Mechanical Sciences Steam Traps

  1. Steam trap that operates a lot like a ball float that might be in the tank of a toilet.
    Ball float steam trap
  2. Steam trap that consists of a bellows and valve arrangement.
    Bellows-type steam trap
  3. Steam trap comprised of a body, bucket, and valve.
    Bucket steam trap
  4. The water that accompanies steam exiting a steam generator.
  5. The process by which a vapor gives up the latent heat of vaporization and becomes a liquid.
  6. A type of steam trap dependent on the principle that hot water under pressure tends to flash into steam when the pressure is reduced
    Impulse steam trap
  7. A type of steam trap that has no moving parts and one or more restricted passageways or orifices that allow condensate to trickle through, but do not allow steam to flow through.
    Orifice-type steam trap
  8. The ratio of the mass of steam to the total mass in a steam water mixture. Usually expressed as a percentage.
    Steam quality
  9. Assembly consisting of a valve and a device that causes the valve to open and close.
    Steam trap
  10. The physical shock to components or systems caused by the impact of a high velocity fluid or pressure wave
    Water hammer
  11. State the purpose of a steam trap.
    A steam trap is a mechanical device that collects and removes condensate from steam lines without allowing the steam to escape
  12. State where steam traps are installed
    Typically a steam trap is located at a low point in the steam lines
  13. Describe what happens to condensate that has been removed from a steam system.
    Depending upon the system, condensate can be returned to the system’s makeup or boiler, added to station drains, or routed for use in another system.
Card Set
Mechanical Sciences Steam Traps
Chapt 4