back.
  421. Reds under the bed
    An ironic allusion to the obsession some people have that there are reds (communists) everywhere plotting violent revolution.
  422. Object lesson
    An object lesson serves as a warning to others. (In some varieties of English 'abject lesson' is used.)
  423. Old chestnut
    An old chestnut is something that has been repeated so many times that it has lost its impact.
  424. An old flame
    An old flame is a person that somebody has had an emotional usually passionate relationship with who is still looked on fondly and with affection.
  425. Lean and mean
    An organisation that is lean and mean has no excess or unnecessary elements and is very competitive.
  426. Ugly duckling
    An ugly duckling is a child who shows little promise but who develops later into a real talent or beauty.
  427. Skunkworks
    An unauthorised or hidden program or activity often research-oriented and out of the bureaucratic chain of command is known as a 'skunkworks'.
  428. Walk in the park
    "An undertaking that is easy is a walk in the park. The opposite is also true - ""no walk in the park""."
  429. So on and so forth
    And so on and so forth mean the same as etcetera (etc.).
  430. If it ain't broke- don't fix it
    Any attempt to improve on a system that already works is pointless and may even hurt it.
  431. Every man has his price
    Anyone's opinion or support can be bought everyone's principles have a limit.
  432. Give a big hand
    Applaud by clapping hands. 'Let's give all the contestents a big hand.'
  433. Curiosity killed the cat
    As cats are naturally curious animals we use this expression to suggest to people that excessive curiosity is not necessarily a good thing especially where it is not their business.
  434. AWOL
    "AWOL stands for ""Absent Without Leave"" or ""Absent Without Official Leave"". Orignially a military term it is used when someone has gone missing without telling anyone or asking for permission."
  435. Kick in the teeth
    Bad news or a sudden disappointment are a kick in the teeth.
  436. Banana republic
    Banana republic is a term used for small countries that are dependent on a single crop or resource and governed badly by a corrupt elite.
  437. Be that as it may
    Be that as it may is an expression which means that while you are prepared to accept that there is some truth in what the other person has just said it's not going to change your opinions in any significant manner.
  438. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that different people will find different things beautiful and that the differences of opinion don't matter greatly.
  439. Squared away
    Being prepared or ready for business or tasks at hand. Having the proper knowledge skill and equipment to handle your assignment or station. 'He is a great addition to the squad; he is squared away.'
  440. Bells and whistles
    Bells and whistles are attractive features that things like computer programs have though often a bit unnecessary.
  441. Above par
    Better than average or normal
  442. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow
    Big or great things start very small.
  443. Quarrel with bread and butter
    Bread and butter here indicate the means of one?s living. (That is why we say ?he is the bread winner of the family?). If a sub-ordinate in an organisation is quarrelsome or if he is not patient enough to bear the reprimand he deserves gets angry and retorts or provokes the higher-up the top man dismisses him from the job. So he loses the job that gave him bread and butter. Hence we say he quarrelled with bread and butter (manager or the top man) and lost his job.
  444. Bread and butter
    Bread and butter issues are ones that affect people directly and in a very important way.
  445. Under the table
    Bribes or illegal payments are often described as money under the table.
  446. By and large
    By and large means usually or generally.
  447. Catch-22
    Catch-22 is a situation where conflicting rules make the desired outcome impossible. It comes from a novel by the American author Joseph Heller in which pilots would not have to fly missions if they were mentally ill but not wanting to fly dangerous missions was held to be proof of sanity so they had to fly anyway. ('Catch 22' without the hyphen is also used.)
  448. Chinese walls
    Chinese walls are regulatory information barriers that aim to stop the flow of information that could be misused especially in financial corporations.
  449. Davey Jones' locker
    Davey Jones' locker is the bottom of the sea or resting place of drowned sailors.('Davy Jones' locker' is an alternative spelling.)
  450. Tied to your mother's apron strings
    Describes a child (often a boy) who is so used to his mother's care that he (or she) cannot do anything on his (or her) own.
  451. Not much cop
    Describing a film or something as not much cop is a way of saying that you didn't think much of it.
  452. Fate worse than death
    Describing something as a fate worse than death is a fairly common way of implying that it is unpleasant.
  453. Each to their own
    Different people have different preferences. In American English 'Each to his own' is more common.
  454. Deliver the goods
    Do what is required come up to expectations. For example Kate delivered the goods and got us the five votes we needed. This phrase alludes to delivering an order of groceries or other items. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]
  455. Dog days
    Dog days are very hot summer days.
  456. Take sand to the beach
    Doing something that is completely pointless or unnecessary is like taking sand to the beach.
  457. Donkey work
    Donkey work is any hard boring work or task.
  458. Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house
    Don't call others out on actions that you yourself do. Don't be a hypocrite.
  459. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
    Don't go looking for trouble or problems- let them come to you.
  460. Dutch courage
    Dutch courage is the reckless bravery caused by drinking too much.
  461. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
    Eating healthy food keeps you healthy.
  462. Perfidious Albion
    England is known to some as perfidious Albion implying that it is not trustworthy in its dealings with foreigners.
  463. You can't take it with you
    Enjoy life enjoy what you have and don't worry about not having a lot especially money...because once you're dead 'you can't take it with you.' For some it means to use up all you have before you die because it's no use to you afterwards.
  464. On the ground
    Events on the ground are where things are actually happening not at a distance.
  465. Fortune knocks once at every man's door
    Everyone gets one good chance in a lifetime.
  466. The whole shooting match
    Everything the entire object or all the related parts.
  467. Window to the soul
    Eyes are sometimes referred to as the window to the soul.
  468. Failure is the mother of success
    Failure is often a stepping stone towards success.
  469. Flowery speech
    Flowery speech is full of lovely words but may well lack substance.
  470. For the time being
    For the time being indicates that an action or state will continue into the future but is temporary. I'm sharing an office for the time being.
  471. Man Friday
    From 'Robinson Crusoe' a 'Man Friday' refers to an assistant or companion usually a capable one. The common feminine equivalent is 'Girl Friday'. (Also 'right-hand man'. )
  472. From the word go
    From the word go means from the very beginning of something.
  473. Grey cells
    'Grey cells' means 'brain' Eg: Use your grey cells to understand it
  474. Grey matter
    Grey/gray matter is the human brain.
  475. Hand in hand
    Hand in hand= work together closely When people in a group say in an office or in a project work together with mutual understanding to achieve the target we say they work hand in hand. There is no lack of co-operation and each synchoranises the activity with that of the other.
  476. Smokestack industry
    Heavy industries like iron and steel production especially if they produce a lot of pollution are smokestack industries.
  477. I hereby give notice of my intention
    Hereby is used sometimes in formal official declarations and statements to give greater force to the speaker' or the writer's affirmation. People will say it sometimes to emphasise their sincerity and correctness.
  478. Home and hearth
    'Home and hearth' is an idiom evoking warmth and security.
  479. Horse trading
    Horse trading is an idiom used to describe negotiations especially where these are difficult and involve a lot of compromise.
  480. Hue and cry is an expression that used to mean all the people who joined in chasing a criminal or villain. Nowadays if you do something without hue and cry you do it discreetly and without drawing attention.
  481. In donkey's years
    'I haven't seen her in donkey's years.' - This means for a very long time.
  482. I may be daft- but I'm not stupid
    I might do or say silly things occasionally but in this instance I know what I am doing (Usually used when someone questions your application of common-sense).
  483. Dine on ashes
    I someone is dining on ashes he or she is excessively focusing attention on failures or regrets for past actions.?
  484. Just deserts
    If a bad or evil person gets their just deserts they get the punishment or suffer the misfortune that it is felt they deserve.
Card Set
Idioms - Set 1