2nd half of drugs Rx & prehospital

  1. Calcium Chloride is a ____ that does what?
    • Electrolyte
    • ^ myocardial contractile force & ^ ventricular automaticity
  2. Im going to give calcium chloride to my pt that has ____, ____, ____ or ____.
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Hypocalcemia
    • Hypermagnesemia
    • CCB toxicity
  3. Calcium chloride is contraindicated if my pt has ____, ____ or ____.
    • V-Fib
    • Hypercalcemia
    • Digitalis Toxicity
  4. When using calcium chloride I am precautioned that it may precipitate toxicity in pts taking ____. I should also ensure ____ & _____ b/f & after using calcium.
    • Digoxin
    • IV access
    • Flush the line
  5. Im going to give my hypocalcemia pt calcium in the amt of ____.
    2-4 mg/kg IV / 10 min as needed
  6. Methylprednisolone (aka ____) is a ____/____.
    • Solu-medrol
    • Corticosteroid/anti-inflammatory
  7. Methylprednisolone is described as a what?
    Synthetic adrenal corticoid effective as an anti-inflammatory & usd to manage allergic reactions, in some cases shock & treatment of spinal cord inj
  8. I can consider solu-medrol if my pt has ____, ____, ____ or ____.
    • Spinal cord inj
    • asthma
    • Severe Anaphylaxis
    • COPD
  9. What are the contraindications for solu-medrol?
  10. If Im going to give methylprednisolone (aka ____) I am precautioned to only give ____ ____ in the prehospital setting.
    One dose
  11. If I give a dose of solu medrol for anaphylaxis/COPD/asthma I am going to give ____.
    125-250 mg IV/IM
  12. Im going to give methylprednisolone to my pt w/ a spinal cord inj. I'm going to give them ____ & after 45 min an ______ of ____.
    • 30 mg/kg IV over 15 min.
    • infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hr
  13. Mag Sulfate (aka ____) is an ____ that acts as _____.
    • Magnesium
    • Electrolyte
    • CCB, CNS depressant & anticonvulsant. It also depresses function of smooth, skeletal & cardiac muscle
  14. Im going to give mag sulfate if my pt is in refrac ____, pulsless ____, ____, _____.
    • V-Fib
    • V-tach (especially in torsades depointes)
    • AMI
    • Eclamptic Seizures
  15. Mag sulfate is contraindicated if my pt has any of these ____, ____, ____ or ____.
    • Heart Block
    • Myocardial Damage
    • Shock
    • HTN
    • Blocking agents
  16. Im precautioned about using mag sulfate if my pt is on _____ or ____.
    CNS depressants or neuromuscular blocking agents
  17. The dose for mag sulfate for my V-fib or tachycardic pt is ____.
    1-2 g IV over 2 mins
  18. For Torsades De pointes I am going to give mag sulfate in the dose of ____ followed by ____.
    1-2 g IV followed by infusion of 0.5-1 g/hr IV
  19. I want to give my AMI pt mag sulfate. How much?
    1-2 g IV over 5-30 mins
  20. My pt is having eclamptic seizures I think I'll give ____ ____ in the dose of ____.
    • Mag sulfate
    • 2-4 g IV/IM
  21. My asthma pt is going to get ____ of mag sulfate via ____ ____.
    • 1-2 g
    • IV drip
  22. One option for my seizure pt is Phenytoin aka _____ b/c it is an ____.
    • Dilantin
    • Anticonvulsant
  23. How does Phenytoin inhibit seizures?
    By reducing the spread of electrical discharges in the motor cortex
  24. Dilantin also has antidysrhythmic properties that ____.
    counteract the effects of digitalis
  25. Dilantin (aka____) is indicated for ____, ____, or ____.
    • Seizures
    • Status epilepticus
    • Cardiac dysrhythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity
  26. Phenytoin is contraindicated if my pt is in ____, has a ____ or has ____.
    • Sinus bradycardia
    • Heart Block
    • Adams-Stokes syndrome
  27. For my seizure or status epilepticus pt I am going to give dilantin in the amt of _____.
    10-15 mg/kg slow IV
  28. If I want to give my pt w/ a dysrhythmia phenytoin (aka ____) I am am going to give them ____ to a max of ____
    • 100 mg slow IV
    • 1000 mg
  29. Sodium Bicarb is a ____ that is aka ____.
    • Alkalizing Agent
    • NaHCO3
  30. I want to give sodium bicarb to help the ____ ____reducing the effects of ____ ____ or to help treat some ____.
    • Buffer System
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • ODs
  31. I can give sodium bicarb to help treat ODs of ____ or ____.
    • Tricyclic antidepressants
    • Barbiturates
  32. Other than ODs I can give sodium bicarb for ____ or ____.
    • Refrac acidosis
    • Hyperkalemia
  33. Are there any contraindications for sodium bicarb?
    None when used in severe hypoxia or late cardiac arrest
  34. What dose am I giving Sodium bicarb in?
    1 mEq/kg IV then 0.5 mEq/kg/10 min
  35. Thiamine is _____ & is required to what? Where does it come fr?
    • Vitamin B1
    • convert glucose into energy
    • It is not made by the body & must come fr diet
  36. What are the 3 indications for thiamine?
    • Coma of unk origin
    • Chronic alcoholism w/ assoc coma
    • Delerium Tremens
  37. Contraindications for thiamine are?
  38. I am going to give my pt ____ of thiamine.
    50-100 mg IV/IM
  39. Diphenhydramine (aka ____) is an ____that blocks ____ ____ reducing ____, ____ & ____.
    • Benadryl
    • Antihistimine
    • Histamine release reducing bronchoconstriction, vasodilation & edema
  40. I am going to give my pts having an ____ ____, ____ or a ____ ____ benadryl in the dose of ____.
    • Allergic reaction
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Dystonic reactions
    • 25-50 mg IV/IM
  41. Benadryl is contraindicate if my pt has ____ or some other form of ____.
    • Asthma
    • Lower resp disease
  42. 7 side effects of diphenhydramine could be what?
    • Hypotension
    • Headache
    • Palpitations
    • Tachycardia
    • Sedation
    • Drowsiness
    • Disturbed Coordination
  43. I am going to give my pt having a distonic reaction ____ of benadryl.
    50-100 mg IV/IM
  44. Lorazapam (aka ____) is the most potent ____ available. It has strong ____, ____, ____ & ____ properties & a relatively short ____.
    • Ativan
    • Benzodiazapine
    • Antianxiety, sedative, hypnotic & skeletal muscle relaxant
    • Half life
  45. The 2 indications for Lorazapam are ____ & ____.
    • Sedation for cardioversion
    • Status epilepticus
  46. Lorazapam is contraindicated by a sensitivity to ____.
  47. What is on the LONG list of precautions for Lorazapam?
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
    • Depression or psychosis
    • Coma
    • Shock
    • Alcohol intox
    • Renal or hepatic impairment
    • Organic brain syndrome
    • Myasthenia gravis
    • GI disorders
    • Elderly
    • Debilitated
    • Limited pulmonary reserve
  48. I need to sedate my pt so I think I will give ____ of lorazapam.
    2-4 mg IM or 0.5-2 mg IV
  49. I want to give my status epilepticus pt lorazapam. How much should I give?
    2 mg slow IV/PR
  50. Metoclopromide (aka____) is an ____.
    • Reglan
    • Antiemetic
  51. Metoclopromide is a ____ antagonist similar to ____ but w/ few whats? It also desensitizes the ____ ____.
    • Dopamine
    • Procainamide but w/ few antidysrhythmic or anesthetic props
    • Vomit reflex
  52. Metoclopromide is indicated for ____ & ____.
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
  53. Reglan (aka ____) is contraindicated for what?
    • Seizure disorders
    • Pheochromocytoma
    • Mechanical GI obstruction or perforation
    • Breast Cancer
  54. Precautions for metoclopromide include the following:
    • CHF
    • Hypokalemia
    • Renal impairment
    • GI Hemorrhage
    • Intermittent porphyria
  55. I am going to give my pt _____ of reglan for his nausea.
    10-20 mg IM or 10 mg slow IV
  56. Ondansetron is aka _____. It is classed as an _____.
    • Zofran
    • Antiemetic
  57. Zofran is described as a . . . .
    Selective blocking agent of serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type
  58. I'm going to give Zofran to my pt who is having ____ ____ & _____ dosed @ _____.
    • Intractible vomiting
    • Nausea
    • Single 24 mg tablet ODT or 4 mg undiluted over 30 sec IV
    • No repeat is indicated
  59. What are the contraindications for Zofran?
    There are none
  60. When I give Ondansetron i have to be cautious b/c it may what?
    Mask a progressive ileus &/or gastric distension
  61. Chlordiazepoxide (aka ____) is a ____/_____ & a ____ derivative.
    • Librium
    • Sedative/Hypnotic
    • benzodiazepine
  62. Librium is a ____ ____ that produces what?
    • Benzo derivative
    • mild sedation & anticonvulsant, skeletal muscle relaxant & prolonged hypnotic effects
  63. I have a pt w/ severe anxiety & tension & I'm going to give them librium dosed @ ____.
    50-100 mg IV/IM
  64. The 2 indications for chlordiazepoxide (aka ____) are ____ & ____.
    • Severe anxiety & tension
    • DT's fr alcohol
  65. Chlordiazepoxide is contraindicated for _____ & _____.
    • pregnant & nursing mothers
    • Children under 6
  66. I am cautioned about using librium if my pt has the following:
    • Primary depressive disorders or psychosis
    • Acute alcohol intox
  67. Haloperidol or ____ is an ____ used to treat what?
    • Haldol
    • Antipsychotic
    • Acute psychotic episodes
  68. What are 3 characteristics of Haldol?
    • Believed to block dopamine receptors in brain assoc w/ mood & behavior
    • Potent Antiemetic
    • Impairs temp regulation
  69. Haloperidol is contraindicated for . . . .
    • Parkinsons disease
    • Seizure disorders
    • Coma
    • Alcohol depression
    • CNS depression
    • Thyrotoxicosis
    • When mixed w/other sedatives
  70. Precautions assoc w/ haldol are ___, ___ & ____.
    • anticonvulsant
    • Anticoagulant
    • Lithium therapy
  71. Im going to give haloperidol (aka____) to my psychotic pt in the amt of _____.
    2-5 mg IM
  72. Butorphanol is a schedule ____ ____ ____ ____ that is aka ____. How does it relate to morphine?
    • Schedule IV Synthetic narcotic analgesic
    • Stadol
    • Centrally acting & about 5 times more potent
  73. I want to give my pt w/ moderate to severe pain stadol but cant b/c they have ____ &/or a ____ ____.
    • Undiagnosed abd pain
    • Head inj
  74. Meperidine (aka____) is a ____ ____ w/ properties similar to ____ but w/o the ____ side effects.
    • Demerol
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Morphine
    • Hemodynamic
  75. Meperidine is indicated for my pt w/ ____ but contraindicated for pts w/ ____ or ____.
    • Pain
    • Seizure Disorders
    • Acute abdomen prior to diagnosis
  76. Precautions assoc w/ meperidine are ?
    • ^ ICP
    • Asthma or resp conditions
    • SVTs
    • Prostatic hypertrophy
    • Urethral stricture
    • Glaucoma
    • Elderly or debilitated
    • Renal or hepatic impairment
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Addisons disease
  77. I am going to give _____ IM or _____ IV of meperidine to my pt.
    50-100 mg IM or 25-50 mg IV
  78. Nalbuphine is a ____ ____ aka _____ that is equivalent to morphine but w/o out ____ ____ @____ ____.
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Nubain
    • resp depression @ higher doses
  79. Nalbuphine (aka ____) is indicated for ____ but contraindicated for what injuries?
    • Nubain
    • Pain
    • Undiagnosed Head or abd inj
  80. Pancuronium (aka ____) is a ____ ____ ____ that causes ____ w/o ____ or ____.
    • Pavulon
    • Nondepolarizing Neuromuscluar Blocker
    • Paralysis
    • Bronchospasm or Hypotension
  81. Pavulon is indicated for ____ ____.
    ET intubation
  82. _____ is the only contraindication for pancuronium.
  83. I am going to give ____ IV of pancuronium to help facilitate ____ ___.
    • 0.04-0.1 mg/kg IV
    • ET intubation
  84. Vecuronium (aka ____) is a ____ ____ ____ ____ used to facilitate ____ ____.
    • Norcuron
    • Nondepolarizing Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
    • ET intubation
  85. I am precautioned about using Norcuron (aka ____) on pts w/ ____, ___ or ____.
    • Vecuronium
    • Severe obesity
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Malignant hyperthermia
  86. I am going to give _____ mg via ___ of vecuronium to my pt that needs be tubed.
    0.08-0.1 mg/kg IV
  87. Chlorpromazine (aka ____) is a _____/_____ thats used to manage. . .. .
    • Thorazine
    • Tranquilizer/Antipsychotic
    • Psychotic episodes by providing strong sedation & moderate extrapyramidal symptoms
  88. Chlorpromozine (aka ____) is indicated for ____, ____ & ____.
    • Thorazine
    • Acute psychotic episodes
    • Intractable hiccups
    • Nausea/Vomiting
  89. Promethazine is an ____ also known as ____.
    • Antiemetic
    • Phenergan
  90. Promethazine is an ____ agent that enhances the effects of ____ & is a potent _____.
    • Anticholinergic
    • Analgesics
    • Antiemetic
  91. I could give phenergan to my pt who has ____, ____, ____ or ____.
    • Nausea & vomiting
    • Motion Sickness
    • Enhance effects of analgesics
    • To induce Sedation
  92. I am going to give my pt w/ motion sickness, nausea & vomiting _____ of promethazine IV/IM/PR.
    12.5-25 mg
  93. Aminophylline is a ____ ____ that prolongs bronchodilation & decreases ____ ____. It also has mild ____ & ____ stimulating effects.
    • Methylxanthine Bronchodilator
    • Mucus production
    • Cardiac & CNS
  94. Aminophylline (aka ____) is indicated for what 2 things?
    • Somophyllin
    • Bronchospasm in asthma & COPD refrac to sympathomimetics & other bronchodilators
    • CHF
  95. Aminophylline is contraindicated for ____.
    Uncontrolled Cardiac Dysrhythmias
  96. Terbutaline is a ____ ____ aka ____ or ____.
    • Sympathetic agent
    • Brethine or Bricanyl
  97. Terbutaline is a synthetic _____ that causes what?
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Bronchodilation w/ less cardiac effect than epi
  98. Terbutaline is indicated for ____ & ____.
    • Bronchial Asthma
    • Bronchospasm in COPD
  99. Alteplase Recombinant (aka ____) is a ____.
    • Activase
    • Thrombolytic
  100. Alteplase Recombinant is indicated for what?
    Thrombolyse in AMI, acute ischemic stroke & pulmonary embolism
  101. Contraindications for alteplase recombinant are what?
    • Internal bleeding
    • Suspected aortic dissection
    • Traumatic CPR
    • Recent hemorrhagic stroke
    • Intracranial/Intraspinal surgery or trauma
    • Pregnancy
    • Uncontrolled HTN
  102. Precautions w/ alteplase recombinant are . . . .
    • Recent major surgery
    • Cerebral vascular disease
    • Recent GI/GU bleeding
    • Recent trauma
    • HTN pt >75y/o
    • Oral coagulants
    • Hemorrhagic ophthalmic conditions
  103. The dosage of atletase recombinant (aka ____) for MI & stroke is _____.
    • Activase
    • 15 mg IV then 0.75 mg/kg (up to 50) over 30 min, then 0.5 0.5 mg/kg (up to 35) over 60 min
  104. The dosage of alteplase recombinant (aka ____) for pulmonary embolism is ____.
    • Activase
    • 100 mg IV infusion over 2 hrs
  105. Heparin (aka ____) is a ____-____ ____.
    • Heparin
    • Rapid-onset anticoagulant
  106. Heparin is an anticoagulant that enhances . . . .
    The effects of antithrombin III & blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin & fibrinogen to fibrin
  107. Heparin is given in AMI to what?
    Prevent thrombus formation
  108. Timoptic is a . . . .
    Non selective beta adrenergic receptor blocking agent
  109. Timoptic is given for ___, ____ or ____.
    • HTN
    • MI
    • Elevated ocular pressure
  110. Timoptic is contraindicated under what circumstances . . . .
    • Asthama
    • Severe COPD
    • Sinus Brady
    • 2nd & 3rd degree AV block
    • Cardiogenic shock
  111. Timoptic is given in the dosage of _____.
    1 drop/eye BID
  112. Norepi (aka ____) is a ____ ____ that is indicated for ____ & ____.
    • Levophed
    • Sympathomimetic Agent
    • Refrac HTN & Neurogenic shock
  113. Norepi is described as what?
    Naturally occurring catecholamine & also causes vasoconstriction, cardiac stim & ^ BP, myocardial O2 demand & coronary blood flow
  114. The contraindication for Norepi is _____.
    Hypotension due to uncorrected hypovolemia
  115. When administering norepi always utilize . . . .
    The largest vein available
  116. Dexamethasone (aka____) is a ____ with intense ____ activity.
    • Decadron
    • Long-acting adrenocorticoid Steroid
    • Anti-inflammatory
  117. Dexamethasone is indicated for ____, ____, ____ & ____.
    • Anaphylaxis
    • Asthma
    • COPD
    • Spinal cord edema
  118. Contraindications for Decadron are what?
    Nothing in emergency setting
  119. Ketorolac is an ____ also known as ____ & is indicated for ____.
    • NSAID
    • Toradol
    • Mild or Moderate Pain
  120. Ketorolac (aka ____) is an . . . .
    • Toradol
    • Injectable NSAID that exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory & antipyretic props w/o sedative effects
  121. Mannitol is an ____ ____ thats is also known as ____.
    • Osmotic Diuretic
    • Osmitrol
  122. Mannitol works by . . . .
    drawing H2O into the intravascular space through its hypertonic effects then causes diuresis
  123. ____ ____ is the indication for osmitrol.
    Cerebral edema
  124. Glucagon (aka ____) is a ____/____.
    • GlucaGen
    • Hormone/Antihypoglycemic
  125. Glucagon is described as what?
    A protein secreted by pancreatic cells that causes a breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose
  126. Glucagon is indicated for ____ & _____.
    • Hypoglycemia w/o IV access
    • Beta blocker OD
  127. Glucagon is only effective if there is sufficient ________.
    Stores of glycogen in the liver
  128. I am going to give my hypoglycemic pt glucagon dosed @ _____.
    1 mg IM/SC repeated 5-20 min
  129. I want to give glucagon to my pt who has ODed on beta blockers. How much should I give.
    50-150 mcg/kg IV over 1 min
  130. Oxytocin (aka ____) is a ____ ____ that causes the . . . .
    • Pitocin
    • Natural Hormone
    • Uterus to contract, thereby inducing labor, encouraging delivery of the placenta & ctrling postpartum hemorrhage.
  131. ___ ___ ___ is the indication for oxytocin.
    Severe postpartum hemorrhage
  132. Prochlorperazine is a ____ that is also called ____.
    • Antiemetic
    • Compazine
  133. Compazine (aka ____) is described as a . . . .
    • Prochlorperazine
    • Potent antiemetic w/ little sedative, hypotensive & anticholinergic effect
  134. Prochlorperazine (aka ____) is indicated for what 4 things?
    • Compazine
    • Nausea & vomiting
    • motion sickness
    • enhances effects of analgesics
    • Induces sedation
  135. Prochlorperazine is dosed @ _____.
    12.5-25 mg IV/IM/PR
  136. Racemic Epi is a variation of Epi & a (C)____ ____ used only for . . .
    • sympathomimetic agent
    • Inhalation to induce bronchodilation & reduce laryngeal edema & mucus secretion
  137. Racemic Epi is indicated for ____ & contraindicated for ___ & ____.
    • Croup
    • HTN & Epiglotitis
  138. Vytorin C
    Lipid Lowering Agent
  139. Lamictal C
  140. Methadone C
    Opiod Agonist
  141. Topamax C
  142. Diclofenac C & T
    • NSAID
    • Voltaren
  143. Promethazine C & T
    • Anti-spazmotic
    • Phenergan
  144. Mobic C
  145. Doxycycline C
  146. Augmentin C
  147. Cephalexin C & T
    • Antibiotic
    • Keflex
  148. Bactrim C
  149. Hydrochlorothiazide C & T
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Hydrocortizone
  150. Advair C
  151. Omeprazole C & T
    • Antispazmodic
    • Prilosec
  152. Zetia C
    Lipid Lowering Agent
  153. Risperidol C
  154. Abilify C
  155. Skelaxin C
    Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
  156. Elavil C & T
    • Antidepressant
    • Amitriptyline
  157. Coumadin C & T
    • Anticoagulant
    • Warfarin
  158. Flomax C
  159. Allegra C
  160. Clindamycin C
  161. Insulin C & T
    • Insulin
    • Humulin
  162. Lunesta C
  163. Fosamax C
  164. Zyprexa C
  165. Ranitidine C & T
    • Anti-spazmotic
    • Zantac
  166. Hydroxyzine C & T
    • Sedative
    • Vistaril
  167. Actos C
    Anti-Diabetic agent
  168. Metronidazole C & T
    • Anti-infective
    • Flagyl
  169. Altace C & T
    • Lipid Lowering agent
    • Ramipril
  170. Crestor C
    Lipid Lowering agent
  171. Coreg C
  172. Digoxin C & T
    • Cardiac Glycoside
    • Lanoxin
  173. Benicar C
    Angiotensin Antagonist
  174. Verapamil C
  175. Zithromax C
  176. Dilantin C & T
    • Antiepileptic
    • Phenytoin
  177. Tricor C
    Lipid Lowering agent
  178. Lotrel C
    HTN ACE inhibitor
  179. Norco C
    Opiod Analgesic
  180. Avandia C
    Anti-Diabetic Agent
  181. Ritalin C
  182. Inderal C & T
    • Beta Blocker
    • Propranolol
  183. Singulair C
  184. Aciphex C
  185. Enalapril C & T
    • ACE inhibitor
    • Vasotec
  186. Tamiflu C
  187. Baclofen C
    Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
  188. Lovastatin C & T
    • Lipid Lowering Agent
    • Mevacor
  189. Provigil C
  190. Penicillin C
  191. Remeron C
  192. Concerta C
  193. Cozaar C
    HTN Angiotensin Antagonist
  194. Premarin C
  195. Methotrexate C
    Antineoplamic Agent
  196. Buspar C
  197. Glyburide C
Card Set
2nd half of drugs Rx & prehospital
Prehospital & Rx for