Dos Commands

  1. netstat
    Used to display TCP/IP network stats and info
  2. netsh
    • A command-line scripting utility that
    • allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network
    • configuration of a computer that is currently running.
  3. sc
    • Communicates with the Service
    • Controller and installed services.
  4. net
    The net command is a Command Prompt command that can be used to update, view, and fix most aspects of network settings.
  5. tasklist
    • Displays a list of applications and
    • services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or
    • a remote computer.
  6. taskkill
    Ends one or more tasks or processes.
  7. ipconfig
    • Displays all current TCP/IP network
    • configuration values and refreshes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
    • and Domain Name System (DNS) settings.
  8. ping
    • Verifies IP-level connectivity to
    • another TCP/IP computer by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
    • Echo Request messages. The receipt of corresponding Echo Reply messages are
    • displayed, along with round-trip times
  9. tracert
    Shows the number of hopes a Packet makes to get to its destination.
  10. pathping
    Works much like "tracert" but pings at every hop
  11. nslookup
    • Displays information that you can use
    • to diagnose Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure.
  12. route
    • Displays and modifies the entries in
    • the local IP routing table.
  13. whoami
    • Displays user, group and privileges
    • information for the user who is currently logged on to the local system.
  14. hostname
    Displays the host name.
  15. chkdsk
    • Creates and displays a status report for the
    • disk.
  16. dir
    • Displays a list of a directory's files and
    • subdirectories
  17. cd
    • Displays the name of the current directory or
    • changes the current folder
  18. prompt
    Changes the Cmd.exe prompt to show more or less info
  19. ver
    Displays the OS version number
  20. cls
    Clears the Command Prompt window
  21. .bat files
    A batch file is an unformatted text file that contains one or more commands that will run sequentially as they appear in the file
  22. .exe files
    • Files ending with .EXE are executable program
    • files.
  23. fsutil
    • Performs tasks that are related to file
    • allocation table (FAT) and NTFS file systems.
  24. diskpart
    • DiskPart commands help you to manage
    • your PC's drives (disks, partitions, volumes, or virtual hard disks).
  25. fdisk
    • used to create, delete, and format partitions on
    • hard disks that were formatted using the FAT32 and other FAT file systems.
  26. format
    Formats a disk to accept Windows files.
  27. path
    Sets the set of directories used to search for executable files.
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Dos Commands
Current into on networking