1. how gods word came to the world (Heb 1:1-2)
    Spoke various ways/times; fathers, prophets, Christ
  2. how gods words came to the world (Exo 17:14)
    To moses: write in a book
  3. how gods words came to the world (II tim 3:16-17)
    All scripture given by inspiration of God
  4. How god inspired the bible (Apoc 10:4)
    Voice told john to NOT write
  5. How we know the bible is true (Juan 17:17)
    Your word is truth
  6. How we know the bible is true (isa 46:9-10)
    Declared the end from the beginning
  7. prophecies of the past that came true now (mat 24:6)
    Wars, rumors of wars
  8. prophecies of the past that came true now (dan 12:4)
    knowledge shall increase
  9. prophecies of the past that came true now (mat 24:6-7)
    nation vs nation, kingdom vs kingdom, famines, pestilences, earthquakes
  10. Prophecies of the past that came true now (mat 24:8)
    these are beginning of sorrows
  11. One god (juan 17:1,3)
    You, the only true God
  12. One God (I Cor 8:5-6)
    Only one God, the father, creator of all things
  13. One God (Isa 45:21)
    No other god besides me
  14. god's state of being (Juan 4:24)
    God is spirit
  15. gods state of being (Luk 24:39)
    spirit does not have flesh and bones
  16. how god should be worshipped (Gawa 17:29)
    should not think of God as an image
  17. how god should be worshipped (Mat 6:9-10)
    worship name (spirit); his will be done (truth)
  18. How god should be worshipped (Heb 13:15 MB)
    Offering presented by lips
  19. Man's responsibility to God (Awit 95:6-7)
    Worship him
  20. How are we certain there is a God (Rom 1:19)
    God made it plain
  21. how are we certain there is a god (isa 45:5a,12)
    He is the lord, no other; made earth and man
  22. how are we certain there is a god (Rom 1:20)
    Clearly see invisible qualities, eternal power, divine nature
  23. how are certain there is a god (heb 3:4 MB)
    every house has a builder, God builder of all
  24. not all religions are of God (Mat 7:21)
    Christ: not every will enter KOH
  25. not all religions are of god (mat 15:9)
    vain worship, COM
  26. How is true knowing of God (sant 2:17)
    Faith w/o works is dead
  27. Man not free to worship God in any way they want (deut 12:32)
    do not add to/subtract from
  28. In Christian Era, proof that good is still here (juan 8:47)
    those of god, hear god
  29. Right and proper knowing of God (I Juan 2:3)
    if we obey his words
  30. is man free to pick any religion to worship (deut 12:5, 13-14)
    do not offer in just any place you see
  31. if man free to pick any place to worship (efe 1:9-10)
    Gather all thing in Christ
  32. God doesn't recognize any world's religion (efe 2:12)
    No: God, hope, covenant; apart from nation
  33. II Tes 1:8-9
    Recieve everlasting punisment
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