anterior fontanelle molding
- overriding of parietal bones as head passes through birth canal
- resolves on its own
caput succedanum
- scalp swelling
- collection of fluid under scalp, looks like a crown
- can also block posterior fontanelle
- resolves on its own in several days
- bleeding between periosteum and skull from pressure during birth
- limited to one cranial bone, doesnt cross suture line
- resolves on its own in about 1 month
normal head circumference at birth
- 32-38 cm
- 1/4 of newborns length
- 1/3 of their weight
- large head size
- can be WNL, familial
- due to increased ICP before sutures close
- asymmetrical head shape due to premature closure of sutures
- need surgery to correct
blocked tear duct: will see redness, discharge, swelling
parachute reflex
- around 8-9 months
- if you drop the baby, they put their hands out in a parachute in front of them
grasp reflex
place finger in the babies hand and want them to hold your finger
head lag
- with baby laying down, hold their hand and slowly pull them into a sitting position
- the head will lag behind the body until you get into a sitting position and it should straighten up
hypotonia, hypertonia
- both occur during the head lag reflex
- hypo: baby will be floppy, muscles not flexed at all
- hyper: muscles will be flexed, baby may look scrunched up
doll's eye test
you want the eyes to move as you move their head
rooting reflex
tests the trigeminal nerve, touch the side of their face and they should turn their head in that direction
tonic neck reflex
- turn head to the side, and their arm should straighten out in the direction the head is facing
- will go away by the first year
moro reflex
- as you lower the child, hands are opened and C shaped, and their hands move in above them
- damage to shoulder during birth may affect one arm
startle reflex
hit basinet/crib or make a noise and they will clench fists and bring them in front of their body
Pediatric growth monitoring
- birth-3yrs: length for age and weight for age
- or head circumference for age and weight for length
- at 2 yrs, head size is 2/3 adult size
birth weight
- doubles by 6 monhts
- triples by 1 year
newborn vitals
- HR: 110-160
- BP: 65-85/ 45-55
- RR: 40-60
- count HR and RR for a full minute
innocent heart murmur
- can resolve on its own
- non-pathological
- wont find any other symptoms
PMI in peds
- 4th intercostal space in children 7 or younger
- 5th intercostal space