
  1. loathe(로우드)
    • 혐오하다
    • detest, abhor(앱호얼)
  2. bulk
    • 거대함
    • great quantity
    • 대부분
    • desire
  3. benign(비나인)
    • 관대한
    • tolerant, charitable
  4. conclusively
    • 결정적으로, 확실히
    • decisively, definitely
  5. grant
    • 수여하다
    • confer, bestow
  6. gainsay
    • 부인하다
    • negate, deny
  7. reiterate(뤼이러레잇)
    • 반복하다
    • parrot, echo
  8. echo
    • 반영하다
    • reflect
  9. resonate(뢰조네잇)
    • 반향하다
    • resound, echo
  10. eerie
    • 기묘한
    • unearthly, mysterious
  11. emulate
    • 모방하다
    • mimic
  12. forestall
    • 미리 막다, 미리 손쓰다
    • prevent, hinder
  13. glance
    • 흘끗 봄
    • a cursory look
    • a brief look
    • glimpse
  14. appliance
    • 도구
    • implement
  15. with respect to
    • -에 관하여
    • in terms of, with regard to, in relation to
  16. inveigh against
    • 통렬히 비판하다
    • rail, object
  17. gaze
    • 보다
    • glance, view
  18. pecuniary(피큐니애뤼)
    • 재정상의
    • capital, monetary, financial
  19. outspoken
    • 솔직한
    • candid, open
  20. pant
    • 숨을 헐떡이다
    • gasp
  21. trouser(트라우져)
  22. patchy
    • 고르지 않은
    • erratic
  23. precipitation
    • 성급함
    • impetuosity(임패츄어서티), acceleration
  24. further
    • 촉진하다
    • promote, advance
  25. distilled
    • 정화된
    • purified, refined
  26. recruit(리크루트)
    • 얻다, 모집하다
    • enlist
  27. clasp(클래슾)
    • 움켜잡다
    • grasp, grib, grab
  28. synthesis
    • 통합체, 통합
    • unit, union
  29. thereby
    • 그것에 의하여
    • by that means, as a result of that
  30. title
    • 권리
    • ownership
  31. transcend
    • 초월하다
    • go beyond
  32. offshoot
    • 가지
    • spring, twig, branch
  33. susceptible
    • (영향을)받기 쉬운
    • vulnerable, weak
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