1350: Tissue integrity fundamentals

  1. What are some functions of the skin?
    • protection
    • temp. regulation
    • psychosocial
    • sensation
    • Vitamin D synthesis
    • immunological
    • absorption/fluid balance
    • elimination
  2. What is a function of keratin? 

    (cells of the epidermis)
    repels pathogens and prevents excessive fluid loss.
  3. What are functions of Merkel & Langerhans cells in the epidermis?
    play a role in the immune system response.
  4. What is contained at the junction of the epidermis & dermis?

    What is its function?
    rete ridges (aka fingerprints)

    Functions to exchange nutrients between dermis & epidermis.
  5. What is contained in the dermis, the second layer and largest layer?
    • connective tissue
    • nerve fibers
    • blood & lymph vessels
    • hair follicles
    • sebaceous glands
    • sweat glands
  6. What are some functions of subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) layer?
    Stores body's fat cells for energy while also containing blood/lymph vessels and nerves.
  7. Where are mucus membranes found in the body?
    lining of body cavities and in the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.
  8. Where are the most visible signs of aging?
    skin & hair.
  9. Age related changes.

    What is common in children under 2 yo relating to skin?
    <2 yo is thinner and weaker skin.
  10. Age related changes of the EPIDERMIS

    What are some gerontological changes with skin?
    • Loss of moisture
    • Increased healing time-->increased risk of infection.
    • Flattening rete ridges-->skin tears.
    • Decreased activity or malfunction of melanocytes--> paler complexion, age or liver spots, increased freckles.
  11. Age related changes of the DERMIS.

    What are some gerontological changes with skin?
    Decrease in thickness & elastin-->wrinkles & sagging skin.

    Decreased vascularity--> paler complexion & delayed wound healing.

    Disorganized collagen-->loss of turger.

    Decrease in touch/pressure sensation--> increase risk for injury.

    Capillaries thinner/more easily damaged-->bruising/discoloration (purpura)
  12. Age related changes of SubQ.

    What are some gerontological changes with skin?
    • Atrophy in some tissues & organs.
    • Loss of temperature insulation.
    • Shifting of fat placement causes hypertrophy in other areas.
  13. What are some LIFESTYLE factors that may affect skin integrity?
    • Homosexuality or IV drug use: AIDS.
    • Occupation: sun exposure.
    • Body piercings: infection.
  14. What are some THERAPEUTIC factors that may affect skin integrity?
    • Bed rest
    • Casts
    • Aquathermia
    • Medications
    • Radiation therapy
  15. What are some changes in health status that may affect skin integrity?
    • Dehydration and malnutrition
    • Diabetes
    • Diarrhea
    • Reduced sensation
Card Set
1350: Tissue integrity fundamentals
tissue integrity