A patient presents with dry cough but with occasional, difficult expectoration of scanty sputum. They havea shortness of breath, a feeling of oppression of the chest, scanty phlegm in the throat, a feeling ofheaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, and a pasty-dry complexion. Theirtongue is swollen with a dry, sticky coating and their pulse is thready and rolling. Which one of thefollowing formulas would be best for this patient?
A) Si Jun Zi Tang plus Huang Qi
B) Er Chen Tang
C) Sheng Mai San
D) Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
A patient presents with epigastric and abdominal fullness and distension, belching, and they have no desireto eat at all. They also have diarrhea with the worst smelling stools they have ever smelt in their life. Butthose bowel movements are so important because that is when their abdominal pain is relieved. They alsohave a gurgling sound in their abdominal area. Apparently that is the sound that the intestines make whengas moves through the liquid material in the intestines. Their tongue has a thick, filthy tongue coating andtheir pulse is rolling and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for thispatient?
A) S 25, S 36, S 44, and SP 9
B) S 25, S 36, Ren 12 (moxa), and Ren 6 (moxa)
C) S 25, S 36, and Inner-Neiting
S 25, S 36, and Inner-Neiting
A patient presents with palpitations, shortness of breath, pale face, spontaneous sweating, tiredness, andslight depression. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?
A) H 5, P 6, B 15, Ren 17, Ren 6, and Du 14
B) H 7, P 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, B 17, and B 20
C) H 9, H 8, H 7, Ren 15, SP 6, K 6, LI 11, Du 24, and Du 19
D) H 7, P 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, B 17, B 20, Liv 8, S 36, SP 6, B 18, and B 23
H 5, P 6, B 15, Ren 17, Ren 6, and Du 14
Which type of organ stores pure essential qi without draining it off, and therefore can be filled up butcannot be over filled?
A) Extraordinary Fu Organs
B) Six Fu Organs
C) Five Zang Organs
D) Extraordinary Zang Organs
Five Zang Organs
Deficiency of pectoral qi due to weakness of the lung qi will lead to all of the following except:
A) Weakness and stagnation of blood circulation, resulting in stuffiness in the chest
B) Stuffiness in the chest and a sensation of suffocation
C) Shortness of breath
D) Palpitations
Stuffiness in the chest and a sensation of suffocation
A patient presents with a feeling of distension and slight pain of the chest. They have a feeling of tightnessof the chest, slight shortness of breath, sighing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, palpitations, depression,irritability, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, and slightly purple lips, and a pale complexion. Theirtongue is slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area and their pulse is deficient but very slightlysurging on the left front position. Which one of the following formulas would be the best for this patient?
A) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
B) Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
C) Si Ni San
D) Xiao Yao San
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
A patient presents with palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inneraspect of the left arm or to the shoulder. They have a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest,shortness of breath, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots. Their tongue ispurple in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area. Their pulse is string-taut. Which one of thefollowing point prescriptions would be best for this patient?
A) P 6, H 5, H 7, Ren 15, Ren 17, L 7, S 40, LI 4, B 15, B 17, and Ren 12
B) P 6, P 4, H 7, Ren 17, B 14, B 17, SP 10, and K 25
C) P 6, H 5, H 7, Ren 15, Ren 17, L 7, S 40, and LI 4
P 6, P 4, H 7, Ren 17, B 14, B 17, SP 10, and K 25
A patient presents with Kidneys and Heart Not Harmonized. What are the key symptoms for thisdiagnosis?
A) Palpitations, mental restlessness, night sweating, tongue without coating. Empty-heat malar flush,feeling of heat especially in the evening, 'feeling hot and bothered', and five palm heat.
B) Palpitations, tinnitus, blurred vision, dry eyes, and tongue without coating
C) Malar flush, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling of heat in the afternoon, red-peeled tongue
D) Palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweating. Red tongue with redder tip and midline crackwithout coating.
Palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweating. Red tongue with redder tip and midline crackwithout coating.
A patient presents with palpitations, a feeling of oppression and heat of the chest, chest pain, rapidbreathing, thirst, red face, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mentalrestlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rashbehavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself,mental depression and dullness, and manic behavior. Their tongue is red, swollen with a yellow,dry stickycoating. They have a deep Heart crack. The tip may be redder and swollen with red points. Their pulse isexcess, rapid, and rolling. What is this patient's diagnosis?
A) Phlegm Misting the Mind
B) Phlegm Fire Harassing the Pericardium
C) Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Heart
D) Heart Fire Blazing
Phlegm Fire Harassing the Pericardium