A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with three fatty acids attached to a molecule of glycerol is called a_______________
Ice cream, cheese, nuts and egg yolks
D) contain invisible fats
The most abundant form of lipid present in the body is
C) tryglyceride
True/False (support your answer with an explanation):
Lecithin is a major constituent of cell membranes; therefore it is an essential nutrient
Lecithin is a major constituent of cell members; BUT it is not an essential nutrient because the body can synthesize it as needed
Of the foods listed below, only____________contains cholesterol
C) sour cream
The most common polyunsaturated fatty acid in foods is
D) linoleic
Vegetable oils are liquid because they contain large amounts of
A) unsaturated fatty acids
Of the fats or oils listed below,____________is the best source of monounsaturated fatty acids
C) olive oil
Explain how the chemical composition of animal fat differs from that of fats of plant origin
Animal fats tend to contain saturated fatty acids-palmitic and stearic fatty acid. As a result, they are solid at room temperature. The degree of saturation in animal fat depends on the diet of the animal and ranges from beef and mutton fat (hardest) to fish fat (softest).
Oils from plant sources tend to contain oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which are unsaturated. Hence, they tend to be liquid at room temperature. The exceptions, coconut oil and palm oil, are highly saturated; however, while these substances are solid at room temperature, they are softer than animal fats because they are composed of fairly short carbon chains
Hydrogenation is a process that
C) makes unsaturated fats more solid
A fat that is partially hydrogenated
C) has some double bonds changed from cis form to trans form
A fat that has been oxidized
C) loses EFA because double bonds have been broken
________will help to prevent oxidation of a fat
B) partial hydrogenation
Of the fatty acids listed below, only__________does not belong to the omega-3 series
B) linoleic acid
The major dietary sources of omega-6 fatty acids are ___________
The major dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are____________and____________
-vegetable oils (safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybeans)
-fish and vegetable oils (especially canola and soybeans oils)
Digestion of lipids occurs
A) almost exclusively in the small intestine
Emulsification of dietary lipids
C) disperses and suspends fat droplets in a watery solution
True/False (support your answer with an explanation)
Bile is manufactured by the gallbladder to digest lipids
Bile is manufactured by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Its function is to emulsify fats so that fat droplets can be dispersed and suspended in a watery solution for the pancreatic lipase to work on
Long chain fatty acids and monoglycerides are absorbed into mucosal cells as tiny spherical complexes called__________
After absorption into the mucosal cells, long-chain fatty acids
C) are reassembled to form new triglycerides
_____________carry newly absorbed dietary lipids to target organs in the body
D) Chylomicrons
Of the sites listed below, only____________is not a destination for cholesterol in the body
B) the liver, where cholesterol is used for vitamin A synthesis
True/False (support your answer with an explanation)
Low concentrations of low-density lipoproteins in the blood reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
The most important function of dietary lipids is to
A) provide energy
In the body, triglycerides
D) do all of the above
True/False (support your answer with an explanation)
Cholesterol in food is the most influential factor on blood cholesterol level
The quantity and type of dietary fats have a greater influence on serum cholesterol then does cholesterol in foods
Of the strategies listed below, only__________is not an effective way to control the blood cholesterol level
B) eating a lot of wheat bran
How does a diet high in soluble fibre lower blood cholesterol levels?
Soluble fibre binds to bile acids, preventing the body from reabsorbing them and forcing the liver to produce more, a process that requires the use of cholesterol
How might as essential fatty acid deficieny develop? What would be the symptoms?
A deficiency in essential fatty acids could develop in an infant fed a low-fat formula or skim milk, in burn victims who have suffered extensive fluid loss, in people with bowel restrictions who cannot absorb fat from their diet, and in hospital patients receiving very low fat diets or gastric tube feedings. The symptoms are "growth retardation, reproductive failure, skin lesions, kidney and liver disorders, and subtle neurological and visual problems
Average fat consumption in Canada is about __________% of total energy intake
A) 30-33
The most dominant dietary fat that causes elevated blood cholesterol levels is
A) saturated fat
What are the health risks associated with high fat intakes? Explain.
High fat intakes contribute to heart disease, through increased blood cholesterol. Fat also contributes to obesity by inducing an excess calorie intake. Obesity leads to type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Fat may also be a factor in cancer
Of the food servings listed below,_____________has the highest content of cholesterol
A) three ounces of liver
The recommended ratio of omega-6 fatty to omega-3 fatty acids is
C) 4:1 to 10:1
True/False (support your answer with an explanation)
It is recommended that all Canadians should reduce total fat intake to no more than 30% of energy intake
This recommendation does not apply to children under the age of 2
The most reliable food sources of EPA and DHA are
A) fatty fish
Which of the following will help to decrease trans fat in the diet?
C) avoiding hydrogenated or hard margarine
D) all of the above
The current suggested intake of EPA and DHA (combined) for Canadians is