Resistors and Kirchoffs rule.txt

  1. What is Kirchoff's Rule?
    Current in = Current out
  2. What is total resistance of R in parallel?
    1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2+
  3. What is the total current of R in parallel?
    Itot = I1+ I2 +…
  4. What is the total voltage of R in parallel?
    V tot = Constant
  5. What is the total resistance of R in Series?
    Rtot = R1+R2+…
  6. What is the total voltage of R in series?
    Vtot = V1+V2+…
  7. What is the total current of R in series?
    Itot = Constant
  8. What is kirchoff's second rule?
    V drops = V gains
  9. What direction does a Voltage drop travel?
    + to -
  10. What is the direction of current following across a resistor?
    + to - (Voltage Drop)
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Resistors and Kirchoffs rule.txt
Kirchoff's Rule