Day 1

  1. MS Desktop's 3 Types of Uses
    • Desktop (Designer or Analyst)
    • Architect (MetaData)
    • Administration
  2. OLTP vs OLAP differences
    • Organization: By Application - By Business Subject
    • Data Retention: Short Term - Long Term (2+ years)
    • Data Integration: Minimal - High (ETL)
    • Storage: GB - TB
    • Use: RealTime, Write - Batch Load, Read
  3. OLAP
    Data Warehouse - OnLine Analytical Processing System
  4. OLTP
    Source Systems - OnLine Transaction Processing System
  5. What does MSBI Archtitecture look like?
    • Source Systems
    • ETL - Extraction, Transformation, Loading
    • Data Warehouse
    • MetaData
    • MicroStrategy
  6. Benefits of MS Designer/Analyst?
    • Complete BI Console
    • Delivering the Enterprise Mandate
    • Intuitive Reporting
    • Advanced Analysis
  7. Benefits of MS Architect?
    • Flexible Application Design
    • Make Data Accessible
    • Simplified, Rapid Development
    • Reduced System Maintenance
  8. Benefits of MS Administration?
    • User Management
    • Comprehensive Security Model
    • Intelligence Server Administration
  9. What's a Project Source?
    • Highlest level Object in MS.
    • Connection to MetaData or Intelligent Server
    • Through the Connection, you create, manipulate, and admin projects.
  10. What is a Project?
    The intersection of a Data Warehouse, MetaData, and User Community.
  11. 5 Typical Folders of a Project?
    • History
    • My Personal Objects
    • Public Objects
    • Schema Objects
    • Data Explorers
  12. Three types of MS Objects?
    • Schema Objects
    • Application Objects
    • Configuration Objects
  13. Types of Schema Objects?
    • Attributes
    • Facts
    • Hierarchies
    • Transformations
    • Partitions
  14. Types of Application Objects?
    • Templates
    • Filters
    • Metrics
    • Custom Groups
    • Consolidations
    • Prompts
    • Searches
  15. 3 Areas on Desktop Interface?
    • Folder List
    • Object Viewer
    • Shortcut Bar
  16. What is a Report?
    Request for Specific, Formatted Data from the Data Warehouse. Made up of Template and Filter.
  17. CrossTab vs Tabular Layout?
    CrossTab has Metrics in Rows, Tabular has Metrics in Columns.
  18. What is Consolidation?
    • Virtual Attributes, which are created as groups of existing attributes.
    • Can also use Custom Groups (row level filter conditions).
  19. What is Drilling?
    Enables you to see data at levels other than the level of the original report.
  20. Drilling to a Template?
    Lets you move to a different Template with the same filter.
  21. What objects can you page by?
    • Attributes
    • Metrics
    • Hierarchies
    • Consolidations
    • Custom Groups
    • Object Prompt (all of the above)
  22. Types of Data Pivoting?
    • Move objects from Row to Column (vice versa)
    • Change order of Row or Column Objects
    • Move objects to and from Page field
    • Swap Row and Columns
  23. Outline mode?
    Enables Indented grouping of related attributes.
  24. 6 types of Exporting of reports?
    • MS Excel
    • MS Word
    • MS Access
    • Text
    • HTML
    • PDF
  25. Schedule Delivery to?
    • History List
    • Update Cache
    • Mobile
  26. What is a Threshold and its four types?
    • Conditional Formatting -
    • one of four types:
    • Format
    • Replace Text
    • Image
    • Symbol
    • (you can also copy and paste these thresholds)
  27. What is Banding?
    It's a method of organizing the appearance of results by a certain criteria or pattern.
  28. Properties of Graphs?
    • Undo/Redo is allowed.
    • Nested Labels and Brackets help to reduce labels.
    • Set maximum number of categories for either axis.
Card Set
Day 1
Day 1