1. 11) A guest acupuncturist may engage in the practice of acupuncture in conjunction with all of the following EXCEPT:

    A) Lectures
    B) Clinics
    C) Offices
    D) Demonstrations
    A) Lectures
  2. 12) A person who fails to renew his or her license within how many years after its expiration may not renew it, and it may not be restored, reissued, or reinstated.

    A) 4 years
    B) 3 years
    C) 5 years
    D) 2 years
    B) 3 years
  3. 29) A person whose license or registration has been revoked, suspended, or surrendered, or who has been placed on probation, may petition the board for reinstatement or modification of penalty, including modification or termination of probation, after a period of not less than the following minimum periods has elapsed from the effective date of the decision ordering that disciplinary action for all of the following EXCEPT:

    A) At least two years for early termination of probation of three years or more.
    B) At least three years for reinstatement of a license revoked or surrendered
    C) At least two years for modification of a condition of probation.
    D) At least two years for early termination of probation of less than three years.
    D) At least two years for early termination of probation of less than three years.
  4. 98) A valid, written consent must include all of the following elements EXCEPT:

    A) It must be signed and dated.
    B) It must show that the person consenting understood the nature of the procedure, alternatives, the risks involved and the probable consequences.
    C) It must show that the procedure was the one consented to.
    D) It must explicitly state the cost of the treatment and a reasonable anticipated duration of treatment length.
    D) It must explicitly state the cost of the treatment and a reasonable anticipated duration of treatment length.
  5. 191) According to California State Law, every acupuncture office shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times, as shall have which one of the following readily accessible?

    A) Bathroom
    B) Reception
    C) Waiting Room
    D) Sink
    A) Bathroom
  6. 93) According to California State Law, records should be kept of all patient visits and treatments performed. The medial record should be a complete, accurate, up-to-date report of all of the following except

    A) The patient's medical condition
    B) Amount paid by the patient
    C) The medical condition you are treating
    D) The treatment given to the patient
    B) Amount paid by the patient
  7. 32) All of the following are classified as unprofessional conduct EXCEPT:

    A) Conviction of a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of an acupuncturist, the record of being conclusive evidence thereof.
    B) False or misleading advertising
    C) Committing any act involving dishonesty or corruption with respect to the qualifications, functions, or duties of an acupuncturist.
    D) Using or possessing any controlled substance or dangerous drug or alcoholic beverage to an extent or in a manner dangerous to himself or herself, or to any other person, or to the public, and to an extent that the use impairs his or her ability to engage in the practice of acupuncture with safety to the public.
    C) Committing any act involving dishonesty or corruption with respect to the qualifications, functions, or duties of an acupuncturist.
  8. 145) An acupuncturist may be held liable for malpractice if, in rendering treatment to a patient, he or she does not do which one of the following?

    A) Agree to treat each and every patient that comes to them for help.
    B) Make a proper disclosure to the patient of the risks involved in the procedure.
    C) Cancel an appointment with a patient with at least 24 hours notice.
    D) Advertise the amount that they charge per acupuncture treatment on all forms of advertising they distribute.
    B) Make a proper disclosure to the patient of the risks involved in the procedure.
  9. 7) Any licensee that changes the location of his or her place of practice shall register each change within how many days of making that change?

    A) 60 days
    B) 30 days
    C) 15 days
    D) 45 days
    B) 30 days
  10. 48) California acupuncture certificates shall expire annually on what day, if not renewed?

    A) The last day of the birth month of the licensee
    B) December 31st
    C) The birthday of the licensee
    D) January 1st
    A) The last day of the birth month of the licensee
  11. 26) If an acupuncturist uses a needle more than once it constitutes which one of the following?

    A) Incompetence
    B) Gross negligence
    C) Fraud
    D) Unprofessional conduct
    D) Unprofessional conduct
  12. 96) In addition to a yearly physical, the CDCP suggests that practitioners, who work in an inner city clinic, with AIDS patients or drug addicts, have a PPD test how often:

    A) Every three months
    B) Once every two years
    C) Every six months
    D) Every year
    C) Every six months
  13. 93) In an investigation of an outbreak of HBV, what is the most important documentation an acupuncturist can have to contact patients to warn them of exposure?

    A) Accurate and up to date medical records of a patient's current condition.
    B) Documentation that none of your patients have been exposed to anyone with Hepatitis B.
    C) Records of daily appointment schedules with an accurate record of names and address of all patients and dates of treatments.
    D) Documentation that all of your patients have been immunized for Hepatitis A and B.
    C) Records of daily appointment schedules with an accurate record of names and address of all patients and dates of treatments.
  14. 18) In assessing the amount of the fine for a citation, the executive officer will consider the following factors in determining the amount of the fine EXCEPT:

    A) Evidence that the violation was willful
    B) Gravity of the violation
    C) The licensee was convicted of an offense substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of an acupuncturist and there is insufficient evidence of rehabilitation.
    D) The extent to which the cited person has mitigated or attempted to mitigate any damage caused by his or her violation
    C) The licensee was convicted of an offense substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of an acupuncturist and there is insufficient evidence of rehabilitation.
  15. 6) In order for a practitioner to be approved to supervise a trainee which one of the following statements must be true?

    A) Has filed an application with the board
    B) Has at least 5 years of experience practicing as an acupuncturist
    C) Is licensed to practice acupuncture in at least one state
    D) Does not train or employ more than one acupuncture trainees at any one time
    A) Has filed an application with the board
  16. 118) In which one of the following cases is it inappropriate for an acupuncturist to use the title, "Dr."?

    A) Possesses an earned doctorate degree from an accredited, approved or authorized educational institution in acupuncture or Asian medicine.
    B) He or she has completed a four year acupuncture or Asian medicine program and has successfully passed the California Acupuncture Licensing Exam
    C) He or she possesses a license or certificate which authorizes such use
    D) Possesses an earned doctorate degree from an accredited, approved or authorized educational institution in a biological science
    B) He or she has completed a four year acupuncture or Asian medicine program and has successfully passed the California Acupuncture Licensing Exam
  17. 2) OSHA requires that employers maintain confidential medical records on all employees including information about the employees' hepatitis B vaccination status and a medical evaluation of an employee after an exposure incident. How long must the records be retained?

    A) For at least the duration of the employment plus 15 years
    B) For at least the duration of the employment plus 10 years
    C) For at least the duration of the employment plus 30 years
    D) For at least the duration of the employment plus 5 years
    C) For at least the duration of the employment plus 30 years
  18. 6) The California Acupuncture Board require that you brush scrub your hands in all instances EXCEPT:

    A) Immediately before examining patients
    B) Immediately after examining patients
    C) Between patients
    D) Handling acupuncture needles and other instruments
    B) Immediately after examining patients
  19. 24) The use of the title "Doctor" or the abbreviation "Dr." by an acupuncturist as authorized without further indicating the type of license, certificate or degree which authorizes such use, constitutes:

    A) Fraud
    B) Incompetence
    C) Gross negligence
    D) Unprofessional conduct
    D) Unprofessional conduct
  20. 92) Where must an acupuncturist post his or her license?

    A) In the primary location of his or her practice.
    B) In a conspicuous location in his or her place of practice at all times.
    C) In the reception area of his or her office
    D) Upon request of the patient or the acupuncture committee
    B) In a conspicuous location in his or her place of practice at all times.
  21. 3) Which one of the following is the most effective form of handwashing?

    A) Handwashing with disinfecting soap and running water immediately after leaving each patient and just prior to the insertion of a needle.
    B) Handwashing with disposable antiseptic towelette such as benzalkonium chloride immediately after leaving each patient and just prior to the insertion of a needle.
    C) Handwashing with a germicidal hand scrub immediately before seeing a patient and just after the insertion of a needle.
    D) Handwashing with glutaraldehyde formulations and running water immediately before seeing a patient and just after the insertion of a needle.
    A) Handwashing with disinfecting soap and running water immediately after leaving each patient and just prior to the insertion of a needle.
  22. 2) Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

    A) "Critical' means that the protocol is considered essential for the safety of the patient and practitioner, and omission could constitute a serious public health risk.
    B) Disinfection is defined as products designed to reduce the density of microbial life on living tissue, particularly on the skin of the patient or practitioner.
    C) Antiseptic is defined as the use of chemicals and procedures designed to destroy or reduce the number of pathogens on inanimate objects such as equipment and clinic surface.
    D) 'Recommended" means that these measures are strongly supported by clinical studies that show their effectiveness in reducing risk or are viewed as important by the majority of epidemiologists.
    A) "Critical' means that the protocol is considered essential for the safety of the patient and practitioner, and omission could constitute a serious public health risk.
  23. 50) Which one of the following statements is true about any person who does not hold a current and valid license to practice acupuncture or holds himself or herself out as practicing or engaging in the practice of acupuncture?

    A) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a federal jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    B) It is a federal offense, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    C) It is a federal offense, punishable by a fine of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a federal jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    D) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    D) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
  24. 22) Which one of the following statements is true about any person who fraudulently buy, sell, or obtain a license to practice acupuncture?

    A) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    B) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a federal jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    C) It is a federal offense, punishable by a fine of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a federal jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    D) It is a federal offense, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
    A) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
  25. 59) You have decided to move to a new place of practice. According to California State Law, you must register each change within how many days of moving to your new office?

    A) 30 days
    B) 45 days
    C) 60 days
    D) 25 days
    A) 30 days
  26. 1) You pass the state board on January 21st, 2009 and get your license on February 21st, 2009. You immediately find the perfect space to begin practicing and the best possible price and the phone hasn't stopped ringing. For your first day of practice in your new clinic space you area already booked. One last detail is where must you hang your fabulous and hard-earned license?

    A) In the reception area of your office.
    B) In a conspicuous location in his or her place of practice.
    C) It is not necessary to post your license as long as you keep your pocket license with you at all times.
    D) In the primary location of your practice.
    B) In a conspicuous location in his or her place of practice.
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FACE CA Regs review questions