Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "C" is signaling a left turn - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
When driving in fog or rain, reduce your speed and:
Use your low beams.
Match the emergency response with the event: Keep a strong grip on the steering wheel, as the vehicle will be more difficult to turn. The brakes will work but you will have to press very hard in order for them to operate. Pull off the roadway if possible.
Power failure.
When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:
At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.
Why is driving in the city considered more dangerous than highway driving?
Cross traffic and pedestrians create hazards.
Before changing lanes in traffic:
Turn on your turning signal, signaling your intentions of changing lanes and check your blind spots by looking over your shoulders.
Is it always safe to drive at the posted speed limits?
No, not always.
People who slow down (to take a look) as they drive past a collision scene:
Add to the traffic slow down and may cause additional collisions.
You will more easily spot a hazard if you keep your eyes:
Moving (scanning).
You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should slow down and:
Put on turning signal 100 feet before turning.
The first thing that alcohol affects is:
While driving on a two-lane road (one lane in each direction), you notice a driver following very close (tailgating) behind your vehicle. You should:
Increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you to give your self-more reaction time
Blind spots are areas slightly to the sides and to the rear of your vehicle that you can not see in your rearview or side view mirrors.
TRUE OR FALSE When driving on a foggy night, you should use your high beams lights to "cut through" the fog
One of the most common causes of collisions is:
Unsafe speed.
Driving with only you're parking lights on is:
Never legal.
Roadways are the most slippery:
The first rain after a dry spell.
May you park on a crosswalk?
You are stopped at a traffic light. When the light turns green signaling you to proceed, you should:
Look left and then right before proceeding.
In most situations, on which side should you pass another vehicle going in the same direction?
The left side of the other vehicle.
At what speed can hydroplaning occur?
30 miles per hour.
It is important to slow down when...
On narrow or winding roads.
At intersections or railroad crossings.
When the road is wet or slippery.
A vehicle located in position "D" is in a passing zone.
When a car with bright headlights comes toward you at night, you should:
Look toward the right edge of your lane.
If you view a potential emergency, what should you do to avoid being hit from the rear by another vehicle?
Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you.
You are approaching an intersection that has a stop sign, a stop line and a crosswalk. Where should you stop your vehicle?
At the stop line.
Should you always look straight ahead when driving?
No - Keep your eyes moving.
Your vehicle is approaching position "A" . A school bus with warning lights on, is located at position "C" . Children are boarding the school bus. You are required to:
Stop at the intersection until all children are loaded and the lights are off.
What causes most rear end collisions?
Following too closely.
You are driving in the right lane on the expressway. You should probably move into the left lane when:
Traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. The first vehicle is a car in position "C" and the second vehicle is an ambulance (flashing lights and siren are on) in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
What are the effects of alcohol on the skills you need to drive?