What percentage of your calorie intake should consist of proteins? Fats?
- Protein: 10 - 20%
- Fats: 20 - 35%
What are the uses of protein intake for the body?
- Regulates body functions, enzyme and antibody production.
- For growth, maintenance, and repair.
- Required for formation of all body structures.
What is the difference between complete & incomplete proteins? Which is animal and which is plant?
What are some examples of complete and incomplete proteins?
- Animal: complete, high-quality
- -meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt, soy, nuts, and seeds.
- Plant: incomplete, low-quality
- -legumes, peas, grains, oats, rice, vegetables.
What are some functions of carbohydrates?
- *Primary function of carbs is to SUPPLY ENERGY.
- Maintain body temperature
What is ketosis?
How much carbs is recommended to prevent ketosis? (mg)
an abnormal accumulation of ketone bodies; frequently associated w/ acidosis.
What are simple and complex carbs?
Give some examples.
Which is the preferred source of energy?
Simple (monosachs/disachs): glucose, lactose, fructose (honey, milk, fruits)
Complex (polysachs): starches, grains, root vegetables.
Complex carbs are preferred for energy.