Metacarpophalangeal (Finger) Abduction
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel: Firm
- Position: Seated with forearm pronated, arm supported on table, wrist and hand in neutral
- Stabilization: Over metacarpals
- Stable Arm: Dorsal midline of metacarpals
- Axis: Dorsal MCP joint
- Moving Arm: Dorsal midline of proximal phalanx
Metacarpophalangeal (Finger) Adduction
- Normal ROM: Be able to squeeze fingers together
- Normal End Feel: Be able to squeeze fingers together
- Position:
- Stabilization:
- Stable Arm:
- Axis:
- Moving Arm:
Metacarpophalangeal (Finger) Flexion
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel: Firm
- Position: Seated, arm on table, wrist and hand in neutral position
- Stabilization: Over more proximal bone of joint you are measuring
- Stable Arm: Dorsal midline or more proximal bone joint
- Axis: Dorsum of joint being examined
- Moving Arm: Dorsal midline of more distal bone joint
Metacarpophalangeal (Finger) Extension
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel: Firm
- Position: Seated, arm on table, wrist and hand in neutral position
- Stabilization: Over more proximal bone of the joint you are measuring
- Stable Arm: Dorsal midline of more proximal bone of joint
- Axis: Dorsum of joint being examined
- Moving Arm: Dorsal midline of more distal bone joint
Carpometacarpal (thumb) Abduction
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel: Firm
- Position: Seated with forearm in neutral, arm supported on the table wrist and hand in neutral position, thumb positioned along volar surface of second metacarpal
- Stabilization: Over 2nd metacarpal
- Stable Arm: Midline of the metacarpal of the 2nd metacarpal
- Axis: Styloid process of radius
- Moving Arm: Dorsal midline of first metacarpal
Carpometacarpal (thumb) Adduction
- Normal ROM: Be able to squeeze thumb into fingers
- Normal End Feel: Be able to squeeze thumb into fingers
- Position:
- Stabilization:
- Stable Arm:
- Axis:
- Moving Arm:
Carpometacarpal (thumb) Flexion
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel:
- Position: Seated with forearm supinated, wrist on table, wrist and hand in neutral position, thumb positioned along lateral side of a second metacarpal
- Stabilization: Over ventral surface of the wrist
- Stable Arm: Ventral midline of radius toward radial head
- Axis: CMC joint
- Moving Arm: Palmar side of the hand on the ventral midline of the MC joint
Carpometacarpal (thumb) Extension
- Normal ROM:
- Normal End Feel:
- Position: Seated with forearm supinated, wrist on table, wrist and hand in neutral position, thumb positioned along lateral side of a second metacarpal
- Stabilization: Over ventral surface of the wrist
- Stable Arm: Ventral midline of radius toward radial head
- Axis: CMC joint
- Moving Arm: Ventral midline of first metacarpal
Carpometacarpal (thumb)/ Opposition
- Normal ROM: Measuring distance between your IP joint of the thumb to the distal 5th metacarpal
- Normal End Feel: Measuring distance between your IP joint of the thumb to the distal 5th metacarpal
- Position:
- Stabilization:
- Stable Arm:
- Axis:
- Moving Arm: