Nutrition 1

  1. Nutrition is:

    B) the study of the function and interaction of nutrients, and the processes by which the body uses them
  2. List three disciplines that study how nutrients are processed in the body at the molecular and cellular levels
    • -Biochemistry
    • -Physiology
    • -Anatomy
  3. List four areas of study that teach us about factors that influence people's choice of food.
    Any four of:

    • -Psychology
    • -Sociology
    • -Anthropology
    • -Economics
    • -Religion
    • -History
  4. List the six major classes of nutrients.
    • -Carbohydrates
    • -Proteins
    • -Fats (lipids)
    • -Vitamins
    • -Minerals
    • -Water
  5. An essential nutrient is not :

    C) synthesized by the body in sufficient quantity
  6. In a complete chemical analysis of foods, the greatest component is typically

    C) Water
  7. An organic compound is

    B) a substance or molecule containing carbon
  8. Kilocalories is not
    a) a measure of food energy
    b) a measure of the energy the body spends
    c) a chemical constituent of foods
    d) the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1 degree C
    c) a chemical constituent of foods
  9. Of the classes of nutrients listed below,_________cannot provide energy to the body

    C) vitamins and minerals
  10. One gram of carbohydrate yields________kilocalories; one gram of fat________kcal; one gram of protein_________kcal; and one gram of alcohol__________kcal.
    • - 4 kilocalories
    • - 9 kcal
    • - 4 kcal
    • - 7 kcal
  11. A 200-gram potato yields 224 kcalories, 5 grams of protein, 51 grams of carbohydrate, and 0 grams of fat. What percentage of energy comes from carbohydrate?
    There are 51 grams of carbohydrate, which yield 51 x 4 kcal/gram = 204 kcal. Percentage of energy from carbohydrate is (204 x 100)/224 = 91 %
  12. Twenty French Fries yield 320 kcalories, 4 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbohydrate, and 16 grams of fat. What percentage of energy comes from carbohydrate?-from fat?
    There are 40 grams of carbohydrate, which yield 40 x 4 kcal/gram = 160 kcal. Percentage of energy from carbohydrate is (160 x 100)/320 = 50%. There are 16 grams of fat, which yield 16 x 9 kcal/gram = 144kcal. Percentage of energy from fat is (144 x 100)/320 = 45%
  13. Which of the following statements does not apply to funtional foods?

    C) They are exclusively manufactured or processed foods
  14. A nutritional deficiency can be detected in its earliest stages by

    D) laboratory tests of urine and blood samples
  15. A physical examination for assessing nutritional status would not consider

    B) blood and urine
  16. A physiological diorder that causes impairment absortion of a nutrient is a _________deficiency

    C) secondary
  17. What do anthropometric measurements tell us about nutritional status?
    When compared to the reference standards of "normal size," anthropometric measurements merely alert health professionals to possible nutritional problems, such as growth failures in children, muscle wasting, or swelling of body tissues; and problems of obesity or underweight. Specific nutritional imbalance-either nutrient deficiency or excess-can be determined only by a combination of assessment techniques.
  18. ___________is the method of obtaining dietary information that is best suited for large nutrition surveys

    A) twenty-four-hour recall
  19. Which of the following is not an example of historical information gathered in a nutrition assessment?

    A) measurement of height and weight
  20. True/False and explain:

    A food composition table can be used to determine the amount of iron actually absorbed by the body from a serving of liver consumed

    Food composition tables only give nutrient values present in the food; they do not take into consideration absorption rate, which may be enhanced or inhibited by other factors
  21. The content of an article is not likely to be valid if the information

    D) is based on testimonials
  22. Of the sources of information listed below,____________would probably be of greatest use to a lay person

    D) a nutritionist at a local health unit
Card Set
Nutrition 1
NUTR 330