Three concerns in counseling Asian Americans
- 1. Counseling is not condoned
- 2. Stress is shown in headaches and nausea
- 3. Educational concerns accepted over emotional concerns
4 Barriers in counseling Asian Americans
- 1. Stereotypes and preconcieved notions
- 2. Communication style may be antagonsitic
- 3. All counseling must come from a culture bound basis
- 4. Prejudice and Racism
Name styles of counseling with Asian Americans
- 1. Subdulty and Indirectness is valued
- 2. Psychology is not accepted
- 3. Highly nonverbal
- 4. Shame reflects on group or family, guilt is individual
- 5. Extended family is Family
- 6. Make cultural relative statements
Name Karengas 3 time periods in African American Culture
- 1. Enslavement
- 2. Reconstruction
- 3. Civil Rights/ Black Power
Name 3 Characteristics of the Period of Enslavement
- 1. Brutality
- 2. Cultural Genocide
- 3. Mechanics of Controls (KKK, Police)
Three inprovements made during Reconstruction
- 1. Political Progress
- 2. Social Progress
- 3. Economic Progress
3 perspectives in Counceling African Americans
- 1. Traditional Theories (Blacks arent that different)
- 2. Adapt Traditional Theories
- 3. New Systems of Psychotherapy
Aspects of Adapting Traditional Theories
- Assess level of Racial Identity
- Acknowledge Racial differences
- Assess role of spirituality
- Reinforce Empowerment
- Use Non-Traditional Interventions
- Know community resources
- Advocate
Name 3 non-traditional interventions
- 1. Rites of passage programs (Kwanza)
- 2. Mentoring Programs
- 3. Bibliotherapy
5 aspects of an Optimal Conceptual System
- 1. Intigration of the Physical and Spiritual
- Sub Optimal: Physical and Spirit are seperate
- 2. Intrinsic Self Worth
- Sub Optimal: Esteem is built on Materialism
- 3. Self Knowledge
- Sub Optimal: Knowledge is based on objective knowledge (math and Science)
- 4. Diunital Logic: Union of opposites (Both, and)
- Sub Optimal: Dichotimal (either, or)
- 5. Extended self Identity Humans are all related
- Sub Optimal: Individualism is important
Belief Systems Analysis (Myers, 1988)
- Based on Ancient African Psychology
- African Centered
- Everlasting peace and happiness
3 phases of Belief Systems Analysis Therapy
- 1. Examine Belief sytem, Introduce client to Optimal Cenceptual System, Decide together what changes to make, critical thinker
- 2. Working Phase, meditation, sprituality, True identity emerges
- 3. Increase self worth, define reality of who they are, develop spiritual base
Putting Family before individual needs
The importance of respect and being respected
A need for peace and harmony
Strong dominant men
nuturing, submissive women