If you find that your car is hydroplaning, you should:
Decelerate and drive straight ahead without hitting the brakes.
True or False: A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
When should you use your car's signals?
When changing lanes.
When turning a corner.
When pulling out from a line of parked vehicles.
If you must stop suddenly in an emergency, you should
Hit the brakes hard, but not hard enough to lock the wheels, and steer in the direction you want to go.
If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should:
Ease off the accelerator, and then speed up slightly as you regain traction.
If you must drive through a deep puddle, you should:
Drive through it as slowly as possible and apply the brakes after you get through the puddle to dry them out.
If a vehicle in front of you is stopped at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, you should:
Stop before passing this vehicle and make sure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk
When driving at night, it is a good idea to:
Glance to the right edge of the road to avoid glare from oncoming lights.
When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk you should:
Stop just before you enter the intersection.
When driving behind a slow-moving truck going up a hill you should:
Be patient
It is important to stay well behind large trucks and buses, and out of their blind spots because:
You may not be visible to the driver if you follow too closely.
You will not be able to see very well if you follow too closely.
You could be crushed between one of these vehicles and the curb if they are turning at an intersection.
A car and a bicycle reach the intersection at the same time. The car is in position "A" and the bicycle is in position "B" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
When changing lanes you should:
Check your mirrors, signal, check your blind spot and then proceed
Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
When pulling away from the curb, you should:
Signal, check over shoulder, then pull out when safe.
Why is it necessary to shoulder-check when changing lanes?
No matter how you adjust your mirrors, you will always have blind spots.
A vehicle located in position "A" is in a passing zone.
The best reason for not using a cellphone while driving is:
Your ability to see and hear hazards may be reduced.
You should never pass in the oncoming lane in which circumstances?
On a curve.
Near or at the crest of a hill.
In an intersection.
When entering a tunnel on a sunny day, you should:
Slow down to let your eyes adjust to the lower light levels.