Who was the first person to receive the Medal of Honor?
- -K Co. 33rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Unit
- -On March 25, 1863 for his participation in the Great Locomotive Chase
A horizontal angle, measured in degrees that expresses a direction
- -Method of finding ones location on the map when unsure of their whereabouts.
- -It is done by taking two back azimuths from two seperate, distant points and plotting them on the map. Where they cross is the individual's current location.
- -A method of finding an inaccessible or distant object's location on a map when unknown.
- -It is done by shotting two seperate azimuths from two seperate points towards the object in question. Where these lines meet is the location of the object.
What services does ACS provide?
- -Army Family Advocacy Program
- -Foster Care Program
- -Exceptional Family Member Program
- -Financial Counseling
- -Employment Assistance for Spouses
- -Child Care Facilities
- -Babysitting resources
- -Recreational Activities
- -Welfare resources
- -Family Relocation Assistance
What are the 6 elements of the Sponsorship Program?
- 1. DA Form 5434
- 2. Welcome letter
- 3. ACS Relocation Services
- 4. Reception
- 5. Orientation
- 6. In-Processing
What are some general requirements when appointing a sponsor?
- 1. same PAYGRADE or higher
- 2. same GENDER, marital status, and occupational status
- 3. be FAMILIAR with the unit and community
- 4. not be within 60 days of PCS
- 5. not be the person being replaced by that soldier
What are 5 types of sponsorship programs?
- 1. In-Sponsorship
- 2. Out-Sponsorship
- 3. Reactionary Sponsorship
- 4. Rear-Detachment Sponsorship
- 5. New manning Systems Unit Sponsorship
What are some things a sponsor should do prior to the arrival of a new soldier?
- 2. provide a MAP of the AREA
- 3. provide information regarding COMMUNITY SERVICES and LOCAL FACILITIES
- 4. provide information about the SURROUNDING area
What do you know about NCOERS?
- -Non-Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report
- -AR 623-205
- -NCOERS are formal, written evaluations given to all NCOs. It identifies and recognizes the NCO's performance capabilities and is the basis for counseling by rating officials.
- -Purpose: facilitate the professional development by identifying both weaknesses and strengths
What are the basic safety equipment in a vehicle before it can be dispatched?
- 1. Fire extinguisher
- 2. Highway warning kit
- 3. First Aid kit
What is a DD314?
Preventive maintenance schedule & record
What is the form used to request support maintenance on a piece of equipment?
DA 2407
Describe a CLASS 3 leak.
Leak of fluid is actually enough to form drops that fall while being inspected
Describe a CLASS 2 leak.
Leak of fluid is enough to form drops, but not enough to cause the fluid to drip while being inspected.
Describe a CLASS 1 leak.
Fluid is leaking, but not enough to form drops while inspected
What is the maximum range of the M16A2 rifle?
3,534 meters
What is the maximum effective range of the M16A2 rifle?
- -550 meters for POINT targets
- -800 meters for AREA targets
Describe MOPP 4.
When chemical or biological agents are present and a high degree of protection is necessary.
Describe MOPP 3.
When protection against checmical or biological vapors is necessary
Describe MOPP 2.
When it is LIKELY that a chemical or biological attack may occur
Describe MOPP 1.
When it is POSSIBLE that a chemical or biological attack may occur
What are the 3 methods of decontamination?
- 1. Remove
- 2. Neutralize
- 3. Destroy
Name the 5 steps of risk management.
- 1. Identify HAZARDS
- 2. ASSESS hazards to determine risks
- 3. Develop controls & make risk decisions
- 4. Implement controls
- 5. Supervise & evaluate
What FM covers army Leadership?
FM 6-22
What is the third paragraph of the NCO Creed?
Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties. They will NOT have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve: SENIORS, PEERS, and subordinates alike. I will exercise INITIATIVE by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity NOR my MORAL COURAGE. I will not forget... NOR will I allow my comrades to forget... that we are PROFESSIONALS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, LEADERS!!!
What is the second paragraph in the NCO creed?
Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind-- accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a non-commissioned officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership. I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishments.
What is the first paragraph of the NCO creed?
No one is more professional than I. I am a non-commissioned officer, a leader of soldiers. As a non-commissioned officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored Corps which is known as the backbone of the Army. I am proud of the Corps of Non-Commissioned Officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the military service, and my country, regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to obtain pleasure, profit, or personal safety.
What FM covers the NCO creed?
FM 7-22.7
Name 3 minor terrain features.
Name 2 supplementary terrain features.
Name 5 major terrain features.
Hill, Ridge, Valley, Saddle, Depression
How many mils are in one degree?
17.7 mils
Name the 3 contour lines.
- 1. Index
- 2. Intermediate
- 3. Supplementary
What are contour lines?
Imaginary lines on the ground connecting equal elevation
What are military symbols?
Figures used to represent types of military organizations, installations, and activities
What are the basic colors of a map?
- Black
- Red-Brown
- Blue
- Green
- Brown
- Red
What FM covers Land Nav?
FM 3-25.26
What are some examples of a combined command?
What are 5 types of commands in a drill?
- 1. Two-part
- 2. Combined
- 3. Supplementing
- 4. Directive
What are the two parts of most drill commands?
- 1. Preparatory command
- 2. Command of execution
How many steps per minute is quicktime?... Double-time?
- Quicktime: 120 steps per minute
- Doubletime: 180 steps per minute
What is a file?
A column which has a front of only one element
What is an Element?
An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or larger unit forming part of the next higher unit
What foot is your "leading foot"?
What is a Rank?
A line which is only one element in depth
What is the primary value of ceremonies?
Render honors, preserve tradition, and stimulate Espirit de Corps
What is the primary purpose of Drill & Ceremony?
Enable a commander or NCO to move his unit from one place to another in an orderly manner, aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision & response to the leader's orders, and provide for the development of all soldiers in the practice of commanding troops.
What are two prescribed formations for platoons?
Line & Column
What FM covers Drill & Ceremony?
FM 3-21.5
What is a review?
A military ceremony used to honor a visiting, high ranking commander, official, or dignitary and permit them to observe the state of training of a command, present decorations and awards, honor or recognize a unit or individual achievements, and commemorate events
What are three marching steps used in drill?
15 inch step, 30 inch step, 30 inch step double time (180 steps per minute)
What AR covers the Army Safety Program?
AR 385-10
What is the purpose of mission sustaining programs?
To enhance and promote the physical and mental well being of Soldiers
Name some mission sustaining programs
BOSS, library, gymnasium, Post Theater, parks, picnic areas, pavilions, gamefields, playgrounds
Identify Risk Management.
The process of identifying and controlling hazards to conserve combat power & resources.
What AR covers MWR?
AR 215-1
How can you identify Hazards?
By reviewing METT-T factors for the mission or task
What does demanding rigid standards lead to?
Oversupervision & paralysis, producing timid leaders who are afraid to make tough decisions in crisis and unwilling to take risks necessary for success in military operations
What FM covers Risk Management?
FM 100-14
What is the object of First Aid?
Stop bleeding, overcome shock, relieve pain, and prevent infection
Define Responsibility
Be accountable for what you do
Explain the Chain of Command.
The succession of Commanders superior to subordinates through which command is exercised
What is SGT's business?
To train & lead soldiers
When was the NCO support channel formally recognized?
December 20, 1976
How many pressure points, which can be used to control bleeing with fingers, thumbs, or hands, are there on a human body?
What is the quickest way to splint a broken leg?
Tie the broken leg securely to the unbroken leg
Name some items you may use as a splint from your military equipment.
Bayonet, Rifle, Entrenching tool, tent poles & stakes, web belt
What is self-aid?
Emergency treatment one applies to oneself
What FM covers first aid?
FM 4-25.11
Who is the only member of both your Chain of Command and your NCO support channel
First line supervisor, section, squad, or team leader
How does the Chain of Command support the NCO support channel?
By legally punishing those who challenge a SGT's authority
Define Duty
Legal or moral obligation to do what should be done without being told
What is the role of the CSM
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Battalion Commander
How does a Commander exercise command?
Through subordinate commanders
When was the position of SGM of the Army established?
July 4, 1966
Is the CSM in the Chain of Command?
No, but he supervises the NCO support channel
What are key elements of command?
Authority & responsibility
What is the NCO support channel?
The channel of communication that reinforces the Chain of Command
What must a SGT have in order to accomplish SGT's business?
Skill, ability, and leadership to train soldiers for combat and lead them into combat