too much GH
- Low GH
- and ATCH, TSH, FSH, LH
Problem with Diabetes Insipidus?
Key things to watch....
- Low ADH
- post hypophysectomy or brain trauma
hypotension, F&E Imbalance with high Na
Problem with SIADH?
Key things to watch for?
- Too much ADH
- Dilutional hyponatremia
Seizure precautions
Graves disease is a result of?
2 Main concerns when a person has this?
Hyperthyroidism, which is too much TH
- Extreme stress can cause a thyroid storm
- Heart is a concern....so give BB, Inderal
If a thyroidectomy is performed watch for....
hypercalcemia. Thyrocalcitonin will not be available to decrease calcium levels
What is the problem with hypothyroidism?
What are my main concerns about this patient?
too little TH
heart issues-brady, hypotension
Hemodynamic issues
Hypothermia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, respiratory failure
Whos at risk for a mixedema coma?
person with hypothyroidism that under goes surgery or gets sick
Main problems with hyperparathyroidism
Watch for:
- osteoporosis
- nephrolithiasis
Post op care for a person after their parathyroid has been removed?
- respiratory distress
- bleeding
- tetany
Main problems with Hypoparathyroidism?
Watch for?
- Tetany
- Dysrhythmias
- decreased CO
Cushings Syndrome is a problem from...
What will be done?
What do I watch for?
too much cortisol and aldosterone
- surgery
- pre op correct all F&E imbalances
- make sure WBC is WNL
- give IV glucocorticoids
post op watch for cardiovascular collapse...hypotension, rapid, weak pulse and decreased UO
Addisons Disease is a problem with...
Watch for:
insufficient adrenal hormones
Adrenal crisis from a stressful event, will have extreme hypotension
Conn's syndrome is caused by?
Showing as.....
adrenal tumor
- hypertension, hypokalemia
- hold on to Na and water, but lose K
surgery and carefully monitor BP and K
Medication to give to a person with Conn's syndrome
Potassium sparing diuretic....gets rid of all of the fluid, but keeps the K
Pheocromocytoma is caused by?
How will they present?
tumor of the adrenal medulla producing excess epi and norepi
episodic htn, tachy and profuse sweating
How do you positively dx Pheocromocytoma?
24 hour urine will have vanillamandelic and metanephrines
surgery...but give BB or CCB for heart issues