Surgery: General pack ID of instruments

  1. Adson thumb forceps
  2. Rat tooth thumb forceps
  3. MAYO operating scissors
  4. Metzenbaum Operating Scissors

    Big "Jaw", Denise big mouth
  5. Sharp-Sharp Operating Scissors
  6. Halstead Mosquito Forceps

    • Inside grooves go all the way (smallest sized)
    • (4)
  7. Kelly Forceps

    • Inside grooves go 1/2 way (medium sized)
    • (4)
  8. Rochester Carmalt Forceps

    On the inside cross stitch on top followed by straight lines (Largest size)

  9. Allis Tissue Forceps

  10. Olsen Hegar Needle holders

    Has cutting edge
  11. Mayo Hegar Needle holders

    Has no cutting edge
  12. Senn Retractor

    Hook on one end and rake on the other end
  13. Snook Hook
  14. Needle Rack with Spring and assorted Needles
  15. Backhaus Towel Clamps

  16. Saline bowl
  17. Bard Parker Scalpel Handle #3

    Short, thin end used for #10 and #15 blades
  18. Grooved Director
  19. Laparotomy Pads

  20. 4X4 Gauze Sponges

  21. Bard Parker Scalpel # 4 

    Long thick end used for #20 blade
  22. Ferguson Angiotribe

    Blunt ends, on the inside grooved edges and smooth in the middle
  23. Crile Forceps

    Like mosquito forceps the grooves go all the way down
  24. Sterilization indicator strip
Card Set
Surgery: General pack ID of instruments
Surgery general pack equipment