Driven test writen 4 and 5

  1. A solid yellow line on your side of the road means:
    You are in a no passing zone.
  2. Taking more than one parking spot is:
    Something that may encourage aggression in other drivers.
  3. Who must wear seat belts?
    All passengers.
  4. Alcohol is:
    A depressant.
  5. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
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  6. If you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow, you should:
    Make sure no oncoming cars are trying to beat the red light and complete your turn safely.
  7. If a collision is unavoidable, you should:
    • Choose to hit something that's standing still rather than something moving toward you.
    • If you have to hit anything, try to make it a glancing blow or a sideswipe.
    • Choose to hit something that will give way rather than something that is rigid.
  8. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
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  9. If someone is tailgating you, you should:
    • Slow slightly to increase the space in front of your car, allowing you extra space to stop more gradually if you need to.
    • Move into another lane.
    • Pull over to let the tailgater pass.
  10. You should never coast in neutral or with the clutch in because:
    You need to be in gear to safely control your vehicle.
  11. In order to make sure your tires are in good condition, you should:
    • Check them regularly for proper inflation.
    • Check for adequate tread.
    • Make sure all four tires are similar so they work together.
  12. The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:
    Pull over to the side of the road to use your cellular phone.
  13. You park your car on the side of the road and you are facing uphill. You should:
    Place the manual transmission in low gear or place the automatic transmission in park.
  14. The best way to help prevent aggression in other drivers is:
    • Give the right-of-way and move over for merging traffic.
    • Do Not block passing lanes and pull over to let others pass if there is a long line of cars behind you.
    • Do not yell at other drivers.
  15. In order to keep focused while driving you should:
    • Keep your eyes moving; scan the entire driving scene.
    • Pull over and stop if you need to talk on a cell phone.
    • Keep predicting what will happen next, and plan your moves.
  16. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing uphill and there is no curb present. You should:
    Turn the steering wheel toward the right.
  17. Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:
    Often a hazard since other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.
  18. You are coming to an intersection with a yellow flashing light. You should:
    Drive carefully through the intersection.
  19. Three cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "B" , and the third car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
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  20. What must you do at a STOP sign?
    • Come to a full stop.
    • Yield the right of way to vehicles and pedestrians in or approaching the intersection.
    • Go when it is safe.
  21. If you drive past the exit where you wanted to leave an interstate highway you should:
    Go on to the next exit.
  22. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing downhill and there is no curb present. You should:
    Place the manual transmission in reverse or place the automatic transmission in park.
  23. Match the emergency response with the event: Hold the steering wheel tightly, and keep the vehicle going straight. Take your foot off the gas and brake lightly. Pull off the road if possible.
    Tire blowout.
  24. Your vehicle is approaching position "A" . A school bus with warning lights on, is located at position "B" . Children are boarding the school bus. You are required to:
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    Stop at the intersection until all children are loaded and the lights are off.
  25. You suspect your automobile has encountered a mechanical problem. You should:
    Turn on your emergency flashers and pull off the road.
  26. When faced with low visibility conditions while driving, you should:
    • Slow and maintain extra space margins.
    • Use your defroster to keep your windows clear.
    • Search and scan more carefully.
  27. When driving in bad weather, increase the two-second rule to
    Three to four seconds.
  28. When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:
    Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
  29. Doubling your speed has what effect on braking distance?
    Twice the speed = four times the breaking distance.
  30. You are driving too slow if you:
    Block other vehicles moving at normal, safe speeds.
  31. In bad weather, you should make you car easier to see by:
    Turning on your headlights.
  32. Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. The first vehicle is a car in position "C" and the second vehicle is an ambulance (flashing lights and siren are on) in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
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  33. You are approaching an intersection controlled by a flashing red light. You should:
    Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
  34. When caring for an injured person, you should:
    • Only move them if they are in danger from fire or traffic.
    • Apply direct pressure to any wounds.
    • Keep the injured person warm.
  35. Which of the following is a basic step to take after an accident?
    • Protect the area.
    • Notify authorities.
    • Care for the injured.
  36. To pass a large truck, you must:
    Make sure you have room to complete the maneuver without excessive speed.
  37. An Implied Consent Law is:
    A law stating that you agree to a breath test when under arrest and suspected of drinking and driving.
Card Set
Driven test writen 4 and 5
Driveing test 40 question 4 and 5