Psy 150 Prologue

  1. 1. Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of:

    A) conscious and unconscious mental activity.
    B) observable responses to the environment.
    C) behavior and mental processes.
    D) maladaptive and adaptive behaviors.
    C) behavior and mental processes.
  2. 2. Socrates and Plato affirmed the importance of:

    A) functionalism.
    B) empiricism.
    C) innate ideas.
    D) natural selection.
    C) innate ideas.
  3. 3. Who suggested that the mind at birth is a blank slate upon which experience writes?

    A) Charles Darwin
    B) René Descartes
    C) John Locke
    D) Plato
    C) John Locke
  4. 4. Edward Titchener is to ________ as William James is to ________.

    A) structuralism; behaviorism
    B) behaviorism; functionalism
    C) functionalism; behaviorism
    D) structuralism; functionalism
    D) structuralism; functionalism
  5. 5. Innate ability is to learned skill as ________ is to ________.

    A) observation; introspection
    B) psychohistory; psycholinguistics
    C) nature; nurture
    D) functionalism; structuralism
    C) nature; nurture
  6. 6. Watson is to __________________ as Harlowe is to _____________________.

    A) Monkeys; pigeons
    B) Baby Albert; monkeys
    C) Pigeons, dogs
    D) Shock experiments; monkeys
  7. 7. John Locke's description of the infant mind as a blank slate is most directly relevant to thedebate regarding:

    A) conscious versus unconscious.
    B) observation versus introspection.
    C) nature versus nurture.
    D) structuralism versus functionalism.
    C) nature versus nurture.
  8. 8. Nature is to nurture as the ________ perspective is to the ________ perspective.

    A) social-cultural; neuroscience
    B) cognitive; neuroscience
    C) evolutionary; behavioral
    D) behavioral; social-cultural
    C) evolutionary; behavioral
  9. 9. Harlowe's monkey study clearly demonstrates the _______________ perspective, whileBandura's Bobo demonstrates the ________________ perspective.

    A) nurture; nature
    B) nature; nurture
    C) psychodynamic; cognitive behavioral
    D) evolutionary; cognitive
    B) nature; nurture
  10. 10. Which perspective is most concerned with the unique ways in which individuals interprettheir own life experiences?

    A) behavioral
    B) cognitive
    C) neuroscience
    D) behavior genetics
    B) cognitive
  11. 11. The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how:

    A) feelings are influenced by blood chemistry.
    B) people try to understand their own unconscious motives.
    C) behavior is influenced by environmental conditions.
    D) people encode, process, store, and retrieve information.
    D) people encode, process, store, and retrieve information.
  12. 12. Behavior is to mental processes as ________ is to ________.

    A) nature; nurture
    B) sensation; memory
    C) talking; understanding
    D) structuralism; functionalism
    C) talking; understanding
  13. 13. Which psychological perspective is most likely to be concerned with identifying the powersand the limits of human reasoning?

    A) cognitive
    B) behavioral
    C) neuroscience
    D) behavior genetics
    A) cognitive
  14. 14. Functionalism is to structuralism as ________ is to ________.

    A) Plato; Aristotle
    B) John Locke; René Descartes
    C) William James; Edward Titchener
    D) John Watson; Sigmund Freud
    C) William James; Edward Titchener
  15. 15. Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different styles of parenting areencouraged among various ethnic communities?

    A) evolutionary
    B) psychodynamic
    C) social-cultural
    D) neuroscience
    C) social-cultural
  16. 16. Charles Darwin suggested that the evolution of living organisms is guided by:

    A) rational thought.
    B) natural selection.
    C) introspection.
    D) unconscious motives.
    B) natural selection.
  17. 17. William James was primarily concerned with the _______ of the mind.

    A) functions
    B) elements
    C) disorders
    D) biological origins
    A) functions
  18. 18. The first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology later wrote an influential book TheAnimal Mind. Her name was:

    A) Francis Bacon.
    B) Rosalie Raynor.
    C) Margaret Washburn.
    D) Jean Piaget.
    C) Margaret Washburn.
  19. 19. John Watson is to Edward Titchener as ________ is to ________.

    A) heredity; environment
    B) observable behavior; inner sensations
    C) mental illness; psychotherapy
    D) cognitive perspective; psychoanalytic perspective
    B) observable behavior; inner sensations
  20. 20. Nature is to nurture as ________ is to ________.

    A) behavior; mental processes
    B) functionalism; structuralism
    C) heredity; experience
    D) reason; emotion
    C) heredity; experience
  21. 21. The evolutionary perspective is to ________ as the behavioral perspective is to ________.

    A) observation; introspection
    B) nature; nurture
    C) structuralism; functionalism
    D) unconscious mind; conscious mind
    B) nature; nurture
  22. 22. Natassia believes that boys learn to be more aggressive than girls primarily because boys aremore frequently exposed to external pressures to fight. Natassia's belief most directlyexemplifies the ________ perspective.

    A) behavioral
    B) cognitive
    C) psychodynamic
    D) neuroscience
    A) behavioral
  23. 23. Your instructor stated that three parts make up the changeable human personality:

    A) heart, mind and soul
    B) id, ego, superego
    C) thoughts (cognition); feelings (emotion); behavior (actions)
    D) parent; child; adult
    C) thoughts (cognition); feelings (emotion); behavior (actions)
  24. 24. Smiling is to feeling as ________ is to ________.

    A) evolution; natural selection
    B) behavior; mental process
    C) structuralism; functionalist
    D) nurture; nature
    B) behavior; mental process
  25. 25. A biopsychosocial approach is one that requires the use of:

    A) introspection.
    B) applied research.
    C) structuralism.
    D) multiple levels of analysis.
    D) multiple levels of analysis.
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Psy 150 Prologue
Prologue questions