WM Vitamins.txt

  1. 99) A patient presents with beriberi (peripheral neuropathy, heart failure), and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. They have been diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency. What kinds of foods should they begin to eat more of to correct the vitamin deficiency?

    A) Fresh green, leafy vegetables, fruits, organ means (eg, liver), enriched cereals and breads.
    B) Milk, cheese, liver, meat, eggs, and enriched cereal products.
    C) Liver, red meat, fish, poultry, legumes, whole-grain or enriched cereals and breads.
    D) Whole grains, meat (especially pork and liver) enriched cereal products, nuts, legumes, and potatoes.
    D) Whole grains, meat (especially pork and liver) enriched cereal products, nuts, legumes, and potatoes.
  2. 34) A patient presents with bleeding due to deficiency of prothrombin and other factors. What is the function and where can you find the vitamin this patient is deficient in?

    A) Carnitine, hormone, amino acid formation, and mineralization and repair of bone and found in green leafy vegetables (especially collards, spinach, and salad greens), soy beans, and vegetable oils.
    B) Maturation of RBCs, neural functions, DNA synthesis, myelin synthesis and repair and found in bacteria in the GI tract after the neonatal period.
    C) Formation of prothrombin, other coagulation factors, and bone proteins and bacteria in the GI tract after the neonatal period.
    D) Maturation of RBCs, synthesis of purines, pyrimidines, and methionine and found in green leafy vegetables (especially collards, spinach, and salad greens), soy beans, and vegetable oils.
    C) Formation of prothrombin, other coagulation factors, and bone proteins and bacteria in the GI tract after the neonatal period.
  3. 65) A patient presents with headache, peeling of the skin, hepatosplenomegaly, bone thickening, intracranial hypertension, and papilledema due to vitamin toxicity. What are the signs and symptoms if a person were to be deficient of this vitamin instead?

    A) Beriberi (peripheral neuropathy, heart failure), Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
    B) Megaloblastic anemia, neurologic deficits (confusion, paresthesias, ataxi A), RBC hymolysis, neurologic deficits.
    C) Megaloblastic anemia, neural tube birth defects; mental confusion
    D) Night blindness, perifolicular hyperkeratosis, increased morbidity and mortaility in young children.
    D) Night blindness, perifolicular hyperkeratosis, increased morbidity and mortaility in young children.
  4. 148) A patient presents with renal failure and anorexia. It turns out that they have a vitamin toxicity. What is the correct combination of the function and the principal sources of the vitamin they have consumed too much of?

    A) Oxidation-reduction reactions and carbohydrate and cell metabolism and is found in liver, red meat, fish, poultry, legumes, whole-grain or enriched cereals and breads.
    B) Many aspects of carbohydrate and protein metabolism and integrity of mucous membranes and found in milk, cheese, liver, meat, eggs, and enriched cereal products.
    C) Insulin and thyroid function, improves immune function, and reduces autoimmune disease and is found in direct ultraviolet B irradiation of the skin.
    D) Intracellular antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals in biologic membranes and is found in fortified dairy products.
    C) Insulin and thyroid function, improves immune function, and reduces autoimmune disease and is found in direct ultraviolet B irradiation of the skin.
  5. 87) Which vitamin, if a patient takes too much of, will they also present with and enlarged liver and spleen?

    A) Vitamin K
    B) Vitamin A
    C) Vitamin D
    D) Vitamin E
    B) Vitamin A
Card Set
WM Vitamins.txt
FACE vitamin review questions