A method of inquiry that attempts to prove or disprove hypothesis using rational, logical method
A program that was established in 1922 by Dr. Tiffany Field at the University of Miami School of Medicine
Touch Research Institute
A physiological response caused by pressure, force, or range of motion.
Examples of absolute contradictions
Pink eye, Impetigo, ringworm
A physiological response caused by stimulated nerves
States that nerves complete for entrance into the spinal cord.
Gate Theory
The presence of disease or physical condition that makes treating a particular client in the usual manner impossible or undesirable.
Examples of caution indications
Osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension
Contraindication in which massage is inappropriate, not advised, may be harmful to the client
Absolute Contraindication
Contraindication in which massage can be administered while avoiding the infected area or the area in question.
Local Contraindication
Areas of the body that contain superficial delicate structures that are relatively unprotected and are therefore prone to injury
Endangerment sites
Examples of contraindication
Decubitus ulcers, Thrombophlebitis