A change to _____ is any change that affects the weight, balance or moment of inertia of a component.
A change to ____ is any change that affects an interface with other components.
A change to ______ is any change that affects operational characteristics.
A _______ volt safety shorting probe shall be conspicuously located in all engineering spaces containing switchboards or other installed high voltage electrical equipment.
All cutter and boat operating machinery shall be inspected every _____ and readings shall be recorded.
Operating machinery must be checked at least once every ____ hours when in port, on electrical shore-tie between the hours of 0600 and 2200.
One DC Book, complete in all respects shall be designated the ______
"Master Copy".
How many copiesof the CCOL is available on a cutter?
How many copies of the DC Book are available on a cutter?
For compartments having two or more entrances over _____ feet apart, duplicate check off lists shall be posted at each entrance.