Unit 56 Health.txt

  1. vomit (informal)
    throw up
  2. becoming ill (with sth that is not very serious)
    come down with
  3. becoming ill (with sth that is not very serious)
    go down with
  4. try hard to get rid off
    fight off
  5. dislocate or injure by making a bone move from its usual place
    put (an arm or leg) out
  6. get rid off
    shake off
  7. become larger or rounder that usual
    swell up
  8. filled so that you cannot breath normaly
  9. faint
    pass out
  10. die
    pass away
  11. die
    pass on
  12. look after sb who is ill or too old
    care for
  13. become weak mentally and physically
    break down
  14. recover from a serious illness
    pull through
  15. become less physically active than before
    slow down
Card Set
Unit 56 Health.txt
Unit 56(Health)