
  1. Drug
    any chemical that can affect living processes
  2. Pharmacology
    the study of drugs and their interactions with living systems
  3. Clinical Pharmacology
    the study of drugs in humans
  4. Therapeutics
    the use of drugs to diagnose, prevent or treat disease or to prevent pregnancy
  5. The Ideal Drug Properties
    • Effectiveness
    • safety
    • selectivity
    • reversibility
    • predictability
    • low cost
    • ease of administration
    • freedom from drug interactions
    • chemical stability
    • simple generic name
  6. Administration
    • medication errors
    • patient adherence
  7. Pharmacokinetic Process
    • Absoportion
    • Distribution
    • Metabolism
    • Excretion
  8. Pharmacokinetics
    determine how much of an administred drug gets to its site of action
  9. Pharmacodynamic Processes
    • Drug receptor interaction
    • patients functional state
    • placebo effects
  10. Pharmacodynamic
    determine nature and intensity of response
  11. Sources of Individual Variation
    • Pathological
    • Physiological
    • Genetic
  12. Physiological Variables
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Weight
  13. Pathological Variables
    • diminished kidney liver function
    • major organs of drug eliminiation
  14. The objective of drug therapy
    maximize therapeutic benefit with minimum harm
  15. Six Rights of drug administration
    • right drug
    • right patient
    • right route
    • right dose
    • right time
    • right documentation
  16. 2 areas to apply pharmacologic knowledge
    • paient education
    • patient care
  17. The Nursing Process
    • Assessment
    • Diagnose
    • Planning
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation
  18. Preadministration Assessment
    • Gather data to:
    • Evaluate therapeutic and adverse effects
    • Identify high-risk patients
    • Assessment of the patients capacity for self care
  19. Analysis and Diagnosis Phase
    • Judging appropriateness of the prescribed therapy
    • Identifying the potential health problems treatment may cause
    • Characterize the patients capacity for self care
  20. Planning Phase
    • Defining goals
    • Establishing priorities
    • Establishing criteria for evaluating success
  21. Evaluation Stage
    • Evaluate:
    • Therapeutic respose
    • Adverse reactions and Interactions
    • Patient adherence
    • Patient satisfaction with treatment
  22. Federal pure food and drug act of 1906
    Free of adulterants
  23. The food drug and cosmetic act of 1938
  24. Food Drug Administration
    approves drugs for use to general population
  25. Harris-kefauver amendments of 1962
    drug have to be proved effective before marketing
  26. Controlled substance of 1970
    schedule drugs according to abuse potential
  27. Schedule I
    • No medical use
    • High potential for abuse
  28. Schedule II-V
    • Have medical uses
    • Have potential for abuse
    • Higher schedule # lower abuse potential
  29. Accelerated approval change of 1992
    • for AIDS and cancer
    • ADV:
    • Meds are needed even if benefits are marginal
    • Unknown risk outweight the need for effective drug
    • DISADV:
    • Manufacturers do not complete follow up studies
    • No clear way to removefrom market if it does not pass more rigorous studies
  30. Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992
    pay the FDA fees for faster drug approval
  31. Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997
    • Fast track system
    • clinical trial database
    • 6 mos notice for dc medications
    • manufactures can give off label uses for drugs
  32. Off Label Use
    use of a drug that has not been evaluated by the FDA
  33. Best pharmaceuticals for children act of 2002
    Pediatric research equity act of 2003
    conduct clinical trial for children
  34. FDA Amendment Acts of 2007
    rigorous oversight of drug safety after a drug has been approved
  35. New Drug Development
    • Preclinical testing
    • Clinical testing
  36. Preclinical Testing
    • in animals
    • 1-5 yrs
    • evaluates:
    • toxicities
    • pharmacokinetic properties
    • potentially useful biologic effects
  37. Clinical Testing
    • In humans
    • 2-10 years
    • 4 phases
  38. Phase I clinical Trial
    • In healthy volunteers
    • Evaluate:
    • Drug metabolism
    • Pharmacokinetics
    • Bilogic effects
  39. Phase II
    • In Patients
    • Evaluate:
    • Therapeutic effect
    • Dosage
  40. Phase III
    • In patients
    • Evaluates:
    • Safety
    • Effectiveness
  41. Phase IV
    • released for general use
    • postmarketing surveillance
  42. Three Drug Names
    • Chemical
    • Generic
    • Trade
  43. Chemical Name
    description of drug using nomenclature of chemistry
  44. Generic Name
    • name assigned by US
    • Only one generic name
  45. Trade Name
    • name under which drug is marketed
    • also brand name
    • proprietary name
  46. Over-The-Counter Drugs
    Drugs that can be purchased without a Rx
  47. Sources of Drug Information
    • People
    • Clinician
    • Pharmacist
    • Poison Control Center
    • Pharmaceutical Sales rep
    • Published Information
    • Text-like books
    • Newsletters
    • Reference Books
    • The Internet
  48. Reference Books
    • Physician's Desk Reference
    • referenced work by pharmaceutical industry
    • Drug Facts and Comparisons
    • Monographs for all drugs marketed in US
  49. Text-like Books
    • Goodman and Gillman
    • Science information hat underlies drug use
    • Phamacotherapy
    • Each chapter focuses on treatment of a specific disorder
    • Applied Therapeutics
    • Case study approach
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