Calcium Gluconate

  1. Calcium Gluconate Class, Trade Name Use, and Dosage
    Class: Electrolyte

    Trade Name: Kalcinate

    • Use: treat cardiac toxicity of hyperkalemia
    • as an antidote for hypermagnesemia
    • treat calcium channel blocker overdose

    Dose: Adult 5-8 mL of 10% solution. May repeat as necessary at 10 min intervals
  2. Action of Calcium Gluconate
    • Provides elemental calcium in form of cation Ca++
    • causes significant increase in myocardial contractility and in ventricular automaticity
    • increases cardiac muscle tone and has positive inotropic effect (force of contractions)
    • useful for pts with sympathetic blockade
    • regulates the storage and release of neurotransmitters, hormones, uptake of amino acid and absorption of vitamin B12, controls gastrin secretion and maintains structural and functional integrity of cell membranes and capillaries
  3. Pharmacokinetics and Interactions of Calcium Gluconate
    Onset and peak effects are immediate

    Duration is unknown

    Crosses placenta

    • Interactions: with interact with sodium bicarbonate and forms a precipitate
    • may enhance inotropic and toxic effects of digoxin
    • antagonize the effects of verapamil and possible other calcium channel blockers
  4. Side effects and Contraindications of Calcium Gluconate
    • Side Effects: CNS: Tingling sensations
    • CV: hypotension, bradycardia, dysrhythmias, syncope, cardiac arrest
    • Tissue irritation, burning, cellulitis, soft tissue calcification, necrosis and sloughing

    Contraindications: in V-Fib, use with caution in digitalized pts, renal or cardiac insufficiency and immoblized pts

    Administer slowly through small bore needle into large vein to avoid extravasation and necrosis

    high concentrations can cuse fatal cardiac arrest

    EKG monitor during IV injection to detect hypercalcemia by decrease QT interval associated with inverted T wave
Card Set
Calcium Gluconate
drug cards