Physical assessment

  1. 20/50 vision
    you see at 20 feet what most people see at 50 feet
  2. prispropria
    lose ability of lens to move or change shape based on distance of object
  3. optic nerve cut
    will lose vision in just one eye, where the cut is before the optic chiasm
  4. optic chiasm cut
    Bilateral Hemianopsia; will lose vision in temporal portion of both eyes ( temporal portion is what crosses over to the other side
  5. cut in optic tract
    • left homonymous hemianopsia: will lose portion of vision in both eyes
    • R cut: lose L temporal and R nasal
    • L cut: lose R temporal and L nasal
  6. weber test
    • place tuning fork at midline of skull
    • will lateralize to the bad ear, need to do rinne test to see what type of loss
  7. Rinne test
    • place tuning fork on mastoid process
    • if bone is longer than air, there can be varying degrees of nerve damage to CN 8
  8. Otitis Externa
    • swimmers ear
    • accumulation of fluid behind ear, drum will look amber, can see air bubbles
  9. bacterial otitis media
    drum bulges, fluid behind drum, will be red, look inflamed
  10. sinuses
    frontal, maxillary ,sphenoid, ethmoid
  11. acute rhinitis
    pus discharge from nose, general inflammation
  12. allergic rhinitis
    sneezing, runny eyes, clear drainage, swollen turbinates
  13. polyps
    smooth gray growths of mucosa, can block turbinate drainage
  14. salivary glands
    • parotid: stensons duct
    • submandibular: into whartons duct
    • sublingual: several openings
  15. Fordyce spots
    • small white spots on cheeks that are ectopic sebaceous glands
    • totally normal
Card Set
Physical assessment
final notes