benign invasive growth of the endometrium that may cause heavy, painful menstrual bleeding
cervical polyp
hyperplastic protrusion of the epithelium of the cervix: may be broad based or pedunculated
cervical stenosis
acquired condition with obstruction of the cervical canal
scraping with a curet to remove the contents of the uterus, as done following inevitable or incomplete abortion: to produce abortion: to obtain specimens for use in diagnosis: ad to remove growths, such as polyps
pain in association with menstruation
a portion of the canal of the uterine cervix that is lined with squamous epithelium
ectopic pregnancy
pregnancy occurring outside the uterine cavity
endometrial carcinoma
malignancy characterized by abnormal thickening of the endometrial cavity: usually includes irregular bleeding in perimenopausal and in post menopausal women
endometrial hyperplasia
condition that results from estrogen stimulation to the endometrium without the influence of progestin: frequent cause of bleeding (especially in post menopausal woment)
endometrial polyp
pedunculated or sessile well-defined mass attached to the endometrial cavity
infection within the endometrium of the uterus
Gartner's duct cyst
small cyst within the vagina
obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of blood
obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of fluid
intramural leiomyoma
most commonm type of leiomyoma: deforms the myometrium intrauterine contraceptive device (IUDC), a device inserted into the endometrial cavity to prevent pregnancy
moset common benign gynecologic tumor in women during their reproductive years
irregular, acyclic bleeding
nabothian cyst
- benign tiny cyst within the cervix: most commom finding
- results from chronic cervicitis and seen frequently in middle aged women
- results from an obstructed dilated transcervical gland
- also called epithelial inclusion cyst
obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of pus
injection of sterile saline into the endometrial cavity under ultrsound guidance: also known as saline infused sonography (SIS)
squamous cell carcinoma
most common type of cervical cancer
submucosal leiomyoma
type of leiomyoma found to deform the endometrial cavity and cause heavy or irregular mensus
subserosal leiomyoma
type of leiomyoma that may become pedunculated and appear as an extrauterine mass
an antiestrogen drug used in treating carcinoma of the breast
pouch of Douglas
- rectouterin recess or posterior cul-de-sac
- frequently the site for intraperitoneal fluid collections
- as little as 5 ml of fluid can be detected by endovaginal sonography
- fluid collection can be associated with ascited, ruptured cyst, or pus from infection
vaginal cuff
- upper limit on size is 2.1 cm
- seen in hysterectomy patients after surgery
cervical canal
- extends from the internal os, where it joins the uterine cavity, to the external os, which projects into the vaginal vault
- cylindrical portion of the uterus that enters the vagina and measure 2 to 4 cm in length