ARE - BS Flashcards

  1. Ampere (A)
    unit for measuring the amount of electricity current flowing in a conductor.

    1 Volt applied across a resistance of 1 Ohm results in the flow of 1 Amp

    • I=W/V
    • I - Current
    • W = Power (watts)
    • V = volts
  2. Enthalpy
    sum of sensible heat and latent heat
  3. Decibel
    • measure of sound intensity
    • 20 db is a whisper
    • 130 db is threshold of human pain
  4. Flux
    rate of flow of lumens or watts through a theoretical surface
  5. Efficacy
    • Measure of the energy efficiency of a light source.
    • ratio of the total lumen output of a lamp to the total power per watt input.
  6. Lumen (l)
    measurement of the total output of a light source.
  7. Makeup Air Handing Unit
    AHU specifically designed to supply 100% outside air to a space replacing air lost through exhaust fans or building envelope.
  8. Mean Radiant temperature (MRT)
    • average temp of all radiating surfaces within the line of sight of a body.
    • used to determine comfort zone.
    • measured using globe thermometer.
  9. Latent Heat
    • Heat energy that causes a change in state.
    • such as ice to water.
  10. Sabin
    • A unit of sound absorption.
    • one unit is equal to one s.f. of totally absorptive surface.
    • 0 = all sound is reflected
    • 1.0 = all sound is absorbed
  11. Resistance (R)
    R = 1/C

    • Resistance is the reciprocal of conductance.
    • Is a measure of the insulating qualities of a material.

    • R = x/k
    • x = thickness
    • k = conductivity
  12. Luminance
    A measure quantity of light at a given point on a surface coming from a given direction accounting for the reflectance and transmittance of materials.
  13. Effluent
    • Liquified sewage that flows from a buildings disposal system.
    • Flows into a public sewer, septic tank, or leach field.
  14. Foot Candle (fc)
    • measure of illumination equal to one lumen.
    • the amount of luminance from one lumen on a one s.f. surface.
  15. Lux
    Metric equivalent to the foot-candle.

    Equal to 1 meter-candle or 1 lumen/m2 (squared)
  16. Hertz (Hz)
    • unit of frequency
    • number of cycles per second is called the frequency.
    • 60 cycles per second = 60 Hz
  17. Electricity is analogous to water flow
    • Voltage (volts) - Pressure (psi)
    • Current (amps) - Flow Rate (gpm)
    • Resistance (ohms) - Friction
  18. Preaction Sprinkler System
    • used in dry pipe sprinkler systems where the danger of serious water damage is present.
    • used ion conjunction with more sensitive fire detection systems that when triggered initially empty the pipes of the compressed air and fill with water. the water is not released until the sprinklers are triggered.
  19. Objectives of Fire Safety
    • 1. Protection of life.
    • 2. Protection of property
    • 3. Maintaining Building Operation
  20. British Thermal Unit (BTU)
    the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree F.
  21. Parts of the Eye
    • Lens: focuses
    • Iris: Controls brightness
    • Retina: Senses color, and black and white
  22. Identify:
    1. ASHREA
    2. ANSI
    3. ASME
    • 1. ASHREA - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
    • 2. ANSI - American National Standards Institute - minimum requirements for energy conservation in buildings
    • 3. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  23. Flat Plate Collectors
    • Active Solar Water Heating System
    • -most common / least costly
    • -4'x8' insulated glazed box with piping manifold connected to the black metal flat plate.
  24. Concentrating Collectors
    • Active Solar Water Heating System
    • uses metal reflectors to concentrate suns rays on a tube or point.
    • generate higher temps and more efficient use of surface area
    • more complex and expensive
  25. Type of voltage systems and their uses
    • 120/240 v single phase - 3 wire system used for residence and small office.
    • 277/480 v 3 phase - 4 wire system used for large commercial
    • 2400/4160 v 3 phase - 4 wire system used for very large commercial and industrial
    • 120/208 v 3 phase - four wire system used for small and medium commercial. allows various electrical loads.
  26. Sensible Heat
    transferred heat energy that causes a change in the dry bulb temperature of a material nut not a change of state.
  27. Identify:
    1. Drainage Field
    2. Seepage Pit or Dry Well
    3. Mound
    4. Sand Filter
    5. Percolation test
    • 1. Drainage Field - onsite sewer treatment system - Effluent form septic tank drains to perforated pipes surrounded by gravel in trenches - seeps into soil.
    • 2. Seepage Pit or Dry Well - onsite sewer treatment system. below grade perforated concrete cylinder.increase risk of waste water flowing into water table. - concentrated point of distributing
    • 3. Mound - onsite sewer treatment system. drainage field above existing grade. may require pump to move effluent from septic tank.used when water table is high
    • 4. Sand Filter - onsite sewer treatment system. effluent from septic to open air filter treatment pit at or above grade.- flows through sand to soil.used when water table is high
    • 5. Percolation test - determine rate at which soil can absorb effluent
  28. Regional Climate Zones
    • Cool
    • Temperate
    • Hot-arid
    • Hot-humid
  29. Factors that affect climate comfort
    • temperature
    • humidity
    • precipitation
    • radiation
    • air movement
  30. Equivalent Spherical Illumination (ESI)
    Optimum lighting -the even spherical illumination of an area with all shadows and bright reflections eliminated.
  31. Anode
    a piece of metal inserted into a water tank to collect hard-water deposits in order to keep them from forming on the heat exchanger
  32. Dew Point
    • the temp at which water vapor in the air becomes saturated and condenses into water droplets.
    • as the temp cools, the air can no longer hold as much water vapor and the vapor condenses
  33. (k)
    • thermal conductivity
    • ability of a material to transmit or conduct heat or electricity.
  34. determine the size of a heating system for a building
    • calculate total heat loss
    • the coefficient of heat transmission (U valve) for each assembly (walls, windows, roof) and add all the U values.
  35. transformer
    • changes voltage, not power, in an AC.
    • used to step down voltage from line to building.
  36. Specular
    surface that maintains a reflected image - mirror
  37. Ohm's Law
    states that the current (I) that will flow in a DC circuit is directly proportional to the voltage (V) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the circuit.

  38. Four Stages of Fires
    • 1. Incipient Stage - no visible flame or significant smoke or heat. invisible products of combustion are given off - ionization or gas detectors
    • 2. Smoldering Stage - visible smoke - photoelectrical detectors
    • 3. Flame Stage - fire exists without significant heat - flame type detectors
    • 4. Heat Stage - openly burning flame producing heat. - heat activated or temperature detectors.
  39. Thermal Lag Factor
    • amount of time it takes radiant heat gain entering a space to be absorbed into the room air.
    • determined by the thermal capacity of the materials within and surrounding the space.
  40. 1. Effective Temperature
    2. Specific Heat
    3. Sensible Heat
    4. Latent Heat
    • 1. measure of a combination of dry-bulb temp, relative humidity, radiant energy and convection.
    • index of thermal sensation, not actual temperature
    • 2. (Cp) - ability of a material to store heat in relationship to the materials weight.Specific heat is multiplied by the materials weight to determine thermal capacity
    • 3. transferred heat energy that causes a change in the dry bulb temperature of a material nut not a change of state.- #of people x 225 btu/hr
    • 4. Heat energy that causes a change in state.such as ice to water.
  41. Coefficient of Heat transmittion
    • U factor
    • used to calculate heat loss of a building assembly
    • U= 1/ ∑R or U = 1/ R1+R2+R3+...
  42. Crack Method
    measures infiltration by adding together all the crack in a building into a linear foot and consulting a table for wind speeds and type of openings.
  43. Coefficient of Utilization
    • (CU)
    • ratio of lumens received on a work surface to the lumens emitted by the light source.
  44. Candle Power
    measure of luminous intensity of a light source.
  45. Foot Lambert
    • quantitative unit for measuring the brightness as reflected from a surface.
    • measured in lumens per s.f.
  46. Fixture Unit
    • (FU)
    • defines the probably demands on plumbing fixtures.
    • 1 FU = 1 unit flow rate of 1 cubic foot per minute.
  47. Specific Heat
    • (Cp)
    • ability of a material to store heat in relationship to the materials weight.
    • Specific heat is multiplied by the materials weight to determine thermal capacity
  48. Security Systems
    • 1. Passive Infrared Detector (PIR) - detects change in temp.
    • 2. Motion Detector - uses doppler effect
    • 3. Mechanical Motion Detector - uses spring mounted contacts
    • 4. Photoelectric Device - laser
    • 5. Acoustic Detector - noise level exceeds preset limit
    • 6. Normally closed contact Device - doors and wndows
  49. Doppler Effect
    change in frequency of a sound wave due to a change in distance from the source, receiver, or both
  50. Identify Water Disrtributiion Systems;
    1. Hydropneumatic
    2. Down feed distribution
    3. Upfeed distribution
    • 1. supplies water to floors above by a pressurized tank in basement
    • 2. tank on roof
    • 3. uses existing pressure in water main. - small or low rise buildings.
  51. 1. Stack Vent
    2. Vent Stack
    3. Soil Stack
    4. Waste Stack
    • Stack Vent - pipe that rises above the highest fixture in a building used to vent the soil stack.- ROOF
    • Vent Stack - vertical pipe providing air circulation to and from plumbing fixtures. inside bldg.
    • soil stack - discharge from toilets and urinals and all fixtures
    • waste stack - carries discharge from fixtures other than toilets and urinals
  52. Life Cycle Costs
    • Sum of:
    • Investment of first costs
    • maintenance and repair costs
    • amortization or replacement cost
    • operating costs
  53. Head / Pressure
    • Head - height of a column of liquid
    • Pressure - weight at given height of column of liquid

    head = pressure x 2.31 ft.
  54. Inverse Square law
    sound and light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance b/w the source and the receiver.
  55. Lighting Systems;
    • indirect - 90%-100% of light is directed upward - shadowless, even with no glare - inefficient
    • semi-indirect - 60% - 90% of light is directed upward- low reflectivity and glare
    • direct-indirect and general diffuse - equal distribution of light - efficient.
    • Semi-direct - 60% - 90% of light is directed downward
    • Direct - 90%-100% of light directed downward
  56. Fan Coil System
    • high initial cost
    • but very efficient
    • can heat, cool or ventilate
  57. Infiltration
    sensible heat loss or gain due to unintentional ventilation
  58. Unitary System
    hvac system that pulls outside air into the serviced room through mechanical ventilation
  59. Automatic Fire recall System
    brings elevator cars to predetermined floor
  60. light source color
    • fluorescent - warm white -yellowish / cool white - white
    • incandescent - yellowish flattering to skin
    • mercury vapor - blue green light - poor color rendition
    • high-pressure sodium - yellow
    • low-pressure sodium - yellow with higher effiacy
  61. Ohm's Law
    • V = IR
    • Voltage = Current x Resistnace (ohms)
    • I = V/R,

    Watts (power) = Voltage x current

  62. Power Factor
    • Used in AC circuits, always 1 for purely resistance circuits
    • (pf)
  63. Calculating Power drawn in DC
    W= I(IR) or W=VI

    • w = watts
    • V = volts
    • I = amps
    • R = ohms
  64. Calculating power drawn in AC
    W=VI x pf

    • W= watts
    • V = volts
    • I = amps
    • pf = power factor
  65. wavelengths
    • low frequency sounds have long wavelengths
    • high frequency sounds have short wavelengths
  66. Intensity Level
    changes 6db with doubling or halfing the distance
  67. coefficient of absorption
    • (∞ )
    • used ot define a materials sound absorption characteristic.

    1.0 = 100% absorption ans 0 reflection
  68. Total Absorption
    (A) = S∞

    • A = total absorption ( sabins)
    • S = surface area (SF)
    • ∞ = coefficeint of absorption
  69. Noise reduction
    difference bewteen IL in two rooms

    NR = IL (room 1) - IL (room 2)
  70. Transmission Loss
    • TL
    • ratio expressed in decibels of the acoustic energy radiated by the barrier to the acoustic energy incident on it.
    • Stiffenss reduces TL ( most effective at low frequencies)
    • Mass increases TL (most effective at high frequencies)(doubling mass increase loss by 6db)
  71. diffraction
    physical process by which sound passes around obstructions and through very small opennings.
  72. STC levels
    • 25 = poor
    • 30 = Fair
    • 35 = very good
    • 42-45 = excellent
    • 46-50 = total privacy
  73. Identify:
    1. Dry Bulb Temperature
    2. Relative Humidity
    3. Wet Bulb Temperature
    4. Globe Temperature
    • 1. Dry Bulb Temperature - air temperature as indicated on typ thermometer
    • 2. Relative Humidity - water vapor held in the air
    • 3. Wet Bulb Temperature - evaporative cooling temperature
    • 4. Globe Temperature - measured with globe thermometer representing the balance of heat gained by radiation and heat loss by convection.
  74. Identify
    1. Conductor
    2. Conduction
    3. Conductance
    4. Convection
    5. Radiation
    6. Evaporation
    • 1. Conductor - wire, cable or busbar that carries electrical current. - 6 gauge or larger is a cable - 8 gauge or smaller is a wire
    • 2. Conduction - energy transfer between two bodies by direct contact.
    • 3. Conductance - (C) - rate of heat flow through a solid material. - # of BTU's per hour that flow through 1 s.f. of material when temp drops 1 degree
    • 4. Convection - energy transfer between two bodies by a third medium. Fluid
    • 5. Radiation - energy transfer between two bodies by energy waves.
    • 6. Evaporation - energy transfer between two bodies by vapor
  75. Calculate temperature gradiant at given layer of an assembly
    ∆T layer = (R layer / R total)∆T total
  76. Heat Loss Calculation per Design Day
    Heat Loss Calculation for year
    q = U A ∆T

    • q = Heat loss
    • U = 1/R
    • A = Area
    • ∆T = change in temperature

    q = U A 24DD

    • q = Heat loss
    • U = 1/R
    • DD = degree day
  77. Degree Day vs. Design Day
    • Degree day is a day whose temp is 1˚ less than 65˚. A day @ 63˚ is a 2DD day
    • Design Day is a day colder than 98% of other days
  78. Identify these Sun Path Diagrams
    1. Gnomic
    2. Equidistant
    3. Stereographic
    4. Rectilinear / Orthographic
    • 1. Gnomic - places observer at center of the projecton, low sun angles extend to infinity, rarely used
    • 2. Equidistant - used solely by USA
    • 3. Stereographic - observer fxed at top of hemisphere, used widely accross the world except USA
    • 4. Rectilinear / Orthographic - Straight on like Plan View
  79. Solar Heat gain Factor
    qr = (SC) Area

    • qr = Solar heat gain Factor
    • SC = Shading Coefficient
  80. one ton of HVAC
    12000 BTU
  81. MERV Rating
    Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value

    • rates the effectiveness of air filters.
    • 1 to 16
  82. Identify:
    1. John Gorrie
    2. Willis Carrier
    3. Larkin Building
    4. Thomas Migdley
    5. Stuart Cramer
    • 1. John Gorrie - 1842 - compressor technology to create ice to cool air
    • 2. Willis Carrier - 1902 - First modern electrical air conditioner
    • 3. Larkin Building - FLW - 1904 - first entirely air conditioned office building
    • 4. Thomas Migdley - 1928 - created freon
    • 5. Stuart Cramer - coined the term Air Conditioning
  83. Compression / Expansion
    • Bike pump compressed air - gets hot
    • gas canister released air - expandes and cools
  84. compressive refridgeration
    • compressor -refrigerant in gas form is compressed into a liquid
    • condenser - refrigerant passes through and latent heat is released
    • evaporator - expands refrigerant, vaporizes back to gas absorbing surrounding heat.
    • Constant Air Volume
    • air is treated at a central source.
    • air flow is controled at separate areas by dampers and vents - temp is controled by single thermo
    • singel Zone
    • water is heated, air passes by water
    • Multiduct CAV uses reheat untis to fine tune air going to separate zones
    • Single Duct Variable Air Volume
    • Similar to Singel CAV
    • Each zone has its own controles to determine volume of air flow.
    • Air-Water induction System
    • rarely used today.
    • air temp is controled by contact with hot or cold water in the induction unit.
    • each space is individually exhausted.
    • Fan Coil system
    • usually located below windows
    • fan mixes existing air with an exterior supply, and is cooled / heated by water.
    • Thermo controls ater supply to unit.
    • no fanroom or ductwork
    • Closed Loop Heat Pump
    • all water system
    • best in temperate climates
  85. Identify these componets of a HVAC System
    1. AHU
    2. Chiller
    3. Cooling Tower
    4. VAV Box
    • 1. Air handler Unit - used to condition and circulate air.
    • 2. Chiller - removes heat from a liquid using compression or absorption.chilled water is used to cool and dehumidify air
    • 3. Cooling Tower - water cascades inside a louvered box with aire moving over it to cool the water.
    • 4. VAV box - device that manages flow of air at the zone level.
  86. Transmittance / coefficient of transmission
    The ratio of total transmitted light to the total incident light
  87. Inverse Square Law in terms of Light
    used to determine fc at a distance from the source


    • E = illumination
    • I = Intensity (cp)
    • d = distance
  88. reflectance
    refelctance (fl) = E (fc) x refelctance % / 100
  89. Daylighting
    • Used to maximize visual comfort, productivity, or to reduce energy use.
    • effective to twice the height of the window
  90. Identify the following lamps
    1. PAR
    2. MR
    3. ER
    4. HID
    • 1. Parabolic Aluminized Reflector - reflective coating inside the lamp increases the efficiency and allows more precise beam.
    • 2. Miniature Reflector - available in variety of wattages and beam spreads.MR 11 MR 16 - number indicated size in 1/8's of an inch.
    • 3. Elliptical reflector
    • 4. High Intensity Dischargetypes - Mercury vapor, Metal Halide, high and low pressure sodium vapor, and Xenon.
  91. Identify CRI
    • Color rendering Index - how a light compares to daylight
    • maximum is 100
  92. Zonal Cavity Method Equation
    Illuminance = (initial lamp lumens x CU x RLLF x NRLLF) / Area

    • initial lamp lumens = lumens per lamo x lamps per luminare
    • CU = coefficient of utilization
    • RLLF = recoverable light factors
    • NRLLF = non-recoverable light factors
  93. Types of Fires
    • Class A - common combustibles
    • Class B - flammable liquids, gases
    • Class C - Energized electrical equipment
    • Class D - Combustibel metals
    • Class K - Kitchen fires
  94. Types of Fire Extinguisher
    • Class A - water based for class A fires
    • Class ABC - multipurpose dry chemical
    • Class ABC Halon 1211 - less cleanup than Class ABC
    • Class BC Carbon Dioxide - displaces air, cuts off oxygen
  95. Power Factor (pf)
    • the phase differnece between voltage and current in an alternating current circuit.
    • circuits with one resistive load (incadenscent light or elec heating elements) pf is 1.0
  96. power
    • product of current and voltage
    • W=IV
  97. War of currents
    • Westinghouse and Tesla (AC)
    • Edison (DC)
    • 1880's

    AC won because transforming voltage was much easier and required no moving parts or maintenance.
  98. Electrical Panels
    1. Connected Load
    2. Maximum demand
    3. Demand Factor
    • 1. Connected load - total load on a system if everything is on simultaneously
    • 2. Maximum demand - greatest load delivered over a specified amount of time
    • 3. Demand factor - ratio between max demand and connected load. used to estimate the capacity of a system accounting for the probability that only a portion of the connected load will be applied at a time.
  99. Elec. history
    1. Volta
    2. Faraday
    3. Edison
    4. Tesla
    5. First Elec Code
    • 1. first battery 1800
    • 2. first motor 1821
    • 3. light bulb 1879
    • 4. AC vs DC 1880
    • 5. 1881 N.E.C.
  100. Well Pumps
    1. Reciprocating
    2. Rotary
    3. Ejector
    4. centrifugal
    • 1. Reciprocating - cylinder and piston with valves - similar ot car engine
    • 2. Rotary - spiral rotor
    • 3. Ejector - uses venturi effect and a water jet sent from surface to impel water to rise
    • 4. centrifugal - a wheel like impeller rotates - spiral paddle system
  101. Water pressure
    1 PSI lifts a column of water 2.3 feet.
  102. Expansion Bend / Loop
    • extra set of curves in a pipe run that can contract and expand to accommodate thermal movement
    • helps to absorb water hammer
  103. Maximum height of water fixture?
    take pressure at water main, subtract known pressure losses and pressure required at fixture, then multiply by 2.3 to get max height.
  104. Pipe Thermal Expansion
    ∆L = L K (T2-T)

    • ∆L = change in length
    • L = Length
    • k = coefficient of expansion
    • T = original temp
    • T2 = final temp
  105. Water pipes unsupported lengths.
    4, 6, 12

    • pvc = 4'
    • copper = 6'
    • steel = 12'
    • Angle Valve
    • used mostly for plumbing, has metering or flow restriction capabilities
    • Check Valve
    • backflow preventer
    • Gate Valve
    • entirely on or off
    • Globe Valve
    • restricted flow even when open
  106. Fire Alarm Systems;
    Addressable analog
    • conventional - alarm signal only
    • addressable - identical to conventional but each detector is a separate zone
    • addressable analog - smart detectors, computer analyzes alarm to cut down on false alarms
  107. Adding Decibels
    60db + 65db ≠ 125db

    for the difference between db's, add to the higher

    • 0 to 1 = 3
    • 2 to 3 = 2
    • 4 to 9 = 1
    • < 10 = 0

    60 + 65 = 66db
  108. Properties of sound;
    1. Reflection
    2. Refraction
    3. Diffraction
    3. Reverberation
    4. Reverberation Time (RT)
    6. resonance
    • 1. Reflection - sound bounces after hitting a hard surface at the same angle of incidence
    • 2. refraction - some sounds are bounced back
    • 2. Diffraction - Sound Bends
    • 4. Reverberation - sounds persist because of multiple reflections
    • 5. reverberation time - time it takes for the sound to decay 60 db
    • 6. resonance - vibrating at increasing amplitude at certain frequencies.
  109. Noise Reduction coefficient
    average sound absorption at four frequencies
  110. Elevators:
    1. Rail Clamp
    2. Limit Controls
    3. Alignment Device
    • 1. Brake
    • 2. travel Range
    • 3. Aligns platform and floor level
    • 4. Slows elevator at last stop
  111. Elevator History:
    1. Otis
    2. Siemens
    3. Eiffel
    4. Roux
    • 1. Elisha Otis - 1853 introduced the safety elevator that prevented the elevator from falling if cable broke
    • 2. Werner Von Siemens - 1880 - first electric elevator
    • 3. Eiffel tower - 1889 -contained five hydraulic stream driven elevators
    • 4. Roux Compaluzier - 1891 - built direct action hydraulic to lift lions into arena - Paris
  112. Elevator Classes
    • Class A freight
    • Class B cars
    • Class C industry related
  113. Elevator Types:
    • Hydraulic - use piston/ pump - lower speeds - piston length limits to 60' - PUSH
    • Traction - electric motor and use wires and ropes - PULL
    • Geared traction - 100- 450 ft.
    • Gearless traction - unlimited height
  114. LEED
    • Sustainable sites
    • Water efficiency
    • energy & Atmosphere
    • materials and resources
    • Indoor Air Quality
    • Innovation and design practice
  115. Natural Step
    • 1996
    • concerned with ecosphere and biosphere
    • points:
    • 1. elements cannot be extracted faster than they can be replenished
    • 2. manufactured materials cannot be produced faster than they can be integrated back
    • 3. protect existing living organisms
    • 4. efficient use of resources.
  116. Ahwanee Principals
    • 1991
    • community - integration, walking, housing & jobs, sidewalks & paths
    • regional - integrate transmit, natural boundaries, institutions near urban cores
    • implementation - gov controls planning
  117. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
    Shading Coefficient
    • ratio of the solar heat gained through a fenestration to the toal solar radiation incident on the glazing - value is between 0.0 and 0.87
    • ratio of solar heat gain through a glazing product compared through a 1/8" thick double strength glass under same conditions - value is between 0.0 and 1.0
  118. Window Design
    • 1. head height
    • 2. effective aperture (EA) - combine Visible Light transmission (VLT) and Window to Wall Ratio (WWR)
    • 3. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) - % of light that passes through glazing
    • 4. Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) - net glazing area in a space divided by the gross exterior wall are not including frames and mullions
  119. Room Design:
    minimum reflectance at,
    1. Ceiling
    2. Walls
    3. Floor
    • 1. ceilings 89%
    • 2. Walls 50-70%
    • 3. floors 20 -40%
  120. Emissivity
    the measure of an object ability to absorb and then radiate heat
  121. Equation for temperature difference between inside and outside
    q=U A ∆t

    • q= conductance
    • U= product of conductance of assembly
    • A = exposed surface are
    • ∆t = change in temperature
  122. Basic electric circuit
    conductor - current - voltage - resistance
  123. Security Systems
    • Perimeter protection - secures entry points
    • Area or room Protection - field of coverage senses someone with a certain area
    • object protection - senses movement or tampering of an object
  124. Lighting Calculations perpendicular to source
    E = I/d2

    • E = illumination at receiving source
    • I = intensity
    • d = distance from source to surface
Card Set
ARE - BS Flashcards
Building Systems