Written Driving test 2

  1. When you come to a corner where there are no traffic lights or stop signs, you should:
    Slow down, so you can stop, if necessary.
  2. Yellow lines are used to separate:
    Lanes traffic moving in opposite directions.
  3. True or False A vehicle located in position "F" is in a passing zone.
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  4. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be:
    Turned to the right (toward the street).
  5. A curb painted red means:
    No stopping or parking (except buses).
  6. When slowing down behind another vehicle, you should:
    Apply your brakes early as a signal to the other vehicles behind you.
  7. When you park your car uphill, next to a curb, the right front wheel:
    Should be turned so the back of the wheel is against the curb.
  8. When driving in the fast lane, if you are tailgated, the best thing to do is?
    Move to the right and let the tailgater pass.
  9. Match the emergency response with the event: Pump the brake pedal several times. If this does not work, use the hand/emergency brake, pulling slowly so the wheels do not lock.
    Brake failure.
  10. It is important to slow down when...
    • On narrow or winding roads.
    • At intersections or railroad crossings.
    • When the road is wet or slippery.
  11. When entering an expressway from an entrance ramp, you should:
    Adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.
  12. What should you see in your rear view mirror before attempting to return to the right lane after passing a vehicle on the left?
    The front bumper of the car I am passing.
  13. You are required to stop your vehicle when..
    • At an intersection with a stop sign.
    • Where there is a red light.
    • When a traffic officer orders you to stop.
  14. Three cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "B" , and the third car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
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  15. True or False A vehicle located in position "B" is in a passing zone.
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  16. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
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  17. Before turning left....
    Yield to oncoming vehicles.
  18. When stopping on the highway, other than for traffic, you should...
    Stop off the pavement, on the shoulder.
  19. Before turning left, the right-of-way should be given to oncoming cars:
    Until it is safe to turn.
  20. Look to the left and right before entering any intersection on a green signal because:
    Other vehicles may enter the intersection against a red signal.
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Written Driving test 2
Written test 2