Nutrition 2

  1. The RDA for protein, vitamins, and minerals are based on

    D) the needs of most healthy people
  2. An AI

    B) is used when in sufficient data is available to determine the RDA
  3. Consumption of a given nutrient should not exceed the

    B) UL
  4. The RDA can be appropriately used in

    D) all of the above situations
  5. Compared with the RDA, the UL is

    C) higher
  6. Discuss the limiting factors to be considered when using the RDA
    - they are established for normal, healthy people and may not apply to those with chronic or acute illness

    -they have been established for only 26 nutrients

    -they do not account for nutrient interactions

    -they do not account for differences in age, body size, growth rate, or metabolic level
  7. The recommendation for energy intake is based on

    A) the average requirement to maintain energy balance
  8. Which of the following statements refers to ADMRs incorrectly?

    A) They are minimum amounts of energy that should be supplied by carbohydrate, fat, and protein
  9. The ABCDMV diet-planning principles refer to

    B) adequacy, balance, Calorie control, nutrient density, moderation, variety
  10. Distinguish between energy balance and dietary balance
    Energy balance means calorie control-that is, balancing energy intake with energy output.

    Dietary balance means providing foods of a number of types in balance with one another, such that foods rich in one nutrient do no crowd out foods (in the diet) that are rich in another nutrient
  11. Why is variety important in a diet?
    Variety is important in a diet, because nutrient content and amounts in foods vary greatly, even within the same food group. To assure a balance of necessary nutrients and to avoid monotony an undesirable contaminants in certain foods, a diet should include a wise selection of foods
  12. What are the characteristics of a nutrient-dense food? Give some examples
    A nutrient-dense food should provide a high quality (relative to need) of one or (preferably) several essential nutrients, with a small quantity (relative to need) of energy. Examples are skim milk; low-fat cheese; or yogourt; lean meat, poultry, or fish; dried peas, beans, or lentils; whole grain breads and cereals; and generally most fruits and vegetables-esspecially dark green or orange vegetables and citrus fruits
  13. Canada's Food Guide recommends that all adults over 51 years of age

    A) have 3 cups of milk and a vitamin D supplement each day
  14. Which of the following is not one serving from Canada's Food Guide
    a) 3/4 cup yogourt
    b) 1 egg
    c) 1 cup leafy lettuce
    d) 3/4 cup hot cereal
    b) 1 egg
  15. Which of these statements is not correct based on Canada's Food Guide

    B) Eat at least 3 vegetables and 3 fruits each day
  16. Which of the following oils and fats are not recommended in Canada's Food Guide?

    C) hard margarine and butter
  17. Which of the following is not a key message in Canada's food Guide?
    a) Include at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day
    b) Select lower fat milk alternatives
    c) Have fruit and vegetable juice every day
    d) Have meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and tofu often
    c) Have fruit and vegetable juice every day
  18. The % DV on a Nutrition Facts label

    B) is based on the highest RDA for a nutrient
  19. Which of the following statements would not be permitted on a food label in Canada?

    A) A diet containing soy protein is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease
Card Set
Nutrition 2
NUTR 330