Formula Contraindications.txt

  1. 44) A patient is unable to use the restroom. They have not been able to urinate for 36 hours days now. They have been having various urinary issues for the past three weeks, but they are truly worried because it has never been this bad. If they cannot urinate by 9 pm tonight, they are going to go to the emergency room. They really can't afford another emergency room visit, so they are hoping that you can help them. They are also experiencing abdominal distention and pain. Their tongue has a yellow, greasy tongue coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. Which one of the following options below best describes the cautions and contraindications for the formula that would be best for this patient?

    A) Spleen tonifying herbs should be added for cases with severe Spleen deficiency.
    B) Overdose may include dizziness, vertigo, a bland taste, and reduced appetite. This formula should be modified to protect the yin from further injury.
    C) Long-term use may cause weakness, light-headedness, palpitations, and a loss of appetite.
    D) There are no cautions or contraindications noted.
    C) Long-term use may cause weakness, light-headedness, palpitations, and a loss of appetite.
  2. 38) A patient presents with acid regurgitation. They have been feeling a focal distention and fullness in their chest and abdomen along with fixed pain in the hypochondria and indigestion. They have not had much of an appetite lately. They also have been vomiting some along with belching. Furthermore, they have been coughing a bit and they have copious sputum. Which one of the following best describes the contraindication for the formula that would be best for this patient?

    A) This formula is contraindicated in vertigo due to Liver Yang Rising and Blood Deficiency
    B) This formula does not have any contraindications or cautions noted
    C) This formula may injure the yin and can only be used with modification for patients with Yin or Blood Deficiency
    D) This formula is contraindicated for stagnation due to deficiency
    D) This formula is contraindicated for stagnation due to deficiency
  3. 62) A patient presents with alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter or sour taste in the mouth, dizziness, irritability, sensation of fullness in the chest and hypochondria often experienced as difficulty in taking deep breaths, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, and a reduced appetite. Their tough has a thin, white coating and their pulse is string-taut. What are the contraindications/cautions/precautions for the formula that is best for this patient?

    A) None noted.
    B) Ascending action can injure the qi and cause headache, dizziness, and bleeding of the gums if taken long-term. Contraindicated in patients with excess above and deficiency below, Liver Fire, or bleeding of the gums. Caution with ascending Liver Yang, HTN, vomiting of blood due to yin deficiency. Patients with relatively weak normal qi may experience fever and chills while taking this formula because the pathogenic influence is vented from the Shaoyang stage via the Taiyang.
    C) May cause vomiting or severe diarrhea. For weak patients, it should be used only when absolutely necessary, and then with the addition of tonic herbs. Not to be used in pregnancy.
    D) Can harm the spleen, not to be taken long-term or in large dosages, nor in cases with Spleen deficiency or injury to fluids.
    B) Ascending action can injure the qi and cause headache, dizziness, and bleeding of the gums if taken long-term. Contraindicated in patients with excess above and deficiency below, Liver Fire, or bleeding of the gums. Caution with ascending Liver Yang, HTN, vomiting of blood due to yin deficiency. Patients with relatively weak normal qi may experience fever and chills while taking this formula because the pathogenic influence is vented from the Shaoyang stage via the Taiyang.
  4. 9) A patient presents with chronic pain, weakness, and numbness (especially in the lower extremities), and it is aggravated by cold. The tongue coating is white and moist. The formula that is best for this patient has which one of the following groups of cautions/contraindications?

    A) Without modification, this formula should not be used if there is accumulation or stagnation in the Stomach or Intestines
    B) Contraindicated for vertigo from either ascendant Liver yang or blood deficiency
    C) Because this formula is primarily dispersing in nature, it should not be used in cases with marked qi or blood deficiency.
    D) Because this formula is quite harsh, it should only be prescribed for individuals with a relatively strong constitution. It is contraindicated for patients with yin deficiency or during pregnancy.
    D) Because this formula is quite harsh, it should only be prescribed for individuals with a relatively strong constitution. It is contraindicated for patients with yin deficiency or during pregnancy.
  5. 7) A patient presents with coughing with copious, white sputum that is easily expectorated, focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, palpitations, nausea, and dizziness. They have a swollen tongue with a white, thick, and greasy coating. They also have a rolling pulse. What are the cautions or contraindications for the formula that would be best for this patient?

    A) Inappropriate for treating Lung and Kidney deficiency in the absence of an externally-contracted pathogenic influence, and in cases of wheezing and a productive cough due to heat in the Lungs.
    B) The improper use of this formula can lead to excessive thirst and a dry throat. Unless modified, it is contraindicated for cases with cough associated with Lung yin deficiency.
    C) Contraindicated in patients presenting with a flushed face, a bitter taste in the mouth, and a red tongue with scanty coating.
    D) This formula has a tendency to dry and should therefore not be used in treating coughs associated with yin deficiency. It was designed for treating wind-cold and should not be used without modification in treating coughs due to heat in the Lungs.
    B) The improper use of this formula can lead to excessive thirst and a dry throat. Unless modified, it is contraindicated for cases with cough associated with Lung yin deficiency.
  6. 63) A patient presents with throbbing pulsation just below the umbilicus, vomiting frothy saliva, vertigo, shortness of breath, and coughing. What are the contraindications/cautions/precautions for the formula that is best for this patient?

    A) May cause vomiting or severe diarrhea. For weak patients, it should be used only when absolutely necessary, and then with the addition of tonic herbs. Not to be used in pregnancy.
    B) Ascending action can injure the qi and cause headache, dizziness, and bleeding of the gums if taken long-term. Contraindicated in patients with excess above and deficiency below, Liver Fire, or bleeding of the gums. Caution with ascending Liver Yang, HTN, vomiting of blood due to yin deficiency. Patients with relatively weak normal qi may experience fever and chills while taking this formula because the pathogenic influence is vented from the Shaoyang stage via the Taiyang.
    C) None noted.
    D) Spleen or Kidney Qi deficiency the dosage and duration must be carefully limited. Overdose may include dizziness, vertigo, a bland taste, and reduced appetite. With deficiency, this formula is often combined with others that tonify and nourish the Spleen and Stomach to prevent injury to the normal qi. Urinary difficulty with yin deficiency, this formula should be modified to protect the yin from further injury.
    D) Spleen or Kidney Qi deficiency the dosage and duration must be carefully limited. Overdose may include dizziness, vertigo, a bland taste, and reduced appetite. With deficiency, this formula is often combined with others that tonify and nourish the Spleen and Stomach to prevent injury to the normal qi. Urinary difficulty with yin deficiency, this formula should be modified to protect the yin from further injury.
  7. 69) What are the contraindications/cautions/precautions of Ba Zheng San?

    A) Spleen or Kidney Qi deficiency the dosage and duration must be carefully limited. Overdose may include dizziness, vertigo, a bland taste, and reduced appetite. With deficiency, this formula is often combined with others that tonify and nourish the Spleen and Stomach to prevent injury to the normal qi. Urinary difficulty with yin deficiency, this formula should be modified to protect the yin from further injury.
    B) Because this formula contains warm and drying herbs, it should not be used without significant modification in cases with wind-heat or fire due to deficiency.
    C) Long-term may cause weakness, light-headedness, palpitations, and a loss of appetite. It should not be used without significant modification in treating conditions of cold from deficiency, or during pregnancy.
    D) Spleen tonifying herbs should be added for cases with severe Spleen deficiency.
    C) Long-term may cause weakness, light-headedness, palpitations, and a loss of appetite. It should not be used without significant modification in treating conditions of cold from deficiency, or during pregnancy.
  8. 7) What are the contraindications/cautions/precautions of Bei Mu Gua Lou San?

    A) This formula has a tendency to dry and should therefore not be used in treating coughs associated with yin deficiency. It was designed for treating wind-cold and should not be used without modification in treating coughs due to heat in the Lungs.
    B) Contraindicated for cough due to yin deficiency
    C) None noted.
    D) Contraindicated for vertigo from either ascendant Liver yang or blood deficiency.
    B) Contraindicated for cough due to yin deficiency
  9. 3) What are the contraindications/cautions/precautions of Si Ni Tang?

    A) Contains ingredients that warm and dry, therefore it should not be used for externally-contracted conditions with fever or yin deficiency. For sudden turmoil disorder, its use should be discontinued once the vomiting and diarrhea have stopped.
    B) None noted.
    C) Contraindicated in cases with true heat and false cold characterized by cold extremities, thirst with a desire to drink cool beverages, dark urine, and a red tongue with a yellow coating.
    D) Long-term may cause weakness, light-headedness, palpitations, and a loss of appetite. It should not be used without significant modification in treating conditions of cold from deficiency, or during pregnancy.
    C) Contraindicated in cases with true heat and false cold characterized by cold extremities, thirst with a desire to drink cool beverages, dark urine, and a red tongue with a yellow coating.
  10. 29) What are the indications for the formula that should only be used with significant modification for patients with yin or blood deficiency? This formula should also be used with caution during pregnancy.

    A) Dark, turbid, scanty, difficult, and painful urine. Dry mouth and throat. In severe cases there maybe urinary retention and lower abdominal distension and pain.
    B) Distension and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, loss of taste and appetite, nausea and vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation, heavy sensation in the limbs, easily-fatigued, increased desire to sleep and loose stools.
    C) Headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, a sensation of heat rushing to the head, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep.
    D) Extremely cold extremities, aversion to cold, sleeping with knees drawn up, lethargic state with a constant desire to sleep. Vomiting, diarrhea with undigested food particulates and abdominal pain.
    B) Distension and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, loss of taste and appetite, nausea and vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation, heavy sensation in the limbs, easily-fatigued, increased desire to sleep and loose stools.
  11. 93) Which of the following of the formulas without modification should not be used if there is accumulation or stagnation in the Stomach or Intestines?

    A) Suan Zao Ren, Fu Ling, Zhi Mu, Chuan Xiong, Gan Cao
    B) Bu Gu Zhi, Wu Zhu Yu, Rou Dou Kou, Wu Wei Zi
    C) Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Fang Feng
    D) Ban Xia, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao
    B) Bu Gu Zhi, Wu Zhu Yu, Rou Dou Kou, Wu Wei Zi
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Formula Contraindications.txt
FACE formula contraindication review questions