acu quiz tongue

  1. What does a white coating with black points or a white, greasy coating with streaks of black indicate?
    A) Deficiency cold with dampness from Spleen yang deficiency
    B) Dampness in the Spleen at the Qi Level
    C) Kidney and Stomach yin deficiency leading to heat, with damp-toxin lurking inside.
    D) Retention of pathogenic cold in a half-exterior and half-interior state
    Dampness in the Spleen at the Qi Level
  2. What does a tongue coating that is black in the center, white and slippery on the sides and tip indicate?
    A) Deficiency cold with dampness from Spleen yang deficiency
    B) Kidney and Stomach yin deficiency leading to heat, with damp-toxin lurking inside.
    C) Retention of pathogenic cold in a half-exterior and half-interior state
    Deficiency cold with dampness from Spleen yang deficiency
  3. What does a white coating on the central surface of the tongue with gray-black, greasy and slipperycoating around it denotes which one of the following?
    A) Retention of dampness in the Spleen
    B) Internal dampness has transformed into heat, which has injured the body fluids
    C) Damp-Heat in the Spleen
    D) Dampness in the Spleen at the Qi Level
    Retention of dampness in the Spleen
  4. A white, sticky, and greasy tongue coating indicates all of the following except:
    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    B) Seasonal epidemic exterior heat
    C) Phlegm from Spleen qi
    D) Dampness
    Seasonal epidemic exterior heat
  5. Which one of the following tongue coatings signifies the retention of heat in the interior following anattack by an external pathogenic factor?
    A) White coating, Black points
    B) Black, Dry, and Cracked
    C) White Coating, Black prickles
    D) Gray and moldy, and the tongue body is purple
    White coating, Black points
  6. A white and powder-like tongue coating indicates all of the following except:
    A) Seasonal epidemic exterior heat
    B) Toxin in the interior
    C) Kidney and Stomach yin deficiency leading to heat, with damp-toxin lurking inside
    D) Externally-contracted heat in the Triple Burner
    Kidney and Stomach yin deficiency leading to heat, with damp-toxin lurking inside
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acu quiz tongue
acu quiz tongue