Nutrition 9

  1. Fat-soluble vitamins are not

    C) absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the intestinal mucosal cells
  2. Retinol is

    C) the alcohol form of vitamin A
  3. Vitamin A is present in animal foods and body storage as

    D) retinyl esters
  4. The form of vitamin A involved in the visual process is ___________
  5. The form of vitamin A that is involved in cellular differentiation is ____________
    -retinoic acid
  6. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Night vision is maintained by iodopsin, the light-sensitive pigment of the cones in the retina

    Night vision is maintained by rhodopsin, the light-sensitive pigment of the rods in the retina
  7. The greatest deman for vitamin A is for

    D) epithelial tissue development and maintenance
  8. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Vitamin A is involved in the reaborption of old bone during bone development
  9. Children in developing countries often become blind because

    D) protein and zinc deficiencies interfere with the utilization and transport of vitamin A, and intake of all three nutrients is deficient
  10. In developed countries, vitamin A deficiency is caused mainly by

    B) malabsorption of fat
  11. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Vitamin A supplements are effective in the treatment of acne

    Only retinoic acid form of vitamin A has been proven effective for the treatment of acne. Vitamin A in supplements is normally in the form of retinol
  12. Vitamin A toxicity may occur

    D) when a vitamin A supplement that exceeds the RDA by five to ten times is used daily for several months
  13. Of the symptoms listed below, only___________is not cause by vitamin A toxicity

    D) inability to adapt to dim light
  14. The richest sources of vitamin A are

    B) liver and fish oils
  15. Of the foods listed below, only____________is not a rich source of beta-carotene

    C) beets
  16. The precursor of vitamin D in the skin is called__________
  17. The most active of the following vitamin D metabolites is

    D) 1,25-(OH)2 D3
  18. The final active form of vitamin D is formed by

    A) hydroxylation in the kidneys
  19. Vitamin D does not stimulate

    B) the synthesis of 7-dehydrocholesterol
  20. Of the symptoms listed below,_____________would most likely be a result of vitamin D deficiency

    B) enlarged joints in children
  21. In children, the bone disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency is called__________; in adults, ____________
    • -rickets
    • -osteomalacia
  22. Of the groups listed below, only____________are not particularly susceptible to vitamin D deficiency

    a) low income, dark-skinned children

    b) infants who are exclusively breast-fed for long periods of time

    c) pregnant women

    d) elderly people who stay indoors
    -pregnant women
  23. Excessive vitamin D intakes by adults may result in

    B) calcification of arteries
  24. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends vitamin D intake be increased to 1000 IU

    D) to reduce the risk of colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers
  25. The most reliable source of vitamin D in Canada

    A) fortified milk
  26. Vitamin E functions in the body as

    D) an antioxidant
  27. A free radical is

    a) a highly reactive molecule formed during the oxidation of saturated fatty acids

    b) formed when vitamin E is oxidized

    c) a highly reactive molecule formed during the oxidative of polyunsaturated fats

    d) a compound containing paired electrons
  28. c) a highly reactive molecule formed during the oxidative of polyunsaturated fats
  29. A deficiency of vitamin E in humans is most likely to cause

    D) hemolysis of red blood cells
  30. The symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in animals and humans can be attributed mainly to

    D) disupted cell membranes
  31. Megadoses of vitamin E

    D) rarely cause harm
  32. Of the groups listed below, only____________would probably not benefit from a vitamin E supplement

    A) people with muscular dystrophy
  33. The need for vitamen E

    D) increases with increasing polyunsaturated fat intake
  34. Much of the vitamin E in the diet comes from

    a) vegetable oils, margarine, and salad dressings

    b) fruits and vegetables

    c) milk products

    d) liver
    vegetable oils, margarine, and salad dressings
  35. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    After being used for deep-frying, oil can turn rancid with relative ease, because the vitamin E has lost its activity as an antioxidant
  36. Vitamin K deficiency produces

    A) hemorrhagic disease
  37. Vitamin K deficiency is most likely to occur in

    B) premature infants
  38. Vitamin K is produced by micro-organisms in the

    B) GI tract
  39. True/False (support your answer with explanation)

    Under normal circumstances, intestinal synthesis of vitamin K by micro-organisms can provide all of the amount the body needs

    The intestinal biosynthesis of vitamin K by micro-organisms can supply only half of the body's requirement
  40. The best dietary source of vitamin K is

    B) green leafy vegetables
Card Set
Nutrition 9
NUTR 330