Repetitive twitching of a muscle group at inappropriate times
A subjective sensation that precedes a seizure
This reflex is absent with a lesion of cranial nerve V or cranial nerve VII paralysis
The person's ability to recognize objects by feeling their forms, sizes, and weights
Abnormal sensation, such as burning or tingling
This reflex, if positive, is normally present in infants, but not in adults
Increased muscle tone
The ability to "read" a number or letter by having it traced on the skin
This coma scale is used to provide a standardized, objective assessment of level of consciousness
Decreased muscle tone
Uncoordinated or unsteady gait
Cranial nerve VIII
This reflex, in the infant, is also called the "startle" reflex
If this test is positive, the person sways, falls, or widens base of feet to avoid falling when the eyes are closed