CRJ Limitations & Memory Items

  1. Rejected take-off
    • Simultaneously
    • Thrust Levers...................................................... Idle
    • Wheel Brakes.............................. Max until safe stop
    • Thrust Reverser(s)........................ Max Consistent w/
    • directional control
  2. Double Engine Failure
    • ignition, cont. ........................................................ON
    • airspeed............................................... 240 KIAS min
  3. L(R) Rev. Unlocked
    Affected Thrust Lever................................ Confirm & Idle
  4. Uncommanded Acceleration or Engine Overspeed Msg.
    • Gnd.
    • Affected Thrust Lever............................ Idle then shut off
    • Flt.
    • Affected Thrust Lever.............................Confirm & Idle,
    • Check Engine Response
  5. Stall Recovery
    • Autopilot...........................................Disengage, if required
    • Pitch attitude...........................Lower nose to reduce A O A
    • Thrust levers.....................................Advance to Max PWR
    • Roll attitude......................................................Wings Level
    • Flt. Spoiler lever.........................................Select to Retract
  6. Cabin Alt. or
    Emergency Descent procedure
    • Oxygen masks................................................DON, 100%
    • Crew communication........................................ establish
  7. Loss of all AC power
    ADG manual deploy handle.................................... PULL
  8. STAB TRIM runaway
    • Control Column............. assume man. control & override
    • runaway
    • BOTH STAB TRIM Disc................ press, hold & release
    • Airplane control........................transfer to pilot (CA) side
    • STAB CH1, CH2, HSTCU cbs(2F5 & 4A1)..........OPEN
  9. Loss of Braking or Excessive Assymmetry
    • Wheel Brakes...................................... Release momentarily
    • Anti-skid.......
    • Wheel brakes..................................... Re-apply as Required
  10. Config. Warning
    T/O ............................................. Discontinue immediately
  11. Reduced Thrust T/O limits

    reduced Engine "flex' Thrust T/O must
    not be used:
    • * if normal T/O fan speed is less than 85% N1
    • * if reduced"flex" thrust value is less than 85% N1
    • * Crew Confirm Availability of full thrust, checked
    • once every 100 flight hours.
    • * if Wing and/or Cowl Anti-icing Bleeds are on.
    • * Contaminated runways w/ water, slush or snow
    • * when Warnings of Windshear or Downdrafts have been forcasted.
  12. FMS limits
    • * FMS calculated thrust setting must not be used if the
    • pressure alt. is > than 36,000/ FL 360

    • * FMS approved for: en route, terminal and non-pre
    • cision approach phases of flt.

  13. Taxi & Ramp Weight NA

  14. Structural weight limits NA

  15. Structural weight limits

  16. Structural weight limits NA

    zero fuel
  17. Cowl Anti-Ice

    Gnd. Operations
    • * OAT is 10' c (50' F) or < and visible moisture is present
    • (1 mile or <).
    • * OAT is 10'c(50'f) or < when on runways, ramps &
    • Taxiways with snow, ice, water or slush is present.

  18. Cowl Anti-Ice

    Flight ops
    • * TAT of 10'C (50'F) or < and visible moisture
    • (except SAT of -40'C(-40'F) and <).
    • * when in icing conditions OR
    • * when ICE is annunciated by IDS system.
  19. Max Rotation Rate
    3' per second
  20. Wing Anti-Ice System

    Gnd. Operations
    • * must be selected ON for final taxi prior to T/O if OAT
    • is 5'c(41'f) or below, unless Type II, III, or IV.
    • * must be selected and confirmed ON for T/O when OAT
    • is 5'c(41'f) or below and: visible moisture 400' AGL or,
    • RNWY is wet or contaminated or presence of
    • precipitation.
    • * turn system ON prior to T.L > when Type II, III or IV
    • have been applied.
  21. Wing Anti-Ice System

    Flight Ops
    TAT of 10'C (50'F) or below w/ visible moisture (except SAT -40'C & <)

    • Wing A.I.SYST ON
    • *ICE annunciated by I.D.S. or
    • *icing conditions below 230 KIAS
  22. Thrust Reverser

    MAX reverse thrust airspeed
    • * During landing, max reverse is NOT permitted below
    • 60 KIAS. < 60 KIAS, Thrust must be reduced to idle.
  23. Tire limit speed

    gnd. tire limit speed
    182 KIAS gnd. speed
  24. Taxi lights

    taxi lights off
    A/C stationary in excess of 10 minutes
  25. FLAPS

    Flaps prohibited
    • *enroute
    • *altitudes above 15,000 feet
  26. Winshield wiper

    V wipe
    not above 220 KIAS
  27. Turbulence Penetration Speed

    max speed for turb. penetration
    280 KIAS or .75 MACH
  28. Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speeds
    Extend..............250 KIAS

    Retract..............200 KIAS
  29. Max gear extended speed

    max airspeed w/ gear down & locked
    250 KIAS
  30. Oil Temps

    Min start
  31. Oil Temps

    Max continuous
    + 155'C
  32. Oil Temps

    Max permissable
    + 163'C (max 15 min)
  33. Fuel

    Max imbalance between L/R main tanks
    800 lbs inflight
  34. APU door open (EICAS MSG. DOOR___)
    airplane limited to 300 KIAS or

    APU must remain in operation

    T/O power
    45 PSI min.
  36. Oil pressure

    max transient after cold start
    156 PSI (max 130 PSI for 10 Mins)

    NOTE: Engine must remain @ idle until oil pressure returns to normal range.
  37. FUEL
    Min Quantity for go-around
    450 lbs. PER WING (A/C level) and max pitch of 10' nose up
  38. BLEED AIR SYSTEMS 10th stage;
    valves must be closed for T/O & Landing if:
    Engine Cowl and/or Wing Anti-Ice Systems are ON.
  39. Flight Spoilers

    minimum altitude
    300 fl. AGL
  40. Flight Spoilers

    @ or < FL 250
    Safe Speed or V ref + 20 KIAS
  41. Flight spoilers

    above FL. 250
    Safe Speed or Holding-Safe speed + 25 KIAS
  42. Automatic Flight Control System
    • prohibited below altitudes of 600 feet AGL
    • (T/O)
  43. Automatic Flight Control System

    visual and non-precision approaches
    400 feet AGL
  44. Automatic Flight Control System

    precision approaches
    80 feet AGL
  45. Max Airspeed for ADG deployment
    250 KIAS (7002-7304)

    Vmo/M/mo (7305 or >)
  46. Flap Speeds

    0 -8'
    200 KIAS
  47. Flap Speeds

    200 KIAS
  48. Flap Speeds

    185 KIAS
  49. Flap Speeds

    170 KIAS
  50. Flap Speeds
    Vfe and Vfo(retraction)

    8/ 8-0
    230 KIAS
  51. Flap Speeds
    Vfe and Vfo(retraction)

    230 KIAS
  52. Flap Speeds
    Vfe and Vfo(retraction)

    185 KIAS
  53. Flap Speeds
    Vfe and Vfo(retraction)

    170 KIAS
  54. Fuel Loading

    T/O with > than 500 lbs in Center Tank not permitted:
    unless Normal Fuel Loading and each Main Tank is above 4,400 lbs.
  55. Continuous Engine Ignition
    • * T/O and Landings on contaminated runways.
    • * T/O with high crosswind components.
    • * FLT through Mod. or > rain.
    • * FLT through Mod or > turbulence.
    • * FLT in vicinity of thunderstorms w/lightning.
  56. CF 34-3A1 Limitations

  57. CF 34-3A1 Limitations

    N2%...............................................56.5 to 68.0

    engine N2 split at gnd idle pwr, not to be greater than 2% N2. If N2 is 57% or < with OAT of -20'C or colder, do not accelerate above idle.
  58. CF 34-3B1 Limitations

  59. CF 34-3B1 Limitations

    N2%......................................................56.5 to 68.0

    • engine N2 split at gnd idle pwr, not to be greater than 2% N2. If N2 is
    • 57% or < with OAT of -20'C or colder, do not accelerate above idle.
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CRJ Limitations & Memory Items