Intrinsic Back Muscles.txt

  1. Splenius Capitis: Attachments
    • Nuchal Ligament
    • spinous processes of C7 - T3/T4

    • Mastoid process
    • Lateral 1/3 superior nuchal line
  2. Splenius Capitis: Innervation & Blood Supply
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (C4 - C8)

    • Branches of Occipital A.
    • Transverse Cervical A. (superficial branches)
  3. Splenius Capitis: Actions
    Alone: Lateral flex neck and rotate head to side.

    Together: Extend head and neck
  4. Splenius Cervicis: Attachments
    • Nuchal Ligament
    • Spinous processes of T3 - T6

    Transverse processes C1 - C3/C4
  5. Splenius Cervicis: Innervation & Blood Supply
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (C4 - C8)

    • Branches of Occipital A.
    • Transverse Cervical A. (superficial branches)
  6. Splenius Cervicis: Actions
    Alone: Lateral flex neck and rotate head to side.

    Together: Extend head and neck
  7. Iliocostalis: Attachments
    Sacrum, Illiac crest, Spinous process of T11 - L5

    • Fibers run superiorly to angles of lower ribs and cervicle transverse processes
  8. Iliocostalis: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  9. Iliocostalis: Actions
    Bilaterally: Extend vertebral column and head; as back is flexed, control movement as their fibers are lengthened (eccentric contraction)

    Unilaterally: Laterally flex vertebral column
  10. Longissimus: Attachments
    Sacrum, Illiac crest, Spinous process of T11 - L5

    • Fibers run superiorly to ribs between tubercles and angles to transverse processes in thoracis and cervical regions, and to mastoid process
  11. Longissimus: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  12. Longissimus: Actions
    Bilaterally: Extend vertebral column and head; as back is flexed, control movement as their fibers are lengthened (eccentric contraction)

    Unilaterally: Laterally flex vertebral column
  13. Spinalis: Attachments
    Sacrum, Illiac crest, Spinous process of T11 - L5

    • Fibers run superiorly to spinous processes in the upper thoracic regions and to cranium
  14. Spinalis: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  15. Spinalis: Actions
    Bilaterally: Extend vertebral column and head; as back is flexed, control movement as their fibers are lengthened (eccentric contraction)

    Unilaterally: Laterally flex vertebral column
  16. Semispinalis: Attachments
    Transverse processes of C4 - T12

    • Occipital bone and spinous processes in thoracis and cervical regions
    • (spanning 4-6 segments)
  17. Semispinalis: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  18. Semispinalis: Actions
    Extends head and thoracic and cervical regions of vertebral column

    Rotates spine and head contralaterally
  19. Multifidis: Attachments
    Sacrum, illium, aponeurosis of erector spinae, transverse processes of all vertebra except C1 - C3

    • Spinous processes of all vertebra except C2
    • (fibers insert 2-4 segments superior to origin)
  20. Multifidis: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  21. Multifidis: Actions
    • Extension
    • Stabilizes vertebrae during local movements of vertebral column
  22. Rotatores: Attachments
    • Transverse processes of vertebrae
    • (developed best in thoracic region)

    • Junction of lamina and transverse process of vertebra immediately superior to origin
    • (1 segment = brevis)
    • (2 segments = longus)
  23. Rotatores: Innervation
    Posterior rami of spinal nerves (segmental)
  24. Rotatores: Actions
    Rotate the spine!
  25. Minor Deep Back Muscles:
    Location, Action, Innervation
    Interspinales / Intertransversarii / Levatores Costarum (Medial to Lateral)

    Minor role in spinal stability

    Posterior Rami EXCEPT the lateral parts of intertransversarii m. (anterior rami)
  26. Actions of Erector Spinae Group
    • Unilaterally
    • Lateral flexion to ipsilateral side
    • Control bending to contralateral side

    • Bilaterally
    • Trunk extension
    • Stabilize during flexion
  27. Actions of Transversospinal Group
    • Unilaterally
    • Rotation

    • Bilaterally
    • Stabilization
  28. Actions of Splenius Muscles
    • Unilaterally
    • Rotation

    • Bilaterally
    • Head flexion / extension
Card Set
Intrinsic Back Muscles.txt
Exam 1