CA inhibitors used for
- Glaucoma
- Epilepsy
- Alt. Sickness
- Metabolic Alkalosis
Site of axn for CA i's
Proximal convoluted Tubule
SE of CA i's
- Mild metabolic acidosis
- K
- Nephrolithiasis
Use for osmotic agents (mannitol)
SE osmotic agents
- Pulmonary edema
- Relative NA
Site of axn of osmotic agents
Loop diuretic's use:
- Pulmonary edema
- Hypercalcemia
- Cirrhosis
- Rapid onset-good for emergency situations
SE Loop Diuretics
- Ototoxicity
- Uricemia (gout)
- K
- Ca
Thiazides use:
- Hypercalciuria w norm serum Ca
- Nephrogenic DI
K sparer's use:
- 2 hyperaldosteronism
- K preserving diuresis
- PCOS (aldactone)
- Acne (aldactone)
SE of K sparer's:
- Gynecomastia (aldactone)
- Menstrual irregularity
- K
Name 4 K sparer's
- Spironolactone
- Eplernone
- Triamenterne
- Amiloride
Name a diuretic that can be used in ppl with sulfa allergy
Ethacrynic acid
Treating pyleonephritis
- Fluoroqunilones
- Aminoglycosides
- Cephalosporins
- (1-2 days IV then outpt oral)
- If severe or complicated 14-21 IV antibiotics
Treating pyleonephritis in pregnant women.
Amp/gent or ceftriaxone
How do you see a Uric H stone
Expectant management of kidney stone:
- Strain urine with strainer
- Drink 3L h2o
- Tamsulosin-relaxes mm
- Repeat CT
Require sx for kidney stone if:
- Unable to pass after 4-6wks
- Complete urinary obstruction
- Persistent infxn
- Impaired renal fxn
Stones what size likely to pass?
5 types of kidney stones
- Calcium oxalate
- Struvite
- Calcium phosphate
- Uric acid
- Cystine
Only stone that can not be seen on CT/Xray.
Uric acid
Staghorn calculi
- Struvite
- (mg-nh4-po4)
- Cystine-rarely
Cause of calcium oxalate stone
- Idiopathic hypercalciuria
- Also SB dz
Cause of struvite stone
UTI-proteus, klebsiella
Cause of calcium phosphate stone
Treat uric acid stone by..
Alkalinizing urine
Large palpable kidneys, HTN, hematuria, flank pain. Dx?
Polycystic kidney dz (PKD)
Which PKD more common?
Autosomal dominant-adult onset
Treat PKD?
- Vasopressin R antagonist
- Amiloride
- Drain large cysts
- Dialysis
- Transplant
Complications in PKD
- Incranial aneurysms
- Hepatic cysts
#1 risk factor for RCC
Scrotal variocele, flank pain, HTN, hematuria. Dx?
Why do you usually move directly to surgical resection of RCC & bypass the biopsy?
Biopsy can SEED cancer!
4 cancers causing EPO
- Pheochromocytoma
- Hemangioblastoma
Paraneoplastic syndromes with RCC
- Anemia
- Erythrocytosis
- Hepatic dysfxn
- Ca
- Cachexia
- Thrombocytosis
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Med that cause interstitial nephropathy ("allergic")
- Aminoglycosides
- B lactam antibiotics
- Sulfonamides
- Allopurinol
- PPI's
- Diuretics
Toxic causes of interstitial nephropathy
- Cadmium
- Lead
- Cu
- Mercury
- Poison mushrooms
Rash, fever, Cr, eosinophilia, granular or epithelial casts. Dx? Tx?
Interstitial "allergic/drug induced" nephropathy
- Stop offending agent!
- Steriods!
Complication of Interstitial "allergic/drug induced" nephropathy
- ARF or CRF
- Renal papillary necrosis
Causes of nephritic glomerulonephritis:
- P: Post-infxn glomerulonephritis
- I: IgA nephropathy
- G: Goodpasture's
- W: Wegener's
- A: Alport's
- I: Idio. crescentic glomerulonephritis
- L: Lupus nephritis
Recent infxn, oliguria, brown urine, HTN, kid. Dx? Tx?
Post-streptococcal (infectious) glomerulopnephritis
Self limited & supportive tx
Post-streptococcal (infectious) glomerulopnephritis EM? Other labs?
Bumpy depositis of IgG and C3 on renal BM.
- UA- hematuri, proteinuria
- ASO titer
Hematuria, flank pain, low grade fever, mesangial cell proliferation on EM. Dx? Tx?
IgA nephropathy (Berger's)
- Self limited
- ACE i
- Statin
- Steriod
Increased serum IgA & mesangial cell proliferation
IgA nephropathy
IgG antiglomerular BM antibodies. Dyspnea, hemoptysis, hematuria, myalgia. Dx?
Goodpasture's fluorescence
Linear pattern of IgG antibody deposition
Treatment Goodpasture's
- Plasmapheresis
- Steriods
- Immunosuppressants
Hematuria, RF, high frequency hearing loss, cataracts. Dx?
Defect in collagen IV in BM
Alport's EM
Glomerular basement membrane inconsistency
Split GBM
Rapidly progressive RF
Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis
Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis (2 causes)
- Wegener: cANCA
- Pauci immune: pANCA
Crescents on EM
Renal dz + ANA, anti-DNA antibodies
Lupus nephritis
Respiratory symptoms, hematuria, granulomatous inflammation. cANCA dx? Tx?
- Cyclophosphamide
- Corticosteriods
Young kid with HTN, increased freq of infxn, flattening of podocytes on EM
Minimal change dz
MC kidney syndrome in HIV
Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
Hyperlipidemia, albumin, hematuria, drug use, proteinuria dx
Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
MC kidney syndrome in black person
Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
Spike & dome BM thickening
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Train track, double layer EM
Membranoproliferative glomerulopnephritis
Hep B or C association
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Metabolic alkalosis causes
- Vomiting (ctrxn alkalosis)
- Diuretucs
- Cushings
- Hyperaldoseronism
- Adrenal hyperplasia
Respiratory alkalosis
- Hypervent
- High altitude
- Asthma
- ASA toxicity
- PE
Respiratory acidosis
- Respiratory depression
- Neuromuscular dz
AG metabolic acidosis
- Methanol
- Uremia
- Paraldehyde
- LA
- Ethanol
- Salicylates
Normal AG metabolic acidosis
6 D's of hypernatriemia
- Diuretics
- Dehydration
- DI
- Docs-iatrogenic
- Diarrhea
- Disease of kidney-hyperaldosteronism
Too rapid correction of hypernatriema can cause
Cerebral Edema
Treatment of hypernatriema
Gradual hydration of NS if dehydrated until stable then 1/2 NS
Na (serum), urine osmolality, large urine volume. Cause?
Diabetes Insipidous
Treat NDI
- Salt restrict
- h2o
- Thiazide
- Indomethacin
If lithium induced NDI tx?
Water deprivation test and response in CDI vs NDI
CDI: respond, urine osmolality
NDI: no change
Na (serum), urine osmolality, ( uNa >20)
Treatment of SIADH
- Fluid restrict
- Loop diuretic
- Hypertonic saline
- Demeclocycline
Correction of hyponatremia too quickly leads to
Correct by 12 in 24hrs!
Causes of hypercalcemia
- C: Calcium supplementation
- H: Hyperparathyroidism
- I: Immobility/iatrogenic
- M: Milk alkali
- P: Paget
- A: Addisons/Acromegaly
- N: Neoplasm
- Z: ZE
- E: Excess vit A
- E: Excess vit D
- S: Sarcoidosis
Differentiate b/t familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and other causes of hypercalcemia by
- +FH
- Low urine Ca
- Absence of osteopenia, nephrolithiasis & AMS
UTI treatment
- Amoxicillin
- Fluoroquinolones
UTI treatment in pregnancy
- Amoxicillin
- Cephalexin
- Nitrofurantoin
MC bladder Ca
Transitiona cell
Treatment urethritis
Ceftriaxone with doxy or azithromycin
Treatment in prostatitis under 35
Ceftriaxone with doxy or azithromycin
Treatment in prostatitis over 35 or anal intercourse
TMP SMX or fluoroquinolone
Treatment of BPH
- Alpha 1 blocker: terazosin
- 5alphareductase i: finasteride
- Transurethral needle ablation
Treatment of prostate cancer
- Prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy
- PSA follow up
- Antiandrogen (fludimide, leuprolide)
- Chemo
Epididymitis treatment under 35
Ceftriaxone & doxycycline/fluroquinolone
Treatment of testicular torsion
- Emergent surgical reduction
- Orchiopexy
Beat treatment for enuresis
Causes of persistent hematuria
- Adult PKD
- Neoplasm-bladder, kidney, prostate
- Glomerular dz
Do not biopsy what 2 cancers due to potential of seeding
Testicular cancer with Beta-hCG, AFP
Germ cell tumors
- -Seminomatous
- -Nonseminomatous
Testicular cancer with estrogen
- Stromal cell tumor
- -Leydig
- -Serotoli
- -granulosa