Chapter 14

  1. What are criteria for civil commitment?
    • 1) Person has a mental illness and needs treatment
    • 2) Person is dangerous to self or others
    • 3) Grave disability-inability to care for self
  2. What were the main Suprem Court rulings about Civil Commitment?
    • - There are restrictions on involuntary commitment
    • - A non-dangerous person can't be committed.
    • -Need for treatment alone is not enough.
    • -Having a grave disability is not enough,
  3. What were some negative consequences of the supreme court rulings?
    • -Criminalization of mentally ill
    • - Increase in homelessness
    • - Deinstitutionalization
    • -Transinstitutitonalization
  4. Describe the role of expert witnesses.
    They assist in competency determinations, assist in making reliable DSM diagnoses, assess malingering.
  5. What are the 7 rights of research participants?
    • 1) The right to be inforemed about the purpose of the research study
    • 2) The right to privacy
    • 3) The right to be treated with respect and dignity
    • 4) The right to be protected from physical and mental harm
    • 5) The right to choose to participate or refuse without prejudice or reprisals
    • 6) The right to anonymity in reporting of results
    • 7) The right to the safeguarding of their records
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Chapter 14