Psy 150 Chp 17 (Final)

  1. 1. The therapist establishes boundaries with the client by:

    A) having the client sign a written contract.
    B) setting up guidelines for the therapy sessions.
    C) informing the client in the first session that they will not be having sex.
    D) refusing to allow the client to ask questions.
    B) setting up guidelines for the therapy sessions.
  2. 2. Skylar and Chuckie both called Will scared. Your instructor called this an example of:

    A) rapport
    B) processing
    C) outside reinforcement
    D) moving forward - progress
    C) outside reinforcement
  3. 3. Will had lived in Boston and worked construction. He was given the opportunity touse his mathematical skills to work in prestigious companies. Erikson would say thatWill was solidifying his:

    A) trust issues
    B) geographical location
    C) identity
    D) boundaries
    C) identity
  4. 4. Clients think about, or process, the information they cover with their therapist. Whenthey take that information and use it in their life it is called:

    A) moving forward or progress
    B) termination
    C) breakthrough
    D) processing
    A) moving forward or progress
  5. 5. Will went to Seans house and left a note. Your instructor calls this the:

    A) good fit
    B) boundary violation
    C) check-in
    D) progress
    C) check-in
  6. 6. Will showed resistance to counseling by:

    A) sleeping through the session
    B) talking nonstop about nonrelated events
    C) chain smoking
    D) refusing to speak and just staring at Sean for the whole hour.
    D) refusing to speak and just staring at Sean for the whole hour.
  7. 7. Will began dating Skylar; however, Erikson would say that Will then highlighted agood example of which struggle:

    A) integrity vs. despair.
    B) identity vs. role confusion.
    C) trust vs. mistrust.
    D) intimacy vs. isolation.
    D) intimacy vs. isolation.
  8. 8. Sean became very angry when Will was disrespectful to his wife. When a therapistexperiences emotion other than care and concern towards a client, the technical term is:

    A) transference
    B) sexual tension
    C) countertransference
    D) boundary violations
    C) countertransference
  9. 9. Will avoided Seans questions, made fun of his books, and insulted Seans painting.Will was clearly demonstrating:

    A) anger
    B) resistance
    C) anti-social behavior
    D) reluctance
    B) resistance
  10. 10. Will visited several counselors before settling in with Sean. Trying out various typesof counseling ensures the client of:

    A) insurance reimbursement.
    B) various methods of approaching a problem.
    C) a good fit with the therapist.
    D) variety.
    C) a good fit with the therapist.
  11. 11. Will began counseling because he was causing fights; however, Sean focused in on hisabusive childhood. This is the therapeutic process of:

    A) intimacy vs. isolation
    B) trust vs. mistrust
    C) presenting issue vs. real issue
    D) transferrence vs. countertransferrence
    C) presenting issue vs. real issue
  12. 12. Will looked at Sean as a father-figure. This is a good example of client:

    A) transferrence
    B) boundaries
    C) rapport
    D) breakthrough
    A) transferrence
  13. 13. Will was forced to go into counseling rather than go to jail. Forced counseling isreferred to as:

    A) voluntary counseling
    B) remedial counseling
    C) marriage counseling
    D) mandated counseling
    D) mandated counseling
  14. 14. Will lied to Skylar about having 12 brothers. When she confronted him he started afight and broke up with her. This was clearly a demonstration of his lack of ability tonegotiate what developmental stage:

    A) identity vs. role confusion
    B) intimacy vs. isolation
    C) integrity vs. despair
    D) generativity vs. stagnation
    B) intimacy vs. isolation
  15. 15. Sean threw Will out of his office after they had had several sessions for not answeringquestions. He pushed Sean to dig deeper than he had before. This well-timedtechnique is called:

    A) check-in
    B) transference
    C) countertransference
    D) challenge
    D) challenge
  16. 16. Therapists are bound by privacy and confidentialitylaws. Therapists can break confidentiality for thefollowing reason(s):

    A) suicidal or homicidal plans.
    B)consultation with other therapists.
    C) neglect or abuse of a child or elderly person.
    D) A and C
    E) All of the above
    D) A and C
  17. 17. Many times clients cry in sessions. Sometimes because it is the first time they haveever really heard a truth about themselves. Will had never heard that it was not his faultthat he was abused. For Will this was a:

    A) termination
    B) presenting issue
    C) boundary issue
    D) breakthrough
    D) breakthrough
  18. 18. Another word for the connection between the client and the therapist is:

    A) rapport
    B) boundaries
    C) intimacy
    D) good fit
    A) rapport
  19. 19. Will left his job and friends behind to go find Skylar. Your instructor believes that thisis an example of Will's:

    A) moving forward and making progress.
    B) processing.
    C) resistance.
    D) graduation.
    A) moving forward and making progress.
  20. 20. Will's therapy ended when he was 21. Your instructor calls this phase:

    A) termination
    B) graduation
    C) processing
    D) challenging
    B) graduation
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Psy 150 Chp 17 (Final)
chp 17 questions