
  1. 56) A child, age 9, started vomiting last night. They have had fever and chills, coughing, aches and pains all over, and have been completely exhausted. Their tongue has a white greasy coating and their pulse is moderate and soft. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
    B) Xiao Chai Hu Tang
    C) Ren Shen Bai Du San
    D) Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
    A) Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
  2. 95) A patient comes in with a scratchy throat, sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, malaise, no temperature, water and profuse nasal secretions, and a mild cough. After taking their tongue and pulse and evaluating additional signs and symptoms, you give the following points to treat a patient's condition: LI 4 (Hegu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 16 (Fengfu), L 7 (Lieque), and G 20 (Fengchi). Which one of the following formulas would best match the point prescription you gave for their condition?

    A) Zhi Sou San
    B) Ma Huang Tang
    C) Yin Qiao San
    D) Sang Ju Yin
    B) Ma Huang Tang
  3. 41) A patient comes in with high fever, profuse sweating, extreme thirst, flushed face, mental restlessness, and a dry, yellow tongue coating and a superficial and forceful pulse. Which one of the following formulas is best for this patient?

    A) Bai Hu Tang
    B) Da Cheng Qi Tang
    C) Ren Shen Bai Du San
    D) Yin Qiao San
    A) Bai Hu Tang
  4. 85) A patient comes to you because she has been unable to sleep for the last four days. She's been experiencing terrible anxiety and her heart has been beating so hard and so furiously that it has kept her up at night. She's been so stressed out about her foreclosure that sometimes it literally feels like the room is spinning. At some points this will make her nauseated and it was so bad that it even made her vomit once. She has a greasy, yellow tongue and a rapid pulse that is also string-taut. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Wen Dan Tang
    B) Suan Zao Ren Tang
    C) Gui Pi Tang
    D) Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
    A) Wen Dan Tang
  5. 51) A patient comes to you for help. They have been having a feeling of distension in the head, a sore throat, coughing yellow and thick phlegm, high fever with no chills, dryness of the mouth. Their tongue has a thin, yellow fur, and their pulse is superficial and rapid. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Sang Ju Yin
    B) Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
    C) Zhi Sou San
    D) Yin Qiao San
    D) Yin Qiao San
  6. 62) A patient comes to you for help. They woke up this morning with an itchy throat. They have also been
    coughing. Their tongue has a thin, white coating and their pulse is superficial and moderate. Which one of
    the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Sheng Mai San
    B) Sang Ju Yin
    C) Zhi Sou San
    D) Gui Zhi Tang
    C) Zhi Sou San
  7. 25) A patient presents with a red face. They have a severe toothache but cannot see a dentist until
    tomorrow. They have foul breath, severe thirst, and they are constipated. Their tongue has a yellow coating
    and their pulse is forceful and rapid. They have also been feeling irritable Which one of the following
    formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Da Huang, Gan Cao, and Mang Xiao
    B) Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, and Geng Mi
    C) Ge Gen Tang
    D) Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
    B) Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, and Geng Mi
  8. 66) A patient presents with a reduced appetite. Their tongue has a thin, yellow, and greasy tongue coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
    B) Xiao Yao San
    C) Xiao Chai Hu Tang
    D) Si Ni San
    A) Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
  9. 169) A patient presents with acid regurgitation. They have also been feeling a distention and fullness in the epigstrium and abdomen. They have lost their appetite and feel nauseated. They also have been vomiting some along with belching. They have also noticed that they get tired easily and have an increased desire to sleep. They have also been feeling heavy sensations in their arms and legs. Their tongue is swollen with a thick, white and greasy tongue coating and their pulse is rolling. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Bao He Wan
    B) Ren Shen, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang, and Wu Zhu Yu
    C) Shen Qu, Shan Zhi Zi, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, and Cang Zhu
    D) Zhi Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Hou Po, and Cang Zhu
    D) Zhi Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Hou Po, and Cang Zhu
  10. 28) A patient presents with acid regurgitation. They have been having epigastric pain and they haven't had much appetite, but they have been having an indeterminate gnawing hunger. They have also been vomiting immediately after eating. Their tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating and their pulse is thready and slow. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Bao He Wan
    B) Zhi Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Hou Po, and Cang Zhu
    C) Shen Qu, Shan Zhi Zi, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, and Cang Zhu
    D) Ren Shen, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang, and Wu Zhu Yu
    D) Ren Shen, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang, and Wu Zhu Yu
  11. 150) A patient presents with aversion to wind, sweating, recurrent colds, and a shiny, pale complexion. Their tongue is pale with a white coating and their pulse is moderate. Which one of the following formulas would be best to give to this patient?

    A) Yu Ping Feng San
    B) Gui Zhi Tang
    C) Yu Ping Feng San with Gui Zhi added
    B) Gui Zhi Tang
  12. 116) A patient presents with Chronic Bronchitis and a thin, white tongue coating and a moderate and superficial pulse. Which one of the following formulas would be the best for this patient?

    A) Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
    B) Zhen Wu Tang
    C) Sheng Mai San
    D) Zhi Sou San
    • D) Zhi Sou San
  13. 62) A patient presents with coughing. They have a yellow tongue and a rolling, rapid pulse. Which one of the following formulas is best for this patient?

    A) Zhen Wu Tang
    B) Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
    C) Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
    D) Ding Chuan Tang
    C) Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
  14. 8) A patient presents with coughing and copious sputum. They have also been vomiting, belching, and acid
    regurgitation. They have not had much of an appetite lately. They have indigestion, a fixed pain in the
    hypochondria, and fullness in their chest and abdomen along with focal distention. Which one of the
    following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, Shan Zhi Zi, Shen Qu, and Cang Zhu
    B) Wu Zhu Yu, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, and Ren Shen
    C) Bao He Wan
    D) Chen Pi, Cang Zhu, Hou Po, and Zhi Gan Cao
    A) Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, Shan Zhi Zi, Shen Qu, and Cang Zhu
  15. 63) A patient presents with dry hair and skin. They also have palpitations, dizziness, insomnia,
    dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, depression, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion,
    pale lips, blurred vision, floaters in the eyes, diminished night vision, tingling or numbness of the limbs,
    scanty periods or amenorrhea, cramps, muscular weakness, depression, and a feeling of aimlessness. Their
    nails are also wither and brittle. Their tongue is pale, thready, and slightly dry and their pulse is hesitant or
    thready. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Si Wu Tang
    B) Suan Zao Ren Tang
    C) Gui Pi Tang
    D) Xiao Yao San
    C) Gui Pi Tang
  16. 128) A patient presents with dry heaves, nasal congestion, aversion to wind and a stiff neck. They have a headache and fever and chills that do not change even though they are sweating. The tongue has a thin, white, and moist tongue coating and their pulse is superficial and moderate. Which one of the following groups of herbs would be the best to give to this patient?

    A) Ge Gen, Xing Ren, Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, and Da Zao
    B) Zhi Gan Cao, Shi Gao, Ge Gen, Da Zao, and Shan Yao
    C) Sheng Jiang, Shao Yao, Gui Zhi, Zhi Gan Cao, and Da Zao
    D) Shan Yao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Gui Zhi, and Gan Cao
    C) Sheng Jiang, Shao Yao, Gui Zhi, Zhi Gan Cao, and Da Zao
  17. 46) A patient presents with excruciating epigastric and abdominal pain to the point that the patient cannot tolerate being touched. They have a strong sensation of cold in the epigastrium and vomiting to the point of being unable to eat. Their tongue has a white, slippery tongue coating and their pulse is thready and tense. All of the following ways are important in preparing the formula except:

    A) Grind equal amounts of the ingredients into a coarse powder and take 6 to 9 grams as a draft.
    B) Add Yi Tang to the strained decoction.
    C) The lower dosage of Chuan Jiao is used, and the dosage of the other ingredients is reduced by one-half.
    D) Today 2 to 3 times the dosage of Dang Shen is usually substituted for Ren Shen.
    A) Grind equal amounts of the ingredients into a coarse powder and take 6 to 9 grams as a draft.
  18. 78) A patient presents with fever and chills unrelieved by sweating, headache, aversion to wind, stiff neck, nasal congestion, dry heaves, and no particular thirst. Their tongue has a thin, white, and moist coating and their pulse is superficial and moderate. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Fu Ling, Mu Dan Pi, and Tao Ren
    B) Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, and Zhi Gan Cao
    C) Gui Zhi, Ma Huang, Xing Ren, and Zhi Gan Cao
    D) Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, Fu Ling, and Ze Xie
    B) Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, and Zhi Gan Cao
  19. 1) A patient presents with insomnia. They have a pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
    B) Gui Pi Tang
    C) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
    D) Wen Dan Tang
    B) Gui Pi Tang
  20. 60) A patient presents with Mastitis. They have a red tongue with a yellow coating and a string-taut pulse. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Si Ni San
    B) Xiao Chai Hu Tang
    C) Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
    D) Xiao Yao San
    A) Si Ni San
  21. 66) A patient presents with Meniere's Disease. Their tongue has a greasy, yellow coating and their pulse is rapid and rolling. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Zhen Wu Tang
    B) Er Chen Tang
    C) Wen Dan Tang
    D) Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
    C) Wen Dan Tang
  22. 25) A patient presents with palpitations. They have a dark swollen tongue with tooth marks, and a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is deep, thready, and forceless. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
    B) Zhen Wu Tang
    C) Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
    D) Er Chen Tang
    B) Zhen Wu Tang
  23. 60) A patient presents with mild, persistent uterine bleeding of purple or dark blood during pregnancy
    accompanied by abdominal pain that increases with pressure. They also have a choppy pulse. You give
    them a formula to help their condition. They come back about a year later. Various things have happened
    to them in their life, and now they are presenting with night fever and morning coolness with an absence
    of sweating as the fever recedes. They have emaciation with no loss of appetite. Their tongue is red with
    little coating and their pulse is thready, rapid. Obviously, you give them a different formula than they had
    before. What herb do both of the formulas that you gave them have in common?

    A) Sheng Di Huang
    B) Zhi Mu
    C) Mu Dan Pi
    D) Shao Yao
    C) Mu Dan Pi
  24. 175) A patient presents with Sciatica. Their tongue is pale with a white coating and their pulse is thready, weak, and slow. Which one of the following formulas would be the best for this patient?

    A) Zhen Wu Tang
    B) Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
    C) Xiao Huo Luo Dan
    D) Wu Pi San
    B) Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
  25. 97) A patient presents with a throbbing pulsation just below the umbilicus, they are vomiting frothy saliva, they feel like the room is spinning, the room is short of breath, and they are coughing. Which one of the following groups of herbs would you give this patient?

    A) Zhu Ru, Bai Shao, Fu Zi, Gui Ban, and Ze Xie
    B) Ze Xie, Bai Shao, Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, and Zhu Ling
    C) Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Ze Xie, Zhu Ling, and Fu Ling
    D) Bai Zhu, Zhu Ru, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, and Zhu Ling
    C) Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Ze Xie, Zhu Ling, and Fu Ling
  26. 77) A patient presents with urinary difficulty. They have a deep aching and heaviness in the extremities
    along with abdominal pain that is aggravated by cold. Their tongue is pale and swollen with tooth marks
    and they have a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is submerged and forceless. Which one of
    the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
    B) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
    C) Fu Ling, E Jiao, Hua Shi, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    D) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    A) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
  27. 22) A patient presents with urinary difficulty. They have a fever and are quite thirsty and would like
    something to drink. They have also been nauseated and have not been able to sleep so well. Which one of
    the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
    B) Fu Ling, E Jiao, Hua Shi, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    C) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    D) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
    B) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
  28. 130) A patient presents with urinary difficulty. They have a headache along with a fever and they are quite irritable. They have a strong thirst, but will vomit immediately after drinking. Their pulse is floating. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Fu Ling, E Jiao, Hua Shi, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    B) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
    C) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    D) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
    C) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
  29. 108) A patient presents with urinary difficulty. They have been feeling distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen. They have also been having labored breathing. In addition, they have generalized edema with a sensation of heaviness. Their tongue has a white, greasy, tongue coating and their pulse is deep and moderate. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
    B) Fu Ling, E Jiao, Hua Shi, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    C) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
    D) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    A) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
  30. 65) A patient presents with vomiting, coughing, and palpitations. They then begin to start feeling a
    heavy sensation in the head, dizziness, loose stools, and generalized edema. When they finally come to you
    they also tell you that they have developed urinary difficulty, deep aching and heaviness in the
    extremities. Their tongue is dark swollen with tooth marks and has a white, slippery tongue coating. Their
    pulse is deep, thin, and weak. Which one of the following formulas would be best to give to this patient?

    A) Zhu Ling, Fu Ling, Ze Xie, Hua Shi, and E Jiao
    B) Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao
    C) Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Chen Pi, and Da Fu Pi
    D) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
    D) Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, and Bai Shao
  31. 18) A patient presents with withered and brittle nails and very dry hair and skin. They also have dizziness,
    numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, blurred vision, floaters in the eyes, dry eyes, diminished night
    vision, scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, dull-pale complexion without luster but with red cheekbones,
    muscular weakness, cramps, and depression. They also have a feeling of aimlessness. Their tongue is
    normal colored without a coating or with a rootless coating and their pulse is superficial and deficient.
    Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao, Shu Di Huang, Suan Zao Ren, Mu Gua, and Zhi Gan Cao
    B) Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhu Ling, and Ze Xie
    C) Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Gou Teng, Chai Hu, Gan Cao
    D) Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, and Shu Di Huang
    C) Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Gou Teng, Chai Hu, Gan Cao
  32. 76) A patient that was recently diagnosed with hepatitis B has been suffering from indigestion, reduced
    appetite, mild coughing with copious sputum, acid regurgitation, vomiting, belching, fixed pain in the
    hypochondria, and focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and abdomen. Which one of the
    following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Zhi Gan Cao, Fu Ling, Ju Hong, and Chen Pi
    B) Zhi Gan Cao, Mang Xiao, Gui Zhi, Da Huang, and Tao Ren
    C) Shen Qu, Shan Zhi Zi, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, and Cang Zhu
    D) Zi Su Ye, Sheng Jiang, Fu Ling, Hou Po, and Ban Xia
    C) Shen Qu, Shan Zhi Zi, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, and Cang Zhu
  33. 79) All of the following formulas can have a white and greasy tongue coating except:

    A) Wu Zhu Yu Tang
    B) Wu Pi San
    C) Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
    D) Ren Shen Bai Du San
    A) Wu Zhu Yu Tang
  34. 23) All of the following formulas have Chen Pi in them except:

    A) The formula with Cang Zhu, Hou Po, and Zhi Gan Cao also in it.
    B) The formula with Zhu Ru, Ren Shen, Sheng Jiang, Gan Cao, and Da Zao also in it.
    C) The formula with Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, and Da Fu Pi also in it.
    D) The formula with Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Shao Yao, Mu Dan Pi, and Tao Ren also in it.
    D) The formula with Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Shao Yao, Mu Dan Pi, and Tao Ren also in it.
  35. 48) All of the following formulas have pulses that indicate phlegm or dampness except:

    A) Er Chen Tang
    B) Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
    C) Ren Shen Bai Du San
    D) Sang Ju Yin
    D) Sang Ju Yin
  36. 1) All of the following formulas have Zhi Gan Cao in them except:

    A) The formula that is indicated for fever and chills unrelieved by sweating, headache, aversion to wind, stiff neck, nasal congestion, dry heaves, no particular thirst.
    B) The formula that is for vomiting immediately after eating, indeterminate gnawing hunger, and acid regurgitation without epigastric pain.
    C) The formula that is indicated for fever and chills (chills predominant), no sweating, headache, generalized body aches and wheezing.
    D) The formula that is for high fever with profuse sweating, aversion to heat, red face, severe thirst, irritability.
    B) The formula that is for vomiting immediately after eating, indeterminate gnawing hunger, and acid regurgitation without epigastric pain.
  37. 154) All of the following formulas have Zhi Mu in them except:

    A) The formula that treats emaciation even though the patient still has the same level of hunger and appetite that they usually have. At night they may have a fever, but by about 7 or 8 am they feel a little chills, even cool. They have a red tongue with little coating and a thready, rapid pulse.
    B) The formula that treats irritability, severe thirst, red face, aversion to heat, profuse sweating and high fever along with a rolling, rapid pulse.
    C) Dry mouth and throat, dizziness and vertigo, palpitations, irritability, inability to sleep, and night sweats. They have a dry, red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse.
    D) The formula that treats irritability, high fever, dry mouth and throat, and dark urine. Their tongue sired with a yellow coating and their pulse is rapid and forceful.
    D) The formula that treats irritability, high fever, dry mouth and throat, and dark urine. Their tongue sired with a yellow coating and their pulse is rapid and forceful.
  38. 13) How do you prepare Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?

    A) Today the formula is generally prepared as a decoction with the dosage increased about four times. If prepared as a decoction, it should not be cooked for more than 20 minutes.
    B) Two to three times the dosage of Dang Shen is commonly substituted for Ren shen.
    C) Grind the ingredients into a powder and form into small pills with honey. Take in 9 gram doses three times a day.
    D) Take the strained liquid warm between meals. Today it is usually prepared as a decoction with a larger dosage.
    C) Grind the ingredients into a powder and form into small pills with honey. Take in 9 gram doses three times a day.
  39. 49) How do you prepare Long Dan Xie Gan Tang?

    A) Take the strained liquid warm between meals. Today it is usually prepared as a decoction with a larger dosage.
    B) Today the formula is generally prepared as a decoction with the dosage increased about four times. If prepared as a decoction, it should not be cooked for more than 20 minutes.
    C) Two to three times the dosage of Dang Shen is commonly substituted for Ren shen.
    D) Three of the herbs are usually fried in wine to produce draining with dispersion.
    D) Three of the herbs are usually fried in wine to produce draining with dispersion.
  40. 81) How is Wen Jing Tang prepared?

    A) Today the formula is generally prepared as a decoction with the dosage increased about four times. If prepared as a decoction, it should not be cooked for more than 20 minutes.
    B) Grind equal amounts of the ingredients into a fine powder and form into pills with water.
    C) Today the formula is either prepared as a decoction with the dosage specified in parentheses, or the ingredients are ground into a powder and formed into pills with honey, and taken in 3 - 6 gram doses each day with warm water.
    D) Today Bai Shao in the form of Shao Yao is generally used, and 2 to 3 times the dosage of DangShen is usually substituted for Ren Shen.
    D) Today Bai Shao in the form of Shao Yao is generally used, and 2 to 3 times the dosage of DangShen is usually substituted for Ren Shen.
  41. 42) If a patient is prescribed Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang, what kind of coughing do you expect for them to have?

    A) Coughing and wheezing with watery, copious sputum
    B) Mild coughing with copious sputum
    C) Coughing with wheezing with copious thick, and yellow sputum
    D) Chronic cough with sparse sputum that is difficult to expectorate
    A) Coughing and wheezing with watery, copious sputum
  42. 97) Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang and Tao He Cheng Qi Tang have all of the following herbs in common except:

    A) Zhi Gan Cao/ Gan Cao
    B) Mang Xiao
    C) Da Huang
    D) Zhi Shi
    D) Zhi Shi
  43. 100) What are the herbs in Da Jiang Zhong Tang?

    A) Chuan Jiao, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, and Yi Tang
    B) Chuan Jiao, Gan Jiang, Ren Shen, and Yi Tang
    C) Chuan Jiao, Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, and Yi Tang
    D) Chuan Jiao, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Yi Tang
    B) Chuan Jiao, Gan Jiang, Ren Shen, and Yi Tang
  44. 28) What are the herbs in Si Ni San?

    A) Fu Zi, Bai Shao, and Zhi Gan Cao
    B) Chai Hu, Gan Jiang, and Zhi Gan Cao
    C) Chai Hu, Zhi Shi, Bai Shao, and Zhi Gan Cao
    D) Fu Zi, Gan Jiang, and Zhi Gan Cao
    C) Chai Hu, Zhi Shi, Bai Shao, and Zhi Gan Cao
  45. 71) What are the herbs in the formula that best treats blood stasis in the womb?

    A) Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Mang Xiao, Zhi Gan Cao, and Tao Ren
    B) Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Bai Shao, Shu Di Huang, and Tao Ren
    C) Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Chai Hu, Shao Yao, and Tao Ren.
    D) Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Shao Yao, Mu Dan Pi, and Tao Ren
    D) Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Shao Yao, Mu Dan Pi, and Tao Ren
  46. 93) What are the herbs in the formula that best treats mild cases of constraint due to stagnant qi?

    A) Cang Zhu, Zhu Ling, Chuan xiong, Shen Qu, and Xiang Fu
    B) Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Shan Zhi Zi, and Shen Qu
    C) Cang Zhu, Huo Xiang, Chuan Xiong, Xiang Fu, and Shen Qu
    D) Cang Zhu, Chuan Xiong, Xiang Fu, Shan Zhi Zi, and Shen Qu
    D) Cang Zhu, Chuan Xiong, Xiang Fu, Shan Zhi Zi, and Shen Qu
  47. 78) What type of fever do you expect to see in a patient given Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, and Geng Mi?

    A) Fever with or without sweating
    B) Increasing fever and decreasing chills
    C) High fever with profuse sweating
    D) High fever and severe chills with shivering and no sweating
    C) High fever with profuse sweating
  48. 55) Which one of the following formulas does not have dizziness as an indication?

    A) Wen Dan Tang
    B) Xiao Huo Luo Dan
    C) Er Chen Tang
    D) Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
    B) Xiao Huo Luo Dan
  49. 55) Which one of the following options below best describes the signs and symptoms of the formula that is
    inappropriate in cases of externally-contracted wind-cold which presents with an absence of sweating and
    internal phlegm-heat. It is also inappropriate in cases of chronic asthma with asthma qi deficiency and a
    frail pulse.

    A) Fever and chills (chills predominant), no sweating, headache, generalized body aches, wheezing, the
    tongue has a thin, white coating and the pulse is superficial and tense.
    B) High fever and severe chills with shivering, absence of sweating or no sweating. There is pain and
    stiffness of the head and neck, soreness and pain of the extremities, focal distention, fullness of the
    chest, nasal congestion with sonorous breathing, and a productive cough. The tongue has a
    greasy, white tongue coating and the pulse is superficial and soft.
    C) Coughing with wheezing with copious thick and yellow sputum, labored breathing, and there may
    also be simultaneous fever and chills. The tongue has a greasy, yellow tongue coating and the pulse
    is slippery and rapid.
    D) Coughing with or without slight chills and fever, an itchy throat, and a thin, white tongue coating
    and a moderate, superficial pulse.
    • C) Coughing with wheezing with copious thick and yellow sputum, labored breathing, and there may
    • also be simultaneous fever and chills. The tongue has a greasy, yellow tongue coating and the pulse
    • is slippery and rapid.
  50. 73) Which one of the following would be the best to give to someone with restless fetus disorder with continuous bleeding from the vagina?

    A) Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Shu Di Huang, Di Yu, and Xian He Cao
    B) Shu Di Huang, Huang Qi, Bai Shao, E Jiao, Dang Gui, and Chuan Xiong
    C) Shu Di Huang, Ai Ye, Bai Shao, E Jiao, Dang Gui, and Chuan Xiong
    D) Dan Shen, Shu Di Huang, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Yi Mu Cao, and Niu Xi
    C) Shu Di Huang, Ai Ye, Bai Shao, E Jiao, Dang Gui, and Chuan Xiong
  51. 183) You give a patient Bai Shao, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, Bai Zhu, and Fu Zi. Which group of signs and symptoms are they most likely presenting with?

    A) Deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, urinary difficulty, and distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen. They may also have labored and heavy breathing, and they may also have generalized edema with a sensation of heaviness.
    B) Deep aching and heaviness in the extremities and the lower back accompanied by weakness and stiffness, urinary difficulty, aversion to cold and an attraction to warmth. They may also have palpitations, shortness of breath and numbness. Their tongue is pale with a white coating and their pulse is thready, weak, and slow.
    C) Deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, urinary difficulty, and distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen. They may also have vomiting, loose stools, acid regurgitation, easily fatigued, and loss of appetite. Their tongue is swollen with a thick, white, and greasy coating. Their pulse is rolling.
    D) Deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, urinary difficulty, and abdominal pain which is aggravated by cold. They may also have vomiting, coughing, palpitations, a heavy sensation in the head, dizziness, loose stools, and generalized edema. Their tongue is a dark swollen tongue with tooth marks along with a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is submerged, thin, and forceless.
    D) Deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, urinary difficulty, and abdominal pain which is aggravated by cold. They may also have vomiting, coughing, palpitations, a heavy sensation in the head, dizziness, loose stools, and generalized edema. Their tongue is a dark swollen tongue with tooth marks along with a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is submerged, thin, and forceless.
  52. 163) You give a patient Gan Cao, Fu Xiao Mai, and Da Zao. Which group of signs and symptoms are they most likely presenting with?

    A) Frequent bouts of yawning, insomnia with very restless sleep, night sweats, inability to think or concentrate for even short periods of time, irritability, forgetfulness, and disorientation. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready, rapid. B) Frequent bouts of yawning, dream-disturbed sleep, feverishness, anxiety and phobia, and they are withdrawn. They have palpitations with anxiety, they are also forgetful. They appear very disoriented to you. Their tongue is pale with a thin, white coating and their pulse is thready and frail.
    C) Frequent bouts of yawning, restless sleep sometimes with night sweats, inability to control oneself, frequent attacks of melancholy and crying spells, and disorientation. Their tongue has a red tongue with a sparse coating and their pulse is thready and rapid.
    D) Frequent bouts of yawning, inability to sleep, sometimes they have night sweats, palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, crying spells, and a dry throat and mouth. They have a dry, red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse.
    C) Frequent bouts of yawning, restless sleep sometimes with night sweats, inability to control oneself, frequent attacks of melancholy and crying spells, and disorientation. Their tongue has a red tongue with a sparse coating and their pulse is thready and rapid.
  53. 37) Your patient that has been diagnosed with influenza is brought to you for help. They have a thin, white tongue coating and a string-taut pulse. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?

    A) Ren Shen Bai Du San
    B) Yin Qiao San
    C) Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
    D) Xiao Chai Hu Tang
    D) Xiao Chai Hu Tang
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FACE general Formula review questions