Anatomy 1 Lecture 23 - Face, Parotid, Temporal and Infratemporal Regions

  1. What are the borders of the face? What does it encompass?
    • Posterior-Ears
    • Superior-Hair line
    • Inferior-Chin
    • Encompasses: Eyes, Ears, Mouth, and Nose
  2. Which nerve innervates the muscles of the face?
    • The facial nerve.
    • Temproral-2-the orbital and forehead
    • Zygomtaic-to zygomatic ,orbital, infraorbital regions
    • Buccal-to cheek and upper lip
    • Mandibular-lower lip and chin
    • Cervical-to neck for innervation of the platysma
  3. Which muscles is responsible for puckering of lips?
    The orbicularis oris. It encircles the mouth and causes mouth closure.
  4. This muscle is located in the cheek and important for mastication. It maintains the skin against the teeth during chewing. It also aids with whistling and sucking.
    The buccinator.
  5. Which muscle aricse from the skin of theface and mandible and descends into the superficial fascia of the neck inserting over the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles? and tenses the skin of the neck?
    The platysma.
  6. Which muscles arises from the zygomatic arch and inserts into the corner of the mouth? What does this muscle do?
    The zygomaticus major. It pulls the angle of the mouth superiorly and posteriorly as in laughing.
  7. How does the face receive sensory information?
    • Through the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve.
    • The ophtalmic-V1, maxillary-V2, and mandibular-V3.

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  8. Which nerve supplies the anterior, inferior, and posterior areas the ear?
    The greater auricular nerve
  9. Which artery supplies the face? Where does it arise from?
    • The facial-the external carotid artery
    • Superficail temporal artery-terminal branch of the external carotid. It gives rise to the transverse facial artery.
  10. Which veins drain the face?
    • The Facial vein-primary drainage.
    • The superficial temporal vein-comes from the forehead.
  11. What is the parotid gland?
    • The largest of the salivary glands.
    • Anterior and inferior to the ear.
    • Has a parotid duct that extends from the gland through the buccinator to the mouth.
  12. What are the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
    They are carried by the glossopharyngeal nerve.
  13. What are is part of the temporal fossa?
    It is the lateral side of the skull. Bound by the temporal lines and the zygomatic arch.
  14. Temporalis OINA
    • O: Floor of temporal fossa
    • I: Coronoid process of the mandible
    • N: Mandibular nerve V3
    • A: Elevation and retraction of the mandible for mastication.
  15. Masseter OINA
    • O: Zygomatic arch
    • I: Lateral surface of the ramus, coronoid process and angle of the mandible
    • N: Mandibular Nerve V3
    • A: Elevation of mandible for mastication
  16. Where is the infratemporal fossa?
    • It is inferior to the temporal fossa nad partially covered by the masseter.
    • Anterior: maxilla
    • Posterior: condylar process of mandible
    • Medially: : lateral pterygoid plate
    • Laterally: ramus of mandible
  17. Lateral Pterygoid OINA
    • O: Greater wing of the sphenoid nd lateral pterygoid plate
    • I: Neck of the mandible and disk of the TMJ
    • N: Mandibular
    • A: Bilaterally protrudes the mandible; unilaterally moves the mandible side to side
  18. Medial Pterygoid OINA
    • O: Lateral pterygoid plate, maxilla
    • I: Medial surface of the angle of the mandible
    • N: Mandibular
    • A: Elevates and protrudes the mandible; unilaterally moves the mandible side to side
  19. Which muscles does the mandibular nerve supply?
    What are the branches of the mandibular nerve?
    • Muscles: Masseter, Pterygoids, Temporalis
    • Branches:
    • Nerve to the mylohyoid - Mylohyoid and digastric
    • Lingual Nerve - sensation to anterior 2/3 of the tongue
    • Buccal Nerve - sensory innervation to the lower cheek and guns
    • Inferior Alveolar - sensory to mandibular teeth and terminates as the mental nerve
    • Auriculartemporal - carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid
  20. What are the two movements of the temporomandibular joint and how do they occur?
    • Hinge- between the head of the mandible and the disc
    • Sliding- between the disc and the mandibular fossa
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Anatomy 1 Lecture 23 - Face, Parotid, Temporal and Infratemporal Regions
UNLV DPT 744 Gross Anatomy 1 Lecture 23 - Face, Parotid, Temporal and Infratemporal Regions